DIFROMSO ;SCISC/DCL-DIFROM SERVER EDE OUT ;01:18 PM 8 Feb 1995 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q ; ; * EXTENDED DATABASE ELEMENTS (EDE) OUT * EDEOUT(DIFRFILE,DIFRIEN,DIFRFLG,DIFRNAME,DIFRFIA,DIFRTA,DIFRLST,DIFRMSGR) ; ;FILE,IEN,FLAGS,PKGNAME,FIA_ARRAY,TARGET_ARRAY,RECORD_LIST,MSG_ROOT ;FILE=FILE NUMBER can only be:.5,.4,.401,.402,.403 ; (.404 automatically comes with .403) ; (Required) - ; Forms .403 ^DIST(.403, "DIST(.403," ; Blocks .404 ^DIST(.404, "DIST(.404," ; Input Template .402 ^DIE( "DIE" ; Print Template .4 ^DIPT( "DIPT" ; Sort Template .401 ^DIBT( "DIBT" ; Functions .5 ^DD("FUNC", "FUN" ; Dialog .84 ^DI(.84, ???? ; ; Note: Blocks pointed to by Forms ; are automatically sent ;* ;IEN=INTERNAL ENTRY NUMBER - DA ; (Required if LIST_ARRAY is not passed) - Identifies ; the internal entry number for the ; EDE being exported. ;* ;FLAGS="S" Strip Security Codes in Transport Structure (Do not send security codes for Forms and Templates) ;* ;PKGNAME=Package Name ; (Required) - Identifies the unique key subscript ; in the export target array. ;* ;FIA_ARRAY="FIA"_ARRAY_INPUT_ARRAY_ROOT * *NO LONGER USED* * ; (Optional) - Close Input Array Reference ; See DIFROM SERVER documentation for FIA array structure ; definitions. If undefined Target Array Root will be used ; to append the "FIA" subscript Default will be ; ^XTMP("XPDT",DIFRNAME,"FIA") ;* ;TARGET_ARRAY=CLOSED_OUTPUT_ARRAY_ROOT ; (Optional) - Closed Output Array Reference where the data will ; be retuned to be temporarily stored for distribution. ; ^XTMP("XPDT",DIFRNAME,"KRN") will be default. ;* ;LIST_ARRAY=LIST OF IENs PASSED BY VALUE ; (Required if ENTRY not passed) - Closed Array ; Reference where records for this type of template ; exist. Nodes can contain ,0). If +value is greater ; than 0 it is used, otherwise the subscript is ; used as the IEN. ;* ;MSG_ROOT=CLOSED ARRAY REFERENCE ; (Optional) - Closed array reference where messages such as ; errors will be returned. If not passed, decendents of ^TMP ; will be used. ;* I '$D(DIQUIET) N DIQUIET S DIQUIET=1 I '$D(DIFM) N DIFM S DIFM=1 I $G(U)'="^"!($G(DT)'>0)!($G(DTIME)'>0)!('$D(DUZ)) D DT^DICRW I $G(DIFRNAME)']"" D BLD^DIALOG(9530) Q D .N X .S X=DIFRFILE .I X=.5!(X=.4)!(X=.401)!(X=.402)!(X=.403)!(X=.84) Q .S DIFRFILE=0 .Q I DIFRFILE'>0 D BLD^DIALOG(9531) Q I $G(DIFRTA)="" S DIFRTA=$NA(^XTMP("XPDT",DIFRNAME,"KRN")) ;* ; * *DIFRFIA NO LONGER USED* * ;S DIFRFIA=$G(DIFRFIA) S:DIFRFIA="" DIFRFIA=$NA(^XTMP("XPDT",DIFRNAME,"FIA")) ;I '$D(@DIFRFIA) D BLD^DIALOG(9501) Q ;* I $G(DIFRIEN)'>0&($G(DIFRLST)="") D BLD^DIALOG(9531) Q I $G(DIFRIEN)'>0,$D(@DIFRLST)'>9 D BLD^DIALOG(9532) Q S DIFRFLG=$G(DIFRFLG) N DIFRFNAM S DIFRFNAM=$P($P(".4;PRINT TEMPLATE^.401;SORT TEMPLATE^.402;INPUT TEMPLATE^.403;FORM^.404;BLOCK^.5;FUNCTION^.84;DIALOG",DIFRFILE_";",2),"^") D EDEOUT^DIFROMS5 G EXIT ; EXIT I $G(DIFRMSGR)]"" D CALLOUT^DIEFU(DIFRMSGR) Q