DIKKUTL4 ;SFISC/MKO-KEY DEFINITION, READER PROMPTS ;10:01 AM 15 Jul 1998 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ;================== ; $$RORM(ufld,fld) ;================== ;Prompt for method to resolve difference between fields in key ;and fields in uniqueness index. ; Called from EDIT when key fields and UI fields don't match. ;In: ; $G(DIKKUFLD) : include option 2 (there are UI fields) ; $G(DIKKFLD) : include option 3 (there are key fields) ;Returns: ; 1 : Re-edit the key ; 2 : Make key match UI (default on ^, timeout when UI fields exist) ; 3 : Make UI match key (default on ^, timeout when no UI fields) ; RORM(DIKKUFLD,DIKKFLD) ; N DIKKOPT,DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y W !!,"The Key fields and the fields in the Uniqueness Index don't match." S DIR(0)="S^1:Re-Edit the Key",DIKKOPT=1 S:$G(DIKKUFLD) DIKKOPT=2,DIR(0)=DIR(0)_";2:Make Key match Uniqueness Index (also selected on up-arrow)" S:$G(DIKKFLD) DIKKOPT=DIKKOPT+1,DIR(0)=DIR(0)_";"_DIKKOPT_":Make Uniqueness Index match Key"_$S(DIKKOPT=2:" (also selected on up-arrow)",1:"") D ^DIR I '$G(DIKKUFLD) Q $S($D(DIRUT):3,Y=2:3,1:Y) Q $S($D(DIRUT):2,1:Y) ; ;=========================== ; $$EDORD(KeyIdString,flag) ;=========================== ;Prompt edit or delete the key. ; Called from EDIT^DIKKUTL when there are no key fields and ; either no Uniqueness Index or no UI fields. ;In: ; DIKKID = string that identifies the key -- used in message ; DIKKFL = controls message (there are neither key nor UI fields) ;Returns: ; 1 : Re-edit the key ; 2 : Delete the key (default on ^, timeout) ; EORD(DIKKID,DIKKFL) ;Choose to edit or delete the key. N DIKKMSG,DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,I,X,Y ; ;Write message that key definition is incomplete I '$G(DIKKFL) S DIKKMSG(0)=$C(7)_"NOTE: "_DIKKID_" has neither fields nor a Uniqueness Index defined." E S DIKKMSG(0)=$C(7)_"NOTE: "_DIKKID_" and its Uniqueness Index have no fields defined." D WRAP^DIKCU2(.DIKKMSG,-7,0) W ! F I=0:1 Q:'$D(DIKKMSG(I)) W !,@$S(I:"?6",1:"?0"),DIKKMSG(I) ; ;Prompt 'Re-edit' or 'Delete' S DIR(0)="S^1:Re-edit the Key;2:Delete the Key (also selected on up-arrow)" D ^DIR Q $S($D(DIRUT):2,1:Y) ; ;========== ; $$EDORC ;========== ;Prompt whether edit key, delete key, or create a Uniqueness Index. ; Called from EDIT^DIKKUTL when the user chose to create a new UI ; but failed to provide a name for that Index. ;Returns: ; 1 : Re-edit the key ; 2 : Delete the key (default on ^, timeout) ; 3 : Create a new Uniqueness Index ; EDORC() ;Choose to edit key, delete key, or create a Uniqueness Index N DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y ; W !,$C(7)_"NOTE: All Keys must have a Uniqueness Index defined." S DIR(0)="S^1:Re-edit the Key;2:Delete the Key (also selected on up-arrow);3:Create a Uniqueness Index" S DIR("?")="All Keys must have a Uniqueness index defined." D ^DIR Q $S($D(DIRUT):2,1:Y) ; ;========== ; $$EDORI ;========== ;Prompt whether to delete, re-edit, or ignore ; Called from EDIT^DIKKUTL when the key fails integrity check. ;Returns: ; 1 : Delete the Key ; 2 : Re-Edit the Key ; 3 : Ignore problem ; EDORI() ;Choose to edit key, delete key, or create a Uniqueness Index N DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y ; W !!,$C(7)_"ERROR: The key is not unique and/or some records have key field values missing." S DIR(0)="S^1:Delete the Key (also selected on up-arrow);2:Re-Edit the Key;3:Ignore problem (Be sure to fix later)" S DIR("?")="The Key is invalid because it is not unique and/or some records have missing key field values." D ^DIR Q $S($D(DIRUT):1,1:Y)