2 | ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999
3 | ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
4 | F I=1:2 S X=$T(ENTRY+I) G:X="" ^DINIT27B S Y=$E($T(ENTRY+I+1),5,999),X=$E(X,4,999),@X=Y
5 | Q
6 | ENTRY ;
7 | ;;^DIST(.44,.001,0)
8 | ;;=1-2-3 DATA PARSE^^^^^1^^240^1^^1^1
9 | ;;^DIST(.44,.001,1)
11 | ;;^DIST(.44,.001,3,0)
12 | ;;=^^4^4^2921106^
13 | ;;^DIST(.44,.001,3,1,0)
14 | ;;=This format produces fixed length records designed for import into Lotus
15 | ;;^DIST(.44,.001,3,2,0)
16 | ;;=1-2-3. The user is prompted for data types. A special header is created
17 | ;;^DIST(.44,.001,3,3,0)
18 | ;;=that is used by 1-2-3's Data Parser. The maximum record length is 240
19 | ;;^DIST(.44,.001,3,4,0)
20 | ;;=characters.
21 | ;;^DIST(.44,.001,4,0)
22 | ;;=^^10^10^2921120^
23 | ;;^DIST(.44,.001,4,1,0)
24 | ;;=To import data into 1-2-3 from a file created with this format: 1) Use
25 | ;;^DIST(.44,.001,4,2,0)
26 | ;;=File->Import->Text and select the file. 2) The first line of the file
27 | ;;^DIST(.44,.001,4,3,0)
28 | ;;=contains the information for the data parser. You must change this from a
29 | ;;^DIST(.44,.001,4,4,0)
30 | ;;=label, preceded by ', to a format, preceded by ||. Edit the line to make
31 | ;;^DIST(.44,.001,4,5,0)
32 | ;;=this change. 3) Use Data->Parse. The Input Column range should include
33 | ;;^DIST(.44,.001,4,6,0)
34 | ;;=all the imported data, including the format line. Select a desired Output
35 | ;;^DIST(.44,.001,4,7,0)
36 | ;;=Range. Finally, select Go to format the data in the output range. Be sure
37 | ;;^DIST(.44,.001,4,8,0)
38 | ;;=your columns are wide enough to hold the data. NOTE: dates will be
39 | ;;^DIST(.44,.001,4,9,0)
40 | ;;=changed into numbers, 1-2-3's internal representation of a date. You can
41 | ;;^DIST(.44,.001,4,10,0)
42 | ;;=make the date readable by using Range->Format->Date.
43 | ;;^DIST(.44,.001,5,0)
44 | ;;=^.441^1^1
45 | ;;^DIST(.44,.001,5,1,0)
46 | ;;=Lotus 1-2-3 Data Parse
47 | ;;^DIST(.44,.001,5,"B","Lotus 1-2-3 Data Parse",1)
48 | ;;=
49 | ;;^DIST(.44,.001,6)
50 | ;;=S Y=$E(X,6,7)_"-"_$P("JAN^FEB^MAR^APR^MAY^JUN^JUL^AUG^SEP^OCT^NOV^DEC",U,+$E(X,4,5))_"-"_$E(X,2,3) S:$E(X)'=2 Y="NOT 1900s"