DDGLIBW1 ;SFISC/MKO-WINDOWING PRIMITIVES ;02:23 PM 13 Jul 1994 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. CREATE(I,A,B,N) ; CREATE1 ;Create window I of area A and draw border (if B) ;N = nn; first n=1 means don't give the window focus ; second n=1 means don't write to screen ; S:$G(I)="" I=-1 S:$G(A)="" A="0^0^"_IOSL_U_IOM K @DDGLREF@(I) S @DDGLREF@(I)=A D:$G(B) BOX^DDGLIBW(I,"0^0^"_$P(A,U,3,4),1,$G(N)) D:$G(N)<9 FOCUS(I,$G(N)!$G(B)) Q ; OPEN(I,N) ; OPEN1 ;Open window I G FOCUS1 ; FOCUS(I,N) ; FOCUS1 ;Give focus to window I ;If N=1; don't paint window Q:$D(@DDGLREF@(I))[0 Q:$G(DDGLSCR(+$G(DDGLSCR)))=I ; I '$D(DDGLSCR("B",I)) D . S DDGLSCR=$G(DDGLSCR)+1,DDGLSCR(DDGLSCR)=I,DDGLSCR("B",I,DDGLSCR)="" E D . N M,N . S DDGLSCR(DDGLSCR+1)=I . S M=$O(DDGLSCR("B",I,"")) . F N=M:1:DDGLSCR D .. K DDGLSCR("B",DDGLSCR(N),N) .. S DDGLSCR(N)=DDGLSCR(N+1) .. S DDGLSCR("B",DDGLSCR(N),N)="" . K DDGLSCR(DDGLSCR+1) D:'$G(N) REPAINT^DDGLIBW(I) Q ; CLOSE(I,NC) ; CLOSE1 ;Close window I N A,M,N,W S M=$O(DDGLSCR("B",I,"")) Q:M="" ; I '$G(NC) D . S A=$$AREA(I) . D CLEAR(I,"0^0^"_$P(A,U,3,4)) . F N=1:1:DDGLSCR D:N'=M .. S W=DDGLSCR(N) .. D REPAINT^DDGLIBW(W,$$RELAREA(W,$$INTSECT($$AREA(W),A))) ; F N=M:1:DDGLSCR-1 D . K DDGLSCR("B",DDGLSCR(N),N) . S DDGLSCR(N)=DDGLSCR(N+1) . S DDGLSCR("B",DDGLSCR(N),N)="" K DDGLSCR("B",DDGLSCR(DDGLSCR),DDGLSCR),DDGLSCR(DDGLSCR) S DDGLSCR=DDGLSCR-1 Q ; CLEAR(I,A) ; CLEAR1 ;Clear area A in window I N Y,X,H,W,S,DY,DX S:$G(I)="" I=-1 S:$G(A)="" A=$$AREA(I) S A=$$ABSAREA(I,A) S Y=$P(A,U),X=$P(A,U,2),H=$P(A,U,3),W=$P(A,U,4) I Y=0,X=0,H=IOSL,W=IOM W $P(DDGLCLR,DDGLDEL,2) Q S DX=X,S=$S(IOM-X=W:$P(DDGLCLR,DDGLDEL),1:$J("",W)) F DY=Y:1:Y+H-1 X IOXY W S Q ; ABSAREA(I,A) ; ;Given relative area A in window I, return absolute area N X,Y,H,W,X1,Y1 S Y=$P(A,U),X=$P(A,U,2),H=$P(A,U,3),W=$P(A,U,4) S A=$$AREA(I) S Y1=Y+$P(A,U),X1=X+$P(A,U,2) S:Y1+H>IOSL H=IOSL-Y1 S:X1+W>IOM W=IOM-X1 Q Y1_U_X1_U_H_U_W ; RELAREA(I,A) ; ;Given absolute area A in window I, return relative area N X,Y,H,W,X1,Y1 S Y=$P(A,U),X=$P(A,U,2),H=$P(A,U,3),W=$P(A,U,4) S A=$$AREA(I) S Y1=Y-$P(A,U),X1=X-$P(A,U,2) Q Y1_U_X1_U_H_U_W ; AREA(I) ;Return the coord and area of window I Q $S($D(@DDGLREF@(I))#2:@DDGLREF@(I),1:"0^0^"_IOSL_U_IOM) ; INTSECT(A1,A2) ; ;Return the intersection of areas 1 and 2 N A,X1,Y1,H1,W1,X2,Y2,H2,W2 S Y1=$P(A1,U),X1=$P(A1,U,2),H1=$P(A1,U,3),W1=$P(A1,U,4) S Y2=$P(A2,U),X2=$P(A2,U,2),H2=$P(A2,U,3),W2=$P(A2,U,4) S A="" S $P(A,U)=$$MAX(Y1,Y2),$P(A,U,2)=$$MAX(X1,X2) S $P(A,U,3)=$$LEN(Y1,H1,Y2,H2) S $P(A,U,4)=$$LEN(X1,W1,X2,W2) Q:'$P(A,U,3)!'$P(A,U,4) "" Q A ; MAX(X,Y) ; ;Return the max of X and Y Q $S(X>Y:X,1:Y) ; LEN(C1,L1,C2,L2) ; ;Return intersection length of two lines ; C = position along X or Y axis ; L = length of line Q:C1'>C2 $S(C1+L1'<(C2+L2):L2,C1+L1>C2:L1-C2+C1,1:0) Q $S(C2+L2'<(C1+L1):L1,C2+L2>C1:L2-C1+C2,1:0)