TIUPS225 ; ISL/JER - Post-install for TIU*1*225 ; 06/05/2007 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**225**;Jun 20, 1997;Build 13 ; MAIN ; control subroutine D SETID D BALOINC D SETSEC D SETMGS Q SETID ; Create "Write identifier" for file 8925.1 N TIUID D BMES^XPDUTL("SETTING ""WRITE"" IDENTIFIER ON FILE 8925.1") S TIUID="S %I=Y,Y=$S('$D(^(15)):"""",$D(^TIU(8926.1,+$P(^(15),U,1),0))#2:$P(^(0),U,1),1:"""") N DIERR S:Y]"""" Y=$$EXTERNAL^DILFD(8926.1,.01,"""",Y,""DIERR"") D:Y]"""" EN^DDIOL(Y,"""",""!?6,""""Std Title: """""") S Y=%I K %I" S ^DD(8925.1,0,"ID","W.1501")=TIUID Q BALOINC ; Build "ALOINC" x-ref on file 8925.1 N DA,DIK,TIUCNT D BMES^XPDUTL("BUILDING NEW ""ALOINC"" CROSS-REFERENCE ON FILE 8925.1") ; remove "LOINC" cross-reference in preparation for building "ALOINC" K ^TIU(8925.1,"LOINC") S (DA,TIUCNT)=0,DIK="^TIU(8925.1,",DIK(1)="1501^ALOINC" F S DA=$O(^TIU(8925.1,DA)) Q:+DA'>0 D . D EN1^DIK . S TIUCNT=TIUCNT+1 . I '(TIUCNT#10) D UPDATE^XPDID(TIUCNT) Q SETSEC ; set file security on 8926.1 N TIUSC S TIUSC("RD")="" D FILESEC^DDMOD(8926.1,.TIUSC) Q SETMGS ; set mail groups for TIU ENTERPRISE STANDARD TITLES bulletin N TIUBIEN,TIUBNM,TIUERRF,TIUFDA,TIUGIEN,TIUGNM,TIULNE N TIUMSG,TIUTXT K TIUMSG D BMES^XPDUTL("Attaching Mail Groups to TIU ENTERPRISE STANDARD TITLES Bulletin") S TIUBNM="TIU ENTERPRISE STANDARD TITLES" S TIUBIEN=$$FIND1^DIC(3.6,"","X",TIUBNM,"","","") ;If Bulletin not found, error I TIUBIEN'>0 D I 1 . S TIUMSG(1)="**" . S TIUMSG(2)="** Bulletin "_TIUBNM_" not found" . D MES^XPDUTL(.TIUMSG) K TIUMSG . S TIUERRF=1 ELSE F TIUGNM="TIU CACS","XUMF SERVER" D Q:+$G(TIUERRF) . S TIUGIEN=$$FIND1^DIC(3.8,"","X",TIUGNM,"","","") . ;If Mail Group not found, error . I TIUGIEN'>0 D Q . . S TIUMSG(1)="**" . . S TIUMSG(2)="** Mail Group "_TIUGNM_" not found" . . D MES^XPDUTL(.TIUMSG) K TIUMSG . . S TIUERRF=1 . ;Attach Mail Group to Bulletin . N TIUFDA,TIUIEN,TIUMSG . S TIUFDA(3.62,"?+2,"_TIUBIEN_",",.01)=TIUGIEN . D UPDATE^DIE("","TIUFDA","TIUIEN","TIUMSG") . ;Check for error . I $D(TIUMSG("DIERR")) D Q . . S TIUMSG(1)="**" . . S TIUMSG(2)="** Unable to attach "_TIUGNM_" to "_TIUBNM . . D MES^XPDUTL(.TIUMSG) K TIUMSG . . S TIUERRF=1 . S TIUMSG(1)=" " . S TIUMSG(2)="... G."_TIUGNM_$S($G(TIUIEN(2,0))="?":" already",1:"")_" attached to "_TIUBNM_" Bulletin" . D MES^XPDUTL(.TIUMSG) K TIUMSG ;Check for error I $G(TIUERRF) D . S TIUMSG(1)="** Post-installation interrupted" . S TIUMSG(2)="** Please contact Enterprise VistA Support" . D MES^XPDUTL(.TIUMSG) K TIUMSG Q