2 | ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999
3 | ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
4 | F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
5 | G ^DINIT121
6 | Q Q
7 | ;;^DIC(.401,0,"GL")
8 | ;;=^DIBT(
9 | ;;^DIC("B","SORT TEMPLATE",.401)
10 | ;;=
11 | ;;^DIC(.401,"%D",0)
12 | ;;=^^4^4^2940908^^
13 | ;;^DIC(.401,"%D",1,0)
14 | ;;=This file stores either SORT or SEARCH criteria. For SORT criteria, the
15 | ;;^DIC(.401,"%D",2,0)
16 | ;;=SORT DATA multiple contains the sort parameters. For SEARCH criteria, the
17 | ;;^DIC(.401,"%D",3,0)
18 | ;;=template also contains a list of record numbers selected as the result of
19 | ;;^DIC(.401,"%D",4,0)
20 | ;;=running the search.
21 | ;;^DD(.401,0)
22 | ;;=FIELD^^491620^21
23 | ;;^DD(.401,0,"DDA")
24 | ;;=N
25 | ;;^DD(.401,0,"DI")
26 | ;;=^
27 | ;;^DD(.401,0,"DT")
28 | ;;=2960910
29 | ;;^DD(.401,0,"ID","WRITE")
30 | ;;=N D,D1,D2 S D2=^(0) S:$X>30 D1(1,"F")="!" S D=$P(D2,U,2) S:D D1(2)="("_$$FMTE^DILIBF(D)_")",D1(2,"F")="?30" S D=$P(D2,U,5) S:D D1(3)=" User #"_D,D1(3,"F")="?50" S D=$P(D2,U,4) S:D D1(4)=" File #"_D,D1(4,"F")="?59" D EN^DDIOL(.D1)
31 | ;;^DD(.401,0,"ID","WRITE1")
32 | ;;=N D1 S D1=$S($D(^DIBT(+Y,2)):"SORT",$D(^("DIS")):"SEARCH",$D(^(1)):"INQ",1:"") D EN^DDIOL(D1,"","?73")
33 | ;;^DD(.401,0,"ID","WRITED")
34 | ;;=I $G(DZ)?1"???".E N % S %=0 F S %=$O(^DIBT(Y,"%D",%)) Q:%'>0 I $D(^(%,0))#2 D EN^DDIOL(^(0),"","!?5")
35 | ;;^DD(.401,0,"IX","B",.401,.01)
36 | ;;=
37 | ;;^DD(.401,0,"NM","SORT TEMPLATE")
38 | ;;=
39 | ;;^DD(.401,0,"PT",1.11,2)
40 | ;;=
41 | ;;^DD(.401,.01,0)
42 | ;;=NAME^F^^0;1^K:$L(X)<2!($L(X)>30) X
43 | ;;^DD(.401,.01,1,0)
44 | ;;=^.1^2^2
45 | ;;^DD(.401,.01,1,1,0)
46 | ;;=.401^B
47 | ;;^DD(.401,.01,1,1,1)
48 | ;;=S @(DIC_"""B"",X,DA)=""""")
49 | ;;^DD(.401,.01,1,1,2)
50 | ;;=K @(DIC_"""B"",X,DA)")
51 | ;;^DD(.401,.01,1,2,0)
52 | ;;=^^MUMPS
53 | ;;^DD(.401,.01,1,2,1)
54 | ;;=X "S %=$P("_DIC_"DA,0),U,4) S:$L(%) "_DIC_"""F""_+%,X,DA)=1"
55 | ;;^DD(.401,.01,1,2,2)
56 | ;;=X "S %=$P("_DIC_"DA,0),U,4) K:$L(%) "_DIC_"""F""_+%,X,DA)"
57 | ;;^DD(.401,.01,3)
58 | ;;=2-30 CHARACTERS
59 | ;;^DD(.401,2,0)
60 | ;;=DATE CREATED^D^^0;2^S %DT="ET" D ^%DT S X=Y K:Y<1 X
61 | ;;^DD(.401,3,0)
62 | ;;=READ ACCESS^F^^0;3^I DUZ(0)'="@" F I=1:1:$L(X) I DUZ(0)'[$E(X,I) K X Q
