TIUPXAP2 ; SLC/JER - More code for the workload capture ;12/4/02@07:54:52 [1/18/05 9:27am] ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**20,67,82,107,126,124,149,179,190**;Jun 20, 1997;Build 1 TEST ; Test the PXAPI Data Capture dialogs N CPT,DFN,ICD,ICDARR,CPTARR,SC,DTOUT,TIU,TIUOK S DFN=+$$PATIENT^TIULA S TIU("LOC")=$$SELLOC^TIUVSIT D GETICD^TIUPXAPI(TIU("LOC"),.ICDARR) D ICD^TIUPXAPI(.ICD,.ICDARR) D GETCPT^TIUPXAPC(TIU("LOC"),.CPTARR) CPTCALL D CPT^TIUPXAPC(.CPT,.CPTARR) I '$D(CPT),'$D(DTOUT) W !!,$C(7),"You MUST enter one or more Procedures." G CPTCALL D SCASK^TIUPXAPS(.SC,+DFN,.TIU) I $D(DTOUT)!(+$O(ICD(0))'>0)&(+$O(CPT(0))'>0)&(+$O(SC(0))'>0) D Q . W !,$C(7),"Insufficient information for Workload Credit." . W !,"Missing information will have to be captured by another method." S TIUOK=$$CONFIRM^TIUPXAPI(.ICD,.CPT,.SC) I '+TIUOK D G TEST . W !!,"Changes Discarded. Please Enter Corrected Workload Data..." H 3 . K ICD,CPT,SC,ICDARR,CPTARR K CPTARR,ICDARR W "Done." Q CMBLST(EMCODES,CPTCODES) ; Combine E/M and other CPT codes N TIUI,TIUJ,TMPARRY S (TIUI,TIUJ)=0 M TMPARRY=EMCODES S TIUI=EMCODES(0) F S TIUJ=$O(CPTCODES(TIUJ)) Q:+TIUJ'>0 D . S TIUI=+$G(TIUI)+1,TMPARRY(TIUI)=CPTCODES(TIUJ),TMPARRY(0)=TIUI . ;Merge CPT Modifiers . M TMPARRY(TIUI,"MODIFIER")=CPTCODES(TIUJ,"MODIFIER") K CPTCODES M CPTCODES=TMPARRY Q PICK(LOW,HIGH,PROMPT,TYPE) ; List selection N X,Y S PROMPT=$G(PROMPT,"Select Item"),TYPE=$G(TYPE,"LO") W ! S Y=$$READ^TIUU(TYPE_U_LOW_":"_HIGH,PROMPT) Q Y EDTENC(TIUDA,CHNG) ; Edit the encounter for a given note N TIUD0,TIUD12,TIUDFN,TIUI,TIUVSIT,TIUHL,TIUEDT,TIUPAUSE,TIUERR,TIUWHAT N TIUCONT,DA Q:$D(XWBOS) Q:+$P($G(TIUDPRM(0)),U,14) D FULL^VALM1 S TIUD0=$G(^TIU(8925,+TIUDA,0)),TIUD12=$G(^(12)) S TIUHL=$P(TIUD12,U,11) I $P($G(^SC(+TIUHL,0)),U,3)'="C" Q ; ;If not ok to ask workload, quit I '$$WORKOK^TIUPXAP1(+TIUDA) Q ; S TIUDFN=$P(TIUD0,U,2),TIUEDT=$P(TIUD0,U,7),TIUVSIT=$P(TIUD0,U,3) N TIUMVSTF,TIUVSITS ;If no visit has been filed with the document I $G(TIUVSIT)'>0 D . ;Check for the visit . S TIUVSITS=$$GETENC^PXAPI(TIUDFN,TIUEDT,TIUHL) . I TIUVSITS>0 S TIUVSIT=+TIUVSITS . ;Set a flag if multiple visits . I $P(TIUVSITS,U,2)'="" S TIUMVSTF=1 . ;If only one visit update the document . I $G(TIUVSIT)>0,'$G(TIUMVSTF) D . . S TIUERR=$$UPDVST(TIUDA,TIUVSIT) . . K ^TMP("PXKENC",$J) W !! ;Ask the user if they wish to enter workload if the parameter is defined ;and the multiple visit flag is not set I $D(TIUDPRM(0)),'$G(TIUMVSTF),$G(TIUVSIT)>0 D Q:'+TIUCONT . S TIUCONT=$$READ^TIUU("Y","Do you wish to enter workload data at this time","YES") I $G(VALMAR)="^TMP(""TIUR"",$J)" D . N TIU D GETTIU^TIULD(.TIU,TIUDA) . W !!,"For ",$G(TIU("PNM"))," ",$G(TIU("PID"))," Visit on " . W $P($G(TIU("EDT")),U,2),"...",! I $P($P(TIUD0,U,7),".")