1 | DINIT292 ;SFISC/MKO-FORM AND BLOCK FILES ;10:49 AM 30 Mar 1999
2 | ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999
3 | ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
4 | F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
5 | G ^DINIT293
6 | Q Q
7 | ;;^DD(.4031,1,21,3,0)
8 | ;;=is unable to navigate to any of the fields on the header block.
9 | ;;^DD(.4031,1,21,4,0)
10 | ;;=
11 | ;;^DD(.4031,1,21,5,0)
12 | ;;=Starting with Version 21 of FileMan, there is no need to use header
13 | ;;^DD(.4031,1,21,6,0)
14 | ;;=blocks. Display-type blocks, with a coordinate of '1,1' relative to the
15 | ;;^DD(.4031,1,21,7,0)
16 | ;;=page, provide the same functionality as header blocks.
17 | ;;^DD(.4031,1,"DT")
18 | ;;=2930702
19 | ;;^DD(.4031,2,0)
20 | ;;=PAGE COORDINATE^F^^0;3^K:$L(X)>7!($L(X)<1)!'(X?.N1",".N) X
21 | ;;^DD(.4031,2,3)
22 | ;;=Enter the coordinate of the upper left corner of the page. Answer must be two positive integers separated by a comma (,), as follows: 'Upper left row,Upper left column'.
23 | ;;^DD(.4031,2,21,0)
24 | ;;=^^13^13^2940908^
25 | ;;^DD(.4031,2,21,1,0)
26 | ;;=The Page Coordinate property defines the location of the top left corner
27 | ;;^DD(.4031,2,21,2,0)
28 | ;;=of the page on the screen. The format of a coordinate is: Row,Column.
29 | ;;^DD(.4031,2,21,3,0)
30 | ;;=Regular pages normally have a Page Coordinate of "1,1". They do not have
31 | ;;^DD(.4031,2,21,4,0)
32 | ;;=a Lower Right Coordinate.
33 | ;;^DD(.4031,2,21,5,0)
34 | ;;=
35 | ;;^DD(.4031,2,21,6,0)
36 | ;;=The Page Coordinate of pop-up pages defines the position of the top left
37 | ;;^DD(.4031,2,21,7,0)
38 | ;;=corner of the border of the pop-up page. Pop-up pages must have a Lower
39 | ;;^DD(.4031,2,21,8,0)
40 | ;;=Right Coordinate, which defines the position of the bottom right corner of
41 | ;;^DD(.4031,2,21,9,0)
42 | ;;=the border of the pop-up page.
43 | ;;^DD(.4031,2,21,10,0)
44 | ;;=
45 | ;;^DD(.4031,2,21,11,0)
46 | ;;=All blocks on the page are positioned relative to the page on which they
47 | ;;^DD(.4031,2,21,12,0)
48 | ;;=are defined. If a page is moved -- that is, if the Page Coordinate is
49 | ;;^DD(.4031,2,21,13,0)
50 | ;;=changed -- all blocks and all fields on that page move with it.
51 | ;;^DD(.4031,2,"DT")
52 | ;;=2940908
53 | ;;^DD(.4031,3,0)
54 | ;;=NEXT PAGE^NJ5,1^^0;4^K:+X'=X!(X>999.9)!(X<1)!(X?.E1"."2N.N) X
55 | ;;^DD(.4031,3,3)
56 | ;;=Answer must be a Number between 1 and 999.9, 1 Decimal Digit.
57 | ;;^DD(.4031,3,21,0)
58 | ;;=^^9^9^2940908^
59 | ;;^DD(.4031,3,21,1,0)
60 | ;;=Enter the page to go to when the user presses <PF1><Down> or selects the
61 | ;;^DD(.4031,3,21,2,0)
62 | ;;=NEXT PAGE command from the Command Line.
63 | ;;^DD(.4031,3,21,3,0)
64 | ;;=
65 | ;;^DD(.4031,3,21,4,0)
66 | ;;=When the user attempts a Save, ScreenMan follows the Next Page links
67 | ;;^DD(.4031,3,21,5,0)
68 | ;;=starting with the first page displayed to the user. ScreenMan loads all
69 | ;;^DD(.4031,3,21,6,0)
70 | ;;=those pages, including any defaults, and checks that all required fields
71 | ;;^DD(.4031,3,21,7,0)
72 | ;;=have values. If any of the required fields have null values, no Save
73 | ;;^DD(.4031,3,21,8,0)
74 | ;;=occurs. If all required field have values, Screenman Saves the data,
75 | ;;^DD(.4031,3,21,9,0)
76 | ;;=including all defaults.
77 | ;;^DD(.4031,4,0)
78 | ;;=PREVIOUS PAGE^NJ5,1^^0;5^K:+X'=X!(X>999.9)!(X<1)!(X?.E1"."2N.N) X
79 | ;;^DD(.4031,4,3)
80 | ;;=Answer must be a Number between 1 and 999.9, 1 Decimal Digit.
81 | ;;^DD(.4031,4,21,0)
82 | ;;=^^1^1^2940907^
83 | ;;^DD(.4031,4,21,1,0)
84 | ;;=Enter the page to go to when the user presses <PF1><Up>.