63 | ;;^DD(.401,4,0)
64 | ;;=FILE^P1'I^DIC(^0;4^Q
65 | ;;^DD(.401,4,1,0)
66 | ;;=^.1^1^1
67 | ;;^DD(.401,4,1,1,0)
68 | ;;=^^^MUMPS
69 | ;;^DD(.401,4,1,1,1)
70 | ;;=X "S %=$P("_DIC_"DA,0),U,1),"_DIC_"""F""_+X,%,DA)=1"
71 | ;;^DD(.401,4,1,1,2)
72 | ;;=Q
73 | ;;^DD(.401,5,0)
74 | ;;=USER #^N^^0;5^Q
75 | ;;^DD(.401,6,0)
76 | ;;=WRITE ACCESS^F^^0;6^I DUZ(0)'="@" F I=1:1:$L(X) I DUZ(0)'[$E(X,I) K X Q
77 | ;;^DD(.401,7,0)
78 | ;;=DATE LAST USED^D^^0;7^S %DT="EX" D ^%DT S X=Y K:Y<1 X
79 | ;;^DD(.401,8,0)
81 | ;;^DD(.401,8,3)
82 | ;;=Enter a 1 if this is an ARCHIVING SEARCH template (i.e., used to store lists of records to be archived) as opposed to a normal SEARCH or SORT template
83 | ;;^DD(.401,9,0)
85 | ;;^DD(.401,9,3)
86 | ;;=Enter the date/time that this search was run to completion.
87 | ;;^DD(.401,9,21,0)
88 | ;;=^^4^4^2921124^
89 | ;;^DD(.401,9,21,1,0)
90 | ;;= This field will be filled in automatically by the search option, but
91 | ;;^DD(.401,9,21,2,0)
92 | ;;=only if the search runs to completion. It will contain the date/time
93 | ;;^DD(.401,9,21,3,0)
94 | ;;=that the search last ran. If it was not allowed to run to completion,
95 | ;;^DD(.401,9,21,4,0)
96 | ;;=this field will be empty.
97 | ;;^DD(.401,9,23,0)
98 | ;;=^^1^1^2921124^^
99 | ;;^DD(.401,9,23,1,0)
100 | ;;=Filled in automatically by the FileMan search option.
101 | ;;^DD(.401,9,"DT")
102 | ;;=2921124
103 | ;;^DD(.401,10,0)
104 | ;;=DESCRIPTION^.4012^^%D;0
105 | ;;^DD(.401,11,0)
106 | ;;=TOTAL RECORDS SELECTED^NJ10,0^^QR;2^K:+X'=X!(X>9999999999)!(X<1)!(X?.E1"."1N.N) X
107 | ;;^DD(.401,11,3)
108 | ;;=Type a Number between 1 and 9999999999, 0 Decimal Digits
109 | ;;^DD(.401,11,21,0)
110 | ;;=^^5^5^2921125^^
111 | ;;^DD(.401,11,21,1,0)
112 | ;;= This field is filled in automatically by the FileMan search option.
113 | ;;^DD(.401,11,21,2,0)
114 | ;;=If the search is allowed to run to completion, the total number of
115 | ;;^DD(.401,11,21,3,0)
116 | ;;=records that met the search criteria is stored in this field. If the
117 | ;;^DD(.401,11,21,4,0)
118 | ;;=last search was not allowed to run to completion, this field will be
119 | ;;^DD(.401,11,21,5,0)
120 | ;;=null.
121 | ;;^DD(.401,11,23,0)
122 | ;;=^^1^1^2921124^
123 | ;;^DD(.401,11,23,1,0)
124 | ;;=Filled in automatically by the FileMan search option.