>DT D Q . W !!,$C(7),"ACRP will not accept data for future Encounters.",! . W !,"Workload questions won't be asked for this note.",! . S TIUPAUSE=$$READ^TIUU("EA","Press RETURN to continue...") I $G(VALMAR)'="^TMP(""TIUR"",$J)" W !!,"Editing Encounter Data...",! S TIUWHAT=$S($$CHKAPPT(TIUVSIT,TIUDFN,TIUEDT,TIUHL):"INTV",1:"ADDEDIT") S TIUERR=$$INTV^PXAPI(TIUWHAT,"TIU","TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES",.TIUVSIT,$S(+$G(TIUVSIT):"",1:TIUHL),TIUDFN,$S(+$G(TIUVSIT):"",1:TIUEDT)) ; ;If an error is returned prompt to continue otherwise if a Visit ;IEN is returned and one is not already defined update the document I +TIUERR<0 D . W ! S TIUPAUSE=$$READ^TIUU("EA","Press RETURN to continue...") ELSE D . I $G(TIUVSIT)>0,'$P($G(^TIU(8925,+TIUDA,0)),U,3) S TIUERR=$$UPDVST(TIUDA,TIUVSIT) S CHNG=1 Q ; CHKVST(TIUDA) ;Check the visit associated with the document for key workload ;data elements. Key data elements include provider, diagnosis, ;procedure and classifications. ; Input -- TIUDA TIU Document file (#8925) IEN ; Output -- 0=No Key Workload Data Elements Exist ; 1=Key Workload Data Elements Exist ; 2=Unable to Determine if Key Workload Data Elements Exist N I,TIUCHKF,TIUD0,TIUDFN,TIUEDT,TIUHL,TIUVSIT,TIUVSITS,X ; ;Set variables, if the 0th node of the document is not defined quit S TIUD0=$G(^TIU(8925,+TIUDA,0)) I TIUD0="" S TIUCHKF=2 G CHKVSTQ S TIUDFN=$P(TIUD0,U,2),TIUVSIT=$P(TIUD0,U,3),TIUEDT=$P(TIUD0,U,7) S TIUHL=$P($G(^TIU(8925,+TIUDA,12)),U,11) ; ;Get data associated with the visit I $G(TIUVSIT)>0 D . D ENCEVENT^PXKENC(TIUVSIT) ELSE D . S TIUVSITS=$$GETENC^PXAPI(TIUDFN,TIUEDT,TIUHL) . I TIUVSITS>0 S TIUVSIT=+TIUVSITS . I $P(TIUVSITS,U,2)'="" S TIUCHKF=2 ;multiple visits ; ;If a visit is not defined or multiple visits exist, quit I $G(TIUVSIT)'>0!($G(TIUCHKF)=2) G CHKVSTQ ; ;If a provider or diagnosis or procedure exists for the visit, set flag ;and quit I $D(^TMP("PXKENC",$J,TIUVSIT,"PRV"))!($D(^("CPT")))!