VDEFQM ;INTEGIC/AM & BPOIFO/JG - VDEF API ; 21 Dec 2005 11:38 AM ;;1.0;VDEF;**3**;Dec 28, 2004 ;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ; IA's: #4271 - Lookup to file #771.2 ; #4321 - Lookup to file #779.001 ; Q ; No bozos ; ; Validates and places a request in the VDEF queue QUEUE(EVENT,PAIR,MSTEXT,REQIEN,DYNAMIC) ; ; EVENT = HL7 event in the form Event Type^Message Type (e.g. ADT^A28) ; PAIR = Name/value pairs uniquely identifying the IEN ; (e.g. SUBTYPE="CHEM"^IEN=1234) ; MSTEXT = Returned text message, passed by reference ; REQIEN = Requestor IEN in file 579.1, only valued for solicited ; requests ; DYNAMIC = Dynamic Addressing array in nodes DYNAMIC("LINKS",1-n) ; N CNT,CUSTIEN,DATA,DESTIEN,ERR,EVENTIEN,EVTY,EVTYIEN,FDA,VDI,IENROOT N MESIEN,MSTY,OUTPUT,QUEIEN,RQIEN,SUBTYPE,SUBIEN,NVPIEN N D0,DA,DH,DI,DIC,DIE,DIK,DIKRFIL,DIN,DIROOT,DR,X,Y S MSTEXT="",REQIEN=$G(REQIEN) S:$G(U)="" U="^" ; ; Check for the existence of the HL7 event I $G(EVENT)="" S MSTEXT="HL7 event is required" G EXBAD ; ; Check for the existence of the name/value pair I $G(PAIR)="" S MSTEXT="Name/value pair(s) is required" G EXBAD ; ; Retrieve the HL7 Message Type and the HL7 Event Type S MSTY=$P($G(EVENT),U,1),EVTY=$P($G(EVENT),U,2) ; ; Validate the HL7 Message type I MSTY="" S MSTEXT="HL7 Message Type is required" G EXBAD ; ; Validate the HL7 Event type I EVTY="" S MSTEXT="HL7 Event Type is required" G EXBAD ; ; Get the default Requestor IEN or '1' if not set up S REQIEN=$O(^VDEFHL7(579.1,"C","Y",0)) S:REQIEN="" REQIEN=1 ; ; Retrieve Requestor data and see if Requestor is enabled S DATA=$G(^VDEFHL7(579.1,REQIEN,0)) I $P(DATA,U,5)="I" D G EXBAD . S MSTEXT="VDEF HL7 messaging disabled for this Requestor" ; ; Get the Request Queue IEN for this Requestor S QUEIEN=$P(DATA,U,4) I 'QUEIEN S MSTEXT="Could not get a valid Request Queue" G EXBAD ; ; Get the Destination IEN for this Requestor S DESTIEN=$P(DATA,U,3) I 'DESTIEN S MSTEXT="No Destination for this Requestor" G EXBAD ; ; Validate Name/Value Pair I $P($P(PAIR,U),"=",1)'="SUBTYPE"!($P($P(PAIR,U,2),"=",1)'="IEN") D G EXBAD . S MSTEXT="Invalid Name/Value Pair" S SUBTYPE=$P($P(PAIR,U),"=",2),NVPIEN=$P($P(PAIR,U,2),"=",2) ; ; Validate the Subtype S SUBIEN=$$FIND1^DIC(577.4,"","BX",SUBTYPE) I 'SUBIEN S MSTEXT="Invalid VDEF Subtype" G EXBAD ; ; Validate the HL7 Message and Event Types S MESIEN=$$FIND1^DIC(771.2,"","BX",MSTY) I 'MESIEN S MSTEXT="Invalid HL7 Message Type" G EXBAD S EVTYIEN=$$FIND1^DIC(779.001,,"BX",EVTY) I 'EVTYIEN S MSTEXT="Invalid HL7 Event Type" G EXBAD ; ; Validate the VDEF Event S EVENTIEN=$O(^VDEFHL7(577,"BB",MESIEN,EVTYIEN,SUBIEN,"")) I 'EVENTIEN S MSTEXT="Invalid 'Message Type-Event Type-Subtype'" G EXBAD ; ; Check if this Request is for a disabled custodial package S X=$G(^VDEFHL7(577,EVENTIEN,0)),CUSTIEN=$P(X,U,9) I $P($G(^VDEFHL7(579.6,+CUSTIEN,0)),U,2)="I" D G EXBAD . S MSTEXT="Custodial package disabled for this event" ; ; Check if