2 | ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999
3 | ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
4 | F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
5 | G ^DINIT122
6 | Q Q
7 | ;;^DD(.401,1815,21,5,0)
8 | ;;=file to create the routine name.
9 | ;;^DD(.401,1815,21,6,0)
10 | ;;= If this node is present, a new compiled sort routine will be created
11 | ;;^DD(.401,1815,21,7,0)
12 | ;;=during the FileMan sort/print.
13 | ;;^DD(.401,1815,23,0)
14 | ;;=^^3^3^2930331^^^
15 | ;;^DD(.401,1815,23,1,0)
16 | ;;=A routine beginning with these characters is created during the FileMan
17 | ;;^DD(.401,1815,23,2,0)
18 | ;;=sort/print. The routine is then called from DIO2 to do the sort, rather
19 | ;;^DD(.401,1815,23,3,0)
20 | ;;=than executing code from the local DY, DZ and P arrays.
21 | ;;^DD(.401,1815,"DT")
22 | ;;=2930416
23 | ;;^DD(.401,1816,0)
24 | ;;=PREVIOUS ROUTINE INVOKED^F^^ROUOLD;E1,13^K:$L(X)>4!($L(X)<4)!'(X?1"DISZ") X
25 | ;;^DD(.401,1816,3)
26 | ;;=Entry must be 'DISZ'.
27 | ;;^DD(.401,1816,21,0)
28 | ;;=^^4^4^2930331^^
29 | ;;^DD(.401,1816,21,1,0)
30 | ;;=This node is present only to be consistant with other sort templates.
31 | ;;^DD(.401,1816,21,2,0)
32 | ;;=It's presence will indicate that at some time the SORT template was
33 | ;;^DD(.401,1816,21,3,0)
34 | ;;=compiled and will contain the beginning characters used to create the
35 | ;;^DD(.401,1816,21,4,0)
36 | ;;=name of the compiled routine.
37 | ;;^DD(.401,1816,"DT")
38 | ;;=2930416
39 | ;;^DD(.401,1819,0)
40 | ;;=COMPILED^CJ3^^ ; ^S X=$S($G(^DIBT(D0,"ROU"))]"":"YES",1:"NO")
41 | ;;^DD(.401,1819,9)
42 | ;;=^
43 | ;;^DD(.401,1819,9.01)
44 | ;;=
45 | ;;^DD(.401,1819,9.1)
46 | ;;=S X=$S($G(^DIBT(D0,"ROU"))]"":"YES",1:"NO")
47 | ;;^DD(.401,491620,0)
48 | ;;=PRINT TEMPLATE^F^^DIPT;1^K:'$D(^DIPT("B",X)) X
49 | ;;^DD(.401,491620,4)
50 | ;;=N D1 S D1(1)="If this Sort Template should always be used with a particular",D1(2)="Print Template, enter the name of that Print Template.",D1(3)="" D EN^DDIOL(.D1)
51 | ;;^DD(.4011,0)
52 | ;;=FIELD^.01^.01^1
53 | ;;^DD(.4011,0,"NM","FIELD")
54 | ;;=
55 | ;;^DD(.4011,0,"UP")
56 | ;;=.401
57 | ;;^DD(.4011,.01,0)
59 | ;;^DD(.4011624,0)
61 | ;;^DD(.4011624,0,"DT")
62 | ;;=2960910
63 | ;;^DD(.4011624,0,"IX","B",.4011624,.01)
64 | ;;=
65 | ;;^DD(.4011624,0,"NM","SORT RANGE DATA FOR BY(0)")
66 | ;;=
67 | ;;^DD(.4011624,0,"UP")
68 | ;;=.401
69 | ;;^DD(.4011624,.01,0)
70 | ;;=SUBSCRIPT LEVEL^MNJ1,0^^0;1^K:+X'=X!(X>7)!(X<1)!(X?.E1"."1N.N) X
71 | ;;^DD(.4011624,.01,1,0)
72 | ;;=^.1
73 | ;;^DD(.4011624,.01,1,1,0)
74 | ;;=.4011624^B
75 | ;;^DD(.4011624,.01,1,1,1)
76 | ;;=S ^DIBT(DA(1),"BY0D","B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
77 | ;;^DD(.4011624,.01,1,1,2)
78 | ;;=K ^DIBT(DA(1),"BY0D","B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
79 | ;;^DD(.4011624,.01,3)
80 | ;;=Enter a number, 1 or more. L(0)-1 is the upper limit.
81 | ;;^DD(.4011624,.01,21,0)
82 | ;;=^^4^4^2960911^^^^
83 | ;;^DD(.4011624,.01,21,1,0)
84 | ;;=This field corresponds to a subscript in, and contains sort from/to ranges
85 | ;;^DD(.4011624,.01,21,2,0)
86 | ;;=and/or subheader information for, any of the variable subscripts in the
87 | ;;^DD(.4011624,.01,21,3,0)
88 | ;;=BY(0) global. Any number here should never be greater than L(0)-1. This
89 | ;;^DD(.4011624,.01,21,4,0)
90 | ;;=can represent a sparse array.
91 | ;;^DD(.4011624,.01,23,0)
92 | ;;=^^3^3^2960911^^^^
93 | ;;^DD(.4011624,.01,23,1,0)
94 | ;;=Corresponds to subscript levels in the BY(0) global, and will be used to
95 | ;;^DD(.4011624,.01,23,2,0)
96 | ;;=put sort from/to and subheader information into the DPP array when the
97 | ;;^DD(.4011624,.01,23,3,0)
98 | ;;=sort data is being built.