($D(^("POV"))) S TIUCHKF=1 G CHKVSTQ ; ;If a classification exists for the visit, set flag and quit I $D(^TMP("PXKENC",$J,TIUVSIT,"VST",TIUVSIT,800)) S X=^(800) D . F I=1:1:6 I $P(X,U,I)'="" S TIUCHKF=1 Q ; CHKVSTQ K ^TMP("PXKENC",$J) Q +$G(TIUCHKF) ; UPDVST(TIUDA,TIUVSIT,ERROR) ;Update Visit in TIU Document file #8925 ; Input -- TIUDA TIU Document file (#8925) IEN ; TIUVSIT Visit file (#9000010) IEN ; Output -- 1=Successful and 0=Failure ; ERROR Error Message (Optional) N DIERR,OKF,TIUFDA ; ;Quit if a visit is not defined G UPDVSTQ:$G(TIUVSIT)'>0 ; ;Update document with visit S TIUFDA(8925,TIUDA_",",.03)=TIUVSIT L +^TIU(8925,TIUDA):1 I $T D . D FILE^DIE("","TIUFDA","") L -^TIU(8925,TIUDA) . S ERROR=$G(DIERR) . S OKF=$S(+$G(ERROR):0,1:1) ELSE D . S OKF=0 UPDVSTQ Q +$G(OKF) ; CHKWKL(TIUDA,TIUDPRM) ;Check if workload data should be entered ; Input -- TIUDA TIU Document file (#8925) IEN ; TIUDPRM TIU Document Parameters file (#8925.95) Array ; Output -- 1=Enter Workload and 0=Do Not Enter Workload N STATUS,TIUAPPTF,TIUD0,TIUDFN,TIUEDT,TIUHL,TIUVSIT,TIUWKLF,TIURES,TIUINC,TIUARRAY,TIUCNT ; ;Set variables, if the 0th node of the document is not defined quit S TIUD0=$G(^TIU(8925,+TIUDA,0)) G CHKWKLQ:TIUD0="" S TIUDFN=$P(TIUD0,U,2),TIUVSIT=$P(TIUD0,U,3),TIUEDT=$P(TIUD0,U,7) S TIUHL=$P($G(^TIU(8925,+TIUDA,12)),U,11) ; ;Check if an appointment is associated with the visit S:$$CHKAPPT(TIUVSIT,TIUDFN,TIUEDT,TIUHL)>0 TIUAPPTF=1 ; ;If an appointment is not associated with the visit, assume ;the visit is new, set flag to enter workload and quit I '$G(TIUAPPTF) S TIUWKLF=1 G CHKWKLQ ; ;Check the parameter 'Ask Dx/CPT on All Opt Visits'. If it is set to ;No, workload should not be entered for the appointment. I '$$BROKER^XWBLIB(),'$P($G(TIUDPRM(0)),U,16) G CHKWKLQ ; ;Get the status of the appointment S TIUARRAY(1)=TIUEDT_";"_TIUEDT S TIUARRAY(2)=TIUHL S TIUARRAY(4)=TIUDFN S TIUARRAY("SORT")="P" S TIUARRAY("FLDS")="22" S TIUARRAY("MAX")=1 S TIUCNT=$$SDAPI^SDAMA301(.TIUARRAY) I TIUCNT=-1 K ^TMP($J,"SDAMA301") Q +$G(TIUWKLF) S STATUS=+$P($G(^TMP($J,"SDAMA301",TIUDFN,TIUEDT)),U,22) K ^TMP($J,"SDAMA301") ;Check the status of the appointment. If the appointment can be ;checked-out, workload can be entered. I $D(^SD(409.63,"ACO",1,STATUS)) S TIUWKLF=1 ; CHKWKLQ Q +$G(TIUWKLF) ; CHKAPPT(TIUVSIT,TIUDFN,TIUEDT,TIUHL) ;Check if an appointment is associated with the Visit ; Input -- TIUVSIT Visit file (#9000010) IEN ; TIUDFN Patient file (#2) IEN ; TIUEDT Episode Begin Date/Time ; TIUHL Hospital Location file (#44) IEN ; Output -- 0=Appointment is not associated with the Visit ; 1=Appointment is associated with the Visit N TIUAPPTF I $G(TIUVSIT),'$$BROKER^XWBLIB() D . S:$$VST2APPT^PXAPI(TIUVSIT)>0 TIUAPPTF=1 ELSE D . S:$$APPOINT^PXUTL1(TIUDFN,TIUEDT,TIUHL)>0 TIUAPPTF=1 Q +$G(TIUAPPTF)