this VDEF API is disabled I $P(X,U,11)'="A" D G EXBAD . S MSTEXT="VDEF API "_$P(X,U,1)_" is turned off" ; ; Start filing request into ^VDEFHL7(579.3 ; Lock the queue to prevent other requests from being added to it ; doesn't affect the processing of existing requests L +^VDEFHL7(579.3,QUEIEN,"ADD"):10 E S MSTEXT="VDEF queuing is currently unavailable" G EXBAD ; ; Populate the Request data (579.31) for this queue S FDA(1,579.31,"+1,"_QUEIEN_",",.01)=9999 ; DINUM placeholder S FDA(1,579.31,"+1,"_QUEIEN_",",.02)="Q" ; Request status - "Q"ueued S FDA(1,579.31,"+1,"_QUEIEN_",",.03)=MSTY ; Message Type S FDA(1,579.31,"+1,"_QUEIEN_",",.04)=EVTY ; Event Type S FDA(1,579.31,"+1,"_QUEIEN_",",.06)=REQIEN ; Requestor S FDA(1,579.31,"+1,"_QUEIEN_",",.07)=DESTIEN ; Destination D NOW^%DTC S FDA(1,579.31,"+1,"_QUEIEN_",",.08)=% ; DTS when request was added S FDA(1,579.31,"+1,"_QUEIEN_",",.18)=EVENTIEN ; VDEF Event IEN D UPDATE^DIE("","FDA(1)","IENROOT","ERR") S RQIEN=$G(IENROOT(1)) ; Get the assigned Request entry IEN ; ; Lock this queue entry to prevent the Request Processor from ; retrieving an incomplete Request L +^VDEFHL7(579.3,QUEIEN,RQIEN) L -^VDEFHL7(579.3,QUEIEN,"ADD") ; Release the queue "ADD" lock ; ; Update the DINUM field with the IEN value for this Request S FDA(1,579.31,RQIEN_","_QUEIEN_",",.01)=RQIEN D FILE^DIE("","FDA(1)","ERR(2)") ; ; Set up the name value pairs multiple (579.311) F VDI=1,2 D . S FDA(1,579.311,"+"_VDI_","_RQIEN_","_QUEIEN_",",.01)=VDI . S FDA(1,579.311,"+"_VDI_","_RQIEN_","_QUEIEN_",",.02)=$P(PAIR,U,VDI) D UPDATE^DIE("","FDA(1)","","ERR") ; ; Set up the Dynamic Adressing multiple, if passed in S (VDI,DATA)="",CNT=0 F S VDI=$O(DYNAMIC("LINKS",VDI)) Q:'VDI D . ; CNT and VDI may be different since the "LINKS" array may be sparse . S DATA=$G(DYNAMIC("LINKS",VDI)),CNT=CNT+1 . S FDA(1,579.313,"+"_CNT_","_RQIEN_","_QUEIEN_",",.01)=VDI . S FDA(1,579.313,"+"_CNT_","_RQIEN_","_QUEIEN_",",.02)=DATA ; ; File Dynamic Addressing information I $D(FDA) D UPDATE^DIE("","FDA(1)","","ERR") L -^VDEFHL7(579.3,QUEIEN,RQIEN) ; Release the lock on this Request S MSTEXT="Message "_MSTY_", Event "_EVTY_", Subtype "_SUBTYPE_" queued for processing" EXIT Q 1 ; Good exit EXBAD Q 0 ; Bad, bad exit ; ; Function to set up a Request Processor Scheduling Rule SCHEDULE(Q,H) ; N HT,SIEN,NZ,DOW,STM,ETM I $G(Q)="" Q "" I $G(H)="" S H=$H S DOW=H-2#7,SIEN=0,HT=0 F S SIEN=$O(^VDEFHL7(579.3,Q,2,SIEN)) Q:'SIEN D Q:HT'=0 . S NZ=^VDEFHL7(579.3,Q,2,SIEN,0) . Q:$P(NZ,U,2)'=DOW . S STM=$P(NZ,U,4),ETM=$P(NZ,U,5) . S STM=$TR(STM,":- "),STM=$E(STM,1,2)*60+$E(STM,3,4)*60+$E(STM,5,6) . S ETM=$TR(ETM,":- "),ETM=$E(ETM,1,2)*60+$E(ETM,3,4)*60+$E(ETM,5,6) . I $P(H,",",2)'ETM S HT=$P(NZ,U,3) I HT'=0 Q HT_U_(ETM-$P(H,",",2)) Q "" ; TIMECK(T) N H,M,S I T?4.6N S H=+$E(T,1,2),M=+$E(T,3,4),S=+$E(T,5,6) E I T[":" S H=+$P(T,":"),M=+$P(T,":",2),S=+$P(T,":",3) E I T["-" S H=+$P(T,"-"),M=+$P(T,"-",2),S=+$P(T,"-",3) E I T[" " S