125 | ;;^DD(.401,11,"DT")
126 | ;;=2921125
127 | ;;^DD(.401,15,0)
129 | ;;^DD(.401,1620,0)
131 | ;;^DD(.401,1621,0)
132 | ;;=SORT FIELD DATA^.4014^^2;0
133 | ;;^DD(.401,1622,0)
134 | ;;=BY(0)^FX^^BY0;1^K:$L(X)>30!($L(X)<3)!'(X?1.ANP1"(".ANP) X
135 | ;;^DD(.401,1622,3)
136 | ;;=Enter the static part of a global. The leading up-arrow can be omitted.
137 | ;;^DD(.401,1622,21,0)
138 | ;;=^^4^4^2960911^^
139 | ;;^DD(.401,1622,21,1,0)
140 | ;;=Enter the static, unchanging part of an open global reference for either a
141 | ;;^DD(.401,1622,21,2,0)
142 | ;;=global or a cross-reference that contains the list of record numbers to
143 | ;;^DD(.401,1622,21,3,0)
144 | ;;=sort through on the first pass. The leading up-arrow can be omitted.
145 | ;;^DD(.401,1622,21,4,0)
146 | ;;=For example: DIZ(662001,"A", or TMP("NMSP",$J,
147 | ;;^DD(.401,1622,23,0)
148 | ;;=^^1^1^2960911^^^^
149 | ;;^DD(.401,1622,23,1,0)
150 | ;;=Equivalent to the BY(0) input variable to programmer call EN1^DIP.
151 | ;;^DD(.401,1622,"DT")
152 | ;;=2960924
153 | ;;^DD(.401,1623,0)
154 | ;;=L(0)^NJ1,0^^BY0;2^K:+X'=X!(X>8)!(X<1)!(X?.E1"."1N.N) X
155 | ;;^DD(.401,1623,3)
156 | ;;=Type a Number between 1 and 8, 0 Decimal Digits
157 | ;;^DD(.401,1623,21,0)
158 | ;;=^^4^4^2960911^^^
159 | ;;^DD(.401,1623,21,1,0)
160 | ;;=Enter the total number of subscripts that must be sorted through on the
161 | ;;^DD(.401,1623,21,2,0)
162 | ;;=global referenced by BY(0), including 1 for the record number. Ex., to
163 | ;;^DD(.401,1623,21,3,0)
164 | ;;=sort through the "B" x-ref, we sort through the cross-referenced value
165 | ;;^DD(.401,1623,21,4,0)
166 | ;;=itself, then the record number, so L(0)=2.
167 | ;;^DD(.401,1623,23,0)
168 | ;;=^^1^1^2960911^^^
169 | ;;^DD(.401,1623,23,1,0)
170 | ;;=Equivalent to the L(0) input variable to programmer call EN1^DIP.
171 | ;;^DD(.401,1623,"DT")
172 | ;;=2960828
173 | ;;^DD(.401,1624,0)
174 | ;;=SORT RANGE DATA FOR BY(0)^.4011624^^BY0D;0
175 | ;;^DD(.401,1815,0)
176 | ;;=ROUTINE INVOKED^F^^ROU;E1,13^K:$L(X)>5!($L(X)<5) X
177 | ;;^DD(.401,1815,3)
178 | ;;=Answer must be 5 characters in length.Must contain '^DISZ'.
179 | ;;^DD(.401,1815,21,0)
180 | ;;=^^7^7^2930331^^^
181 | ;;^DD(.401,1815,21,1,0)
182 | ;;= If this sort template is compiled, the first characters of the name
183 | ;;^DD(.401,1815,21,2,0)
184 | ;;=of that compiled routine will appear on this node. Compiled sort
185 | ;;^DD(.401,1815,21,3,0)
186 | ;;=routines are re-created each time the sort/print runs. These characters
187 | ;;^DD(.401,1815,21,4,0)
188 | ;;=are concatenated with the next available number from the COMPILED ROUTINE