TIUPNCV5 ;SLC/DJP ;PNs ==> TIU cnv rtns ;5-7-97 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;;Jun 20, 1997 ; INTRO ;Introduction text K DIR W @IOF W !!?16,"**** PROGRESS NOTE CONVERSION ****" I $P($G(^GMR(121.99,1,"TITLE")),U,4)'="FINISHED" D MOREWK Q D CANRUN Q:$G(TIU("QUIT")) W !!?5,"This option will copy the data from the Generic Progress Note" W !?5,"package (File #121) into the Text Integration Utility (TIU)" W !?5,"package (File #8925). Entries missing required data fields" W !?5,"are ignored during processing but annotated on an error list." ; W !!?5,"The Generic Progress Note (^GMR 121) global will NOT be" W !?5,"automatically deleted during this process. It is recommended" W !?5,"that the file be archived and purged as soon as possible after" W !?5,"the conversion has been verified as complete." ; W !!?5,"A mail message documenting all discrepancies encountered during" W !?5,"processing will be sent to you upon completion or halt of the" W " conversion.",! W !?5,"During conversion, a cross-reference is set in the" W !?5,"GENERIC PROGRESS NOTE file (#121)- which contains" W !?5,"the IEN of the progress note and the corresponding" W !?5,"IEN in the TIU DOCUMENT file (#8925).",! W !?5,"FORMAT: ^GMR(121,""CNV"",IEN)=TIU IEN",!! S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) S TIU("QUIT")=1 Q K DIR D PNIEN Q:$G(TIU("QUIT")) D MAIL Q:$G(TIU("QUIT")) Q ; MOREWK ;Must run GMRP*2.5*44 before installing & implementing TIU S TIU("QUIT")=1 K DIR W !!?5,"You MUST install and implement the patch, GMRP*2.5*44, prior" W !?5,"to converting data from the Generic Progress Note files to the" W !?5,"Text Integration Utility files. This is a MUST DO action.",! W !?5,"Additional information concerning this patch may be found in the" W !?5,"TIU Implementation Guide." H 2 Q ; MAIL ;Mail Prompt S TIUMAIL=$P(^VA(200,TIU("DUZ"),0),U,1) W ! K DIR S DIR(0)="P^200:EMZ" S DIR("A")="Please enter person to receive the completion message" S DIR("B")=TIUMAIL,DIR("?")="^D HELP6^TIUPNCV5" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT)!(Y<0) S TIU("QUIT")=1 Q S TIUUSER=$P(Y,U,1) Q ; PNIEN ;GMRPN IEN Prompt N GMRPDA S GMRPDA="A" S GMRPDA=$O(^GMR(121,GMRPDA),-1) W ! K DIR S DIR(0)="NA^0:99999999" S DIR("A")="Enter IEN of last Progress Note in ^GMR(121 : " S DIR("B")=GMRPDA,DIR("?")="^D HELP10^TIUPNCV7" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT)!(Y<0) S TIU("QUIT")=1 Q S TIUPNIEN=+Y Q ; HELP6 ;Help text for MAIL prompt W !!?5,"At the completion of the conversion a bulletin will sent" W !?5,"to this individual indicating completion status." Q ; CANRUN ; If Progress Note Conversion is currently running or the ; Discharge Summary conversion is running, you CANNOT restart or ; begin to run the Progress Note Conversion S TIU2=$P($G(^TIU(8925.97,1,0)),U,2) ;start date S TIU5=$P($G(^TIU(8925.97,1,0)),U,3) ;completed date S TIU3=$P($G(^TIU(8925.97,1,0)),U,5) ;processing ien I +$G(TIU2),+$G(TIU5),'+$G(TIU3) D Q . S TIU("QUIT")=1 . W !!?5,"Progress Note Conversion now running.",! . W !?5,"DO NOT RUN CONVERSION",! . K TIU2,TIU5,TIU3 . H 5 I +$G(^GMR(128,"CNV","T0")),'+$G(^GMR(128,"CNV","T1")) D Q . S TIU("QUIT")=1 . W !!?5,"Discharge Summary Conversion now running.",! . W !?5,"Do not run Progress Note Conversion concurrently.",! . H 5 Q ;