H=+$P(T," "),M=+$P(T," ",2),S=+$P(T," ",3) E Q 0 I H<24,M<60,S<60 Q 1 Q 0 ; REQUEUE(Q,X) ; Requeue Checked Out requests. ; Change the status of all "C" entries in a Request Queue to "Q". ; If ZTQUEUED not set, run this interactively. ; Input - Request Queue IEN ; Output - 0 = no requests requeued ; 1 = requests weere requeued S X=0 I $G(Q)="" W:'$D(ZTQUEUED) !,"Invalid queue IEN" Q ; ; Quit if no requests are Checked Out I $O(^VDEFHL7(579.3,"C","C",0))="" W:'$D(ZTQUEUED) !,"No Requests in Checked Out status" Q ; ; Get Queue N QUE S QUE=$P($G(^VDEFHL7(579.3,Q,0)),U) I QUE="" W:'$D(ZTQUEUED) !,"Invalid queue" Q G REQUEUE1:$D(ZTQUEUED) K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Are you sure you want to continue",DIR("B")="No" W !,"This action will reset all entries in the '"_QUE_"' queue to 'Q'ueued." D ^DIR I Y=0 W !,"Entries not reset." Q REQUEUE1 N FDA,IEN,MSG S IEN="" F S IEN=$O(^VDEFHL7(579.3,"C","C",Q,IEN)) Q:'IEN D . ; . ; If request has not had an alert yet or can't be locked, . ; don't requeue it. . Q:$$GET1^DIQ(579.31,IEN_","_Q_",",.15,"I")="" . L +^VDEFHL7(579.3,Q,IEN):1 Q:'$T . ; . ; Change status to "Q" (queued up) and delete . ; the old check out date/time and alert date/time . ; and error message . K FDA,MSG S FDA(579.31,IEN_","_Q_",",.02)="Q" . S FDA(579.31,IEN_","_Q_",",.15)="@" . S FDA(579.31,IEN_","_Q_",",.09)="@" . D FILE^DIE(,"FDA","MSG") . K ^VDEFHL7(579.3,Q,1,IEN,"ERRMSG") . L -^VDEFHL7(579.3,Q,IEN) . S X=1 W:'$D(ZTQUEUED) !,"Entries reset to 'Q'ueued status for "_QUE_"." Q ; ; Requeue Errored Out requests. ; Change the status of all "E" entries in a Request Queue to "Q". ; If ZTQUEUED not set, run this interactively. RQERR(Q,X) ; S X=0 I $G(Q)="" W:'$D(ZTQUEUED) !,"Invalid queue IEN" Q ; ; Quit if no requests are Errored Out I $O(^VDEFHL7(579.3,"C","E",0))="" W:'$D(ZTQUEUED) !,"No Requests in Errored Out status" Q ; ; Get Queue N QUE S QUE=$P($G(^VDEFHL7(579.3,Q,0)),U) I QUE="" W:'$D(ZTQUEUED) !,"Invalid queue" Q G RQERR1:$D(ZTQUEUED) K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Are you sure you want to continue",DIR("B")="No" W !,"This action resets all Errored Out entries in the '"_QUE_"' queue to 'Q'ueued." D ^DIR I Y=0 W !,"Entries not reset." Q RQERR1 N FDA,IEN,MSG S IEN="" F S IEN=$O(^VDEFHL7(579.3,"C","E",Q,IEN)) Q:'IEN D . L +^VDEFHL7(579.3,Q,IEN):1 Q:'$T . ; . ; Fix the actual status in the record if it's not "E". . I $$GET1^DIQ(579.31,IEN_","_Q_",",.02,"I")'="E" D .. K FDA,MSG S FDA(579.31,IEN_","_Q_",",.02)="E" .. D FILE^DIE(,"FDA","MSG") . ; . ; Change status to "Q" (queued up) and delete . ; the old check out date/time and alert date/time . ; and error message . K FDA,MSG S FDA(579.31,IEN_","_Q_",",.02)="Q" . S FDA(579.31,IEN_","_Q_",",.15)="@" . S FDA(579.31,IEN_","_Q_",",.09)="@" . D FILE^DIE(,"FDA","MSG") . K ^VDEFHL7(579.3,Q,1,IEN,"ERRMSG") . L -^VDEFHL7(579.3,Q,IEN) . S X=1 W:'$D(ZTQUEUED) !,"Entries reset to 'Q'ueued status for "_QUE_"." Q