TIUPNCV6 ;SLC/DJP ;PNs ==> TIU cnv rtns ;5-7-97 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;;Jun 20, 1997 ; TLSRCH ;Utility to search ^TIU(8925.1 FOR ^GMR(121.2 titles K DIR W @IOF W !!?14,"***** TITLE REPORT *****" W !!?5,"This option will identify TITLES in ^GMR(121.2," W !?5,"Generic Progress Note Title File which are NOT" W !?5,"defined in ^TIU(8925.1, TIU Document Definition File." W !!?5,"It is important for a successful conversion that" W !?5,"all Progress Note Titles be defined as Documents" W !?5,"within ^TIU(8925.1. The exceptions to this rule are" W !?5,"titles which have been retired or inactivated. They" W !?5,"do not need to be entered in the file." W !! K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you want to continue" S DIR("B")="YES",DIR("?")="^D HELP8^TIUPNCV6" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT)!(Y=0) Q D DEVICE Q ; LOOPT ;Loops through ^GMR(121.2 U IO S CTR=0 F LKUP=0:0 S LKUP=$O(^GMR(121.2,LKUP)) Q:LKUP<1 D SRCH D HDR,PRINT K LKUP,GMRPTL,CTR,TIU,PRT,TIULN K ^TMP("TIUTIL") Q ; SRCH ;Lookup on ^TIU(8925.1, TIU Document Definition File S TIUFPRIV=1 S GMRPTL=$P(^GMR(121.2,LKUP,0),U,1) I $P($G(^GMR(121.2,LKUP,0)),U,4)="1" D RETIRED Q S X=$$UPPER^TIULS(GMRPTL),TYP="DOC" K DIC S DIC(0)="XZ",DIC="^TIU(8925.1," S DIC("S")="I $P($G(^(0)),U,4)=TYP" D ^DIC K DIC,TYP I Y<1 D NOTR Q I $P(Y(0),U,4)'="DOC" D NORING Q ; NOTR ;Title not found in ^TIU(8925.1 S CTR=CTR+1 S ^TMP("TIUTIL",$J,CTR)=CTR_". "_GMRPTL_" not found in ^TIU(8925.1." Q NORING ;Title found in file but not defined as a DOCUMENT S CTR=CTR+1 S ^TMP("TIUTIL",$J,CTR)=CTR_". "_GMRPTL_" not defined as a DOCUMENT." Q ; RETIRED ;Title assigned to existing note but RETIRED from further use S CTR=CTR+1 S ^TMP("TIUTIL",$J,CTR)=CTR_". "_GMRPTL_" RETIRED." Q ; PRINT ;Prints Undefined Title Report I '$D(^TMP("TIUTIL",$J)) I W !!,?19,"NO DISCREPANCIES FOUND",!?19,"**************",! Q F PRT=0:0 S PRT=$O(^TMP("TIUTIL",$J,PRT)) Q:PRT<1 W !?5,^TMP("TIUTIL",$J,PRT),! D:PRT=CTR LASTLN Q:$D(TIU("QUIT")) D LNCK Q:$D(TIU("QUIT")) Q ; DEVICE ;prompts for device selection K IOP S %ZIS="Q" D ^%ZIS I POP K POP Q I $D(IO("Q")) K IO("Q") D Q .S ZTSAVE("TIU*")="",ZTSAVE("GMRP*")="" .S ZTRTN="LOOPT^TIUPNCV6",ZTDESC="TIU/GMRPN TITLE SEARCH" D ^%ZTLOAD .W !,$S($D(ZTSK):"Request Queued!",1:"Request Cancelled."),! .K ZTRTN,ZTDESC,ZTSAVE .D HOME^%ZIS D LOOPT,^%ZISC Q ; LNCK ;Check current $Y value for paging I IOST?1"P".E Q:$Y'>(IOSL-9) D HDR Q I $Y>(IOSL-3) D RETURN I '$D(TIU("QUIT")) D HDR Q ; RETURN ;Issues RETURN prompt K DIR F TIULN=1:1:(IOSL-$Y-4) W ! S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) S TIU("QUIT")=1 Q I Y="" W @IOF Q ; HDR ;Header Line for Title Report W !!?12,"****** UNDEFINED TITLE REPORT ******",!! Q ; LASTLN ;End of report W !!?12,"****** END OF REPORT ******" S TIU("QUIT")=1 Q ; HELP8 ;Help text for SEARCH prompt W !!?5,"Press to continue with compare of the Progress" W !?5,"Note Title File and the TIU Document Definition File." W !?5,"Enter NO or ""^"" to stop this option." Q ;