TIUPNCV7 ;SLC/DJP ;PNs ==> TIU cnv rtns ;5-7-97 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**3**;Jun 20, 1997 ; HELP10 ;Help text for GMRP IEN prompt W !!?5,"Enter the Internal Entry Number (IEN)) of the last progress" W !?5,"note you want to convert. By entering an IEN, you can run" W !?5,"this conversion while users continue to use the Progress Note" W !?5,"options." W !!?5,"To complete the conversion, use the RESTART option." Q ; FIX ;Will back records out of ^TIU(8925 ;TIU("HERE") must be set to the starting IEN S DIK="^TIU(8925,",CTR=0 S BK=TIU("HERE") F S BK=$O(^TIU(8925,BK)) Q:'BK D . Q:$P(^TIU(8925,BK,13),U,3)'="C" . S DA=BK D ^DIK S CTR=CTR+1 W !!,"COMPLETED... "_CTR_" RECORDS DELETED." Q ; PNHALT ;Options allows site to stop conversion W !!?12,"****** REQUEST TO HALT CONVERSION ******",! I '$P($G(^TIU(8925.97,1,0)),U,5) I W !!?5,"The Progress Note Conversion is not currently running.",! Q I $P(^TIU(8925.97,1,2),U,3)>0 I W !!?5,"Progress Note Conversion has been stopped." I W !?5,"Use the RESTART option to begin again.",! Q W !! K DIR S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A")="Do you want to HALT the Progress Note Conversion" S DIR("B")="NO",DIR("?")="^D HALTHELP^TIUPNCV7" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT)!(Y=0) W !!?5,"Okay. Conversion will continue to run.",! Q S $P(^TIU(8925.97,1,2),U,3)=1 W !!?15,"!!!!!!!! CONVERSION STOPPED !!!!!!!!",! S TIUPNLST=$P(^TIU(8925.97,1,0),U,5) W !?5,"Last Progress Note record processed is: ^GMR(121,"_TIUPNLST K TIUPNLST Q ; HALTHELP ;Help Prompt for Halt action W !!?5,"Answering ""YES"" to this question will stop the Progress Note" W !?5,"Conversion before completion. ""NO"" will allow the conversion" W !?5,"to continue.",! Q ; MONITOR ;Monitor progress notes conversion ; W !!?12,"****** MONITORING PROGRESS NOTE CONVERSION ******",! I $P($G(^TIU(8925.97,1,0)),U,3)>0 D Q . W !?5,"This conversion has been run..." . W !?5,"This option is only for use during the running of the Progress" . W !?5,"Notes conversion from ^GMR(121 to ^TIU(8925." . H 5 Q ; AGAIN ;Redisplay monitor information N NODE,START,CURRENT,STIME,CNTR,ERRORS,TIME,ETIME,NTIME,BYE,PERMIN N PERHR,MIN,NUM,LEFT,ESECS D SETVAR D DISPLAY D RETURN Q:$D(BYE) W @IOF W !!?12,"**** MONITORING PROGRESS NOTE CONVERSION ****",! G AGAIN Q ; SETVAR ;Using File ^TIU(8925.97, to set and compute variables S NODE=^TIU(8925.97,1,0) S START=$P(NODE,U,4),CURRENT=$P(NODE,U,5),STIME=$P(NODE,U,2) S CNTR=$P(NODE,U,6),ERRORS=$P(NODE,U,7) S:ERRORS'>0 ERRORS=0 S TIME=$$FMTE^XLFDT(STIME,"1P") S NTIME=$$NOW^XLFDT S ETIME=$$FMDIFF^XLFDT(NTIME,STIME,3) S ESECS=$$FMDIFF^XLFDT(NTIME,STIME,2) S MIN=ESECS/60 S PERMIN=CNTR/+$S(MIN>0:MIN,1:1),PERHR=PERMIN*60 S NUM=$P(^GMR(121,0),U,4)-$P(^TIU(8925,0),U,4) S LEFT=NUM/PERHR,DAYS=LEFT/24 S REMAIN1=$P(^GMR(121,0),U,4)-CURRENT ;in file Q ; DISPLAY ;Displays known information W !?5," Conversion began: ",TIME W !?5," Starting record: ",START W !?5," Processing record: ",CURRENT W !?5," Records processed: ",CNTR W !?5,"Current # of error: ",ERRORS W !?5," Elapsed time: ",ETIME W !?5," Notes per hour: ",$P(PERHR,".") I LEFT>24 W !?5," Days left: ",$E(DAYS,1,5) E W !?5," Hours left: ",$E(LEFT,1,5) W !!?2,"Notes left to convert: ",REMAIN1 W !! Q ; RETURN ;Issues RETURN prompt N DIR,Y F TIULN=1:1:(IOSL-$Y-4) W ! S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) S BYE=1 Q Q ;