85 | ;;^DD(.4031,5,0)
86 | ;;=IS THIS A POP UP PAGE?^S^0:NO;1:YES;^0;6^Q
87 | ;;^DD(.4031,5,1,0)
88 | ;;=^.1
89 | ;;^DD(.4031,5,1,1,0)
90 | ;;=.4031^AC^MUMPS
91 | ;;^DD(.4031,5,1,1,1)
92 | ;;=S:X $P(^DIST(.403,DA(1),40,DA,0),U,2)=""
93 | ;;^DD(.4031,5,1,1,2)
94 | ;;=Q
95 | ;;^DD(.4031,5,1,1,3)
96 | ;;=Programmer only
97 | ;;^DD(.4031,5,1,1,"%D",0)
98 | ;;=^^1^1^2940627^
99 | ;;^DD(.4031,5,1,1,"%D",1,0)
100 | ;;=If this is a pop up page, there can be no header block.
101 | ;;^DD(.4031,5,1,1,"DT")
102 | ;;=2940627
103 | ;;^DD(.4031,5,3)
104 | ;;=
105 | ;;^DD(.4031,5,21,0)
106 | ;;=^^8^8^2940908^
107 | ;;^DD(.4031,5,21,1,0)
108 | ;;=If the page is a pop-up page rather than a regular page, set this property
109 | ;;^DD(.4031,5,21,2,0)
110 | ;;=to 'YES'.
111 | ;;^DD(.4031,5,21,3,0)
112 | ;;=
113 | ;;^DD(.4031,5,21,4,0)
114 | ;;=ScreenMan displays pop-up pages with a border, on top of what is
115 | ;;^DD(.4031,5,21,5,0)
116 | ;;=already on the screen. The top left coordinate of the pop-up page
117 | ;;^DD(.4031,5,21,6,0)
118 | ;;=defines the location of the top left corner of the border. Pop-up
119 | ;;^DD(.4031,5,21,7,0)
120 | ;;=pages must also have a lower right coordinate, which defines the location
121 | ;;^DD(.4031,5,21,8,0)
122 | ;;=of the bottom left corner of the border.
123 | ;;^DD(.4031,5,"DT")
124 | ;;=2940627
125 | ;;^DD(.4031,6,0)
126 | ;;=LOWER RIGHT COORDINATE^F^^0;7^K:$L(X)>7!($L(X)<1)!'(X?.N1",".N) X
127 | ;;^DD(.4031,6,3)
128 | ;;=Enter the coordinate of the bottom right corner of the pop up page. Answer must be two positive integers separated by a comma (,), as follows: 'Lower right row,Lower right column'.
129 | ;;^DD(.4031,6,21,0)
130 | ;;=^^4^4^2940908^
131 | ;;^DD(.4031,6,21,1,0)
132 | ;;=The existence of a lower right coordinate implies that the page is a
133 | ;;^DD(.4031,6,21,2,0)
134 | ;;=pop-up page. The lower right coordinate and the page coordinate define
135 | ;;^DD(.4031,6,21,3,0)
136 | ;;=the position of the border ScreenMan displays when it paints a pop-up
137 | ;;^DD(.4031,6,21,4,0)
138 | ;;=page.
139 | ;;^DD(.4031,6,"DT")
140 | ;;=2940908
141 | ;;^DD(.4031,7,0)
142 | ;;=PAGE NAME^FX^^1;1^K:X[""""!($A(X)=45) X I $D(X) K:$L(X)>30!($L(X)<3)!(X=+$P(X,"E")) X
143 | ;;^DD(.4031,7,1,0)
144 | ;;=^.1
145 | ;;^DD(.4031,7,1,1,0)
146 | ;;=.4031^C^MUMPS
147 | ;;^DD(.4031,7,1,1,1)
148 | ;;=S ^DIST(.403,DA(1),40,"C",$TR(X,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"),DA)=""
149 | ;;^DD(.4031,7,1,1,2)
150 | ;;=K ^DIST(.403,DA(1),40,"C",$TR(X,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"),DA)
151 | ;;^DD(.4031,7,1,1,3)
152 | ;;=Programmer only
153 | ;;^DD(.4031,7,1,1,"%D",0)
154 | ;;=^^2^2^2930816^
155 | ;;^DD(.4031,7,1,1,"%D",1,0)
156 | ;;=This cross reference is a regular index of the page name converted to all
157 | ;;^DD(.4031,7,1,1,"%D",2,0)
158 | ;;=upper case characters.
159 | ;;^DD(.4031,7,1,1,"DT")
160 | ;;=2930816
161 | ;;^DD(.4031,7,3)
162 | ;;=Enter the name of the page, 3-30 characters in length.
163 | ;;^DD(.4031,7,21,0)
164 | ;;=^^5^5^2940907^^
165 | ;;^DD(.4031,7,21,1,0)
166 | ;;=Like the Page Number, you can use the Page Name to refer to a page in
167 | ;;^DD(.4031,7,21,2,0)
168 | ;;=ScreenMan functions and utilities. ScreenMan displays the Page Name to
169 | ;;^DD(.4031,7,21,3,0)
170 | ;;=the user if, during an attempt to file data, ScreenMan finds required
171 | ;;^DD(.4031,7,21,4,0)
172 | ;;=fields with null values. ScreenMan uses the Caption of the field and the
173 | ;;^DD(.4031,7,21,5,0)
174 | ;;=Page Name to inform the user of the location of the required field.
175 | ;;^DD(.4031,7,"DT")
176 | ;;=2931020
177 | ;;^DD(.4031,8,0)
178 | ;;=PARENT FIELD^FX^^1;2^K:X[""""!($A(X)=45) X I $D(X) K:$L(X)>92!($L(X)<5)!'(X?1.E1","1.E1","1.E) X I $D(X) D PFIELD^DDSIT