99 | ;;^DD(.4011624,.01,"DT")
100 | ;;=2960828
101 | ;;^DD(.4011624,1,0)
102 | ;;=FR(0,n)^F^^0;2^K:$L(X)>62!($L(X)<1) X
103 | ;;^DD(.4011624,1,3)
104 | ;;=Starting value for the sort on this subscript. Answer must be 1-62 characters in length.
105 | ;;^DD(.4011624,1,21,0)
106 | ;;=^^16^16^2960911^^^^
107 | ;;^DD(.4011624,1,21,1,0)
108 | ;;=Use this field to define the FR(0,n) variable as you would in a
109 | ;;^DD(.4011624,1,21,2,0)
110 | ;;=call to EN1^DIP that included BY(0). If defined, the value will be
111 | ;;^DD(.4011624,1,21,3,0)
112 | ;;=used as the starting point as FileMan sequences through the global
113 | ;;^DD(.4011624,1,21,4,0)
114 | ;;=array referenced by BY(0) at this subscript level (n).
115 | ;;^DD(.4011624,1,21,5,0)
116 | ;;=
117 | ;;^DD(.4011624,1,21,6,0)
118 | ;;=Values are not transformed, so enter the internal form just as it
119 | ;;^DD(.4011624,1,21,7,0)
120 | ;;=is stored in the global array. A date, for example, would be 2960829,
121 | ;;^DD(.4011624,1,21,8,0)
122 | ;;=not Aug 29, 1996.
123 | ;;^DD(.4011624,1,21,9,0)
124 | ;;=
125 | ;;^DD(.4011624,1,21,10,0)
126 | ;;=Don't attempt to use the at-sign (@) to include records with null
127 | ;;^DD(.4011624,1,21,11,0)
128 | ;;=values (as can be done in ordinary sorts). Only use values that can
129 | ;;^DD(.4011624,1,21,12,0)
130 | ;;=be compared with actual data in this subscript of the global array
131 | ;;^DD(.4011624,1,21,13,0)
132 | ;;=referenced by BY(0). (The only records that can be selected are ones
133 | ;;^DD(.4011624,1,21,14,0)
134 | ;;=that exist in this global array. A record with a null value for this
135 | ;;^DD(.4011624,1,21,15,0)
136 | ;;=subscript would exist in the data file but not in this array and thus
137 | ;;^DD(.4011624,1,21,16,0)
138 | ;;=can't be selected.)
139 | ;;^DD(.4011624,1,23,0)
140 | ;;=^^1^1^2960911^^^^
141 | ;;^DD(.4011624,1,23,1,0)
142 | ;;=Equivalent to the FR(0,n) input variable to the programmer call EN1^DIP.
143 | ;;^DD(.4011624,1,"DT")
144 | ;;=2960828
145 | ;;^DD(.4011624,2,0)
146 | ;;=TO(0,n)^F^^0;3^K:$L(X)>62!($L(X)<1) X
147 | ;;^DD(.4011624,2,3)
148 | ;;=Ending value for sort on this subscript. Answer must be 1-62 characters in length.
149 | ;;^DD(.4011624,2,21,0)
150 | ;;=^^9^9^2960911^^^^
151 | ;;^DD(.4011624,2,21,1,0)
152 | ;;=Use this field to define the TO(0,n) variable as you would in a
153 | ;;^DD(.4011624,2,21,2,0)
154 | ;;=call to EN1^DIP that included BY(0). If defined, the value will be
155 | ;;^DD(.4011624,2,21,3,0)
156 | ;;=used as the ending point as FileMan sequences through the global
157 | ;;^DD(.4011624,2,21,4,0)
158 | ;;=array referenced by BY(0) at this subscript level (n).
159 | ;;^DD(.4011624,2,21,5,0)
160 | ;;=
161 | ;;^DD(.4011624,2,21,6,0)
162 | ;;=Values are not transformed, so enter the internal form just as it
163 | ;;^DD(.4011624,2,21,7,0)
164 | ;;=is stored in the global array. An inverse date, for example,
165 | ;;^DD(.4011624,2,21,8,0)
166 | ;;=would be 7039268, not 7/31/96. Do not attempt to use @ to select
167 | ;;^DD(.4011624,2,21,9,0)
168 | ;;=records with null values for this subscript.
169 | ;;^DD(.4011624,2,23,0)
170 | ;;=^^1^1^2960911^^^^
171 | ;;^DD(.4011624,2,23,1,0)
172 | ;;=Equivalent to the TO(0,n) input variable to the programmer call EN1^DIP.
173 | ;;^DD(.4011624,2,"DT")
174 | ;;=2960828
175 | ;;^DD(.4011624,3.1,0)
176 | ;;=DISPAR(0,n) PIECE ONE^FX^^1;1^K:$L(X)>10!($L(X)<1)!("#!#"'[X) X
177 | ;;^DD(.4011624,3.1,3)
178 | ;;=Answer with #, !, #!, or null.
179 | ;;^DD(.4011624,3.1,21,0)
180 | ;;=^^6^6^2960910^^
181 | ;;^DD(.4011624,3.1,21,1,0)
182 | ;;=Just as when setting the first piece of DISPAR(0,n) in a programmer
183 | ;;^DD(.4011624,3.1,21,2,0)
184 | ;;=call that includes BY(0) when calling EN1^DIP, this field can hold