ABSVTED3 ;VAMC ALTOONA/CTB - RESET AND BACKDATE TIME CARDS ;2/10/99 11:59 AM V ;;4.0;VOLUNTARY TIMEKEEPING;**7,13**;JULY 6, 1994 ;MARK TIME CARD FOR RETRANSMISSION N %,%W,%Y,%Y1,ABSVX,C,CHECK,DDH,DIR,ABSVXX,I,N,X,Y,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT D ^ABSVSITE Q:'% W ! S X="This option will allow you to mark as READY TO TRANSMIT a single time card or all cards for a single month. If a single month is selected, you will be allowed to have each card backdated.*" D MSG^ABSVQ S DIR(0)="S^S:Single Card;A:All Cards for One Month",DIR("A")="Select Marking Option" D ^DIR Q:$$DIR^ABSVU2 D @Y Q ; S N DIC,Y,X,DA,NAME,%DT,MONTH S1 S DIC=503330,DIC(0)="AEMZQ",DIC("S")="I $D(^ABS(503330,+Y,4,ABSV(""INST""),0))" S:'$D(DIC("A")) DIC("A")="Select VOLUNTEER: " F D MDIV^ABSVSITE,^DIC Q:+Y<0 Q:$$ACTIVE^ABSVU2(+Y,ABSV("INST")) K DIC Q:+Y<0 S DA=+Y,NAME=$P(Y(0),"^") S %DT="AEP",%DT("A")="Select MONTH/YEAR: " D ^%DT Q:+Y<0 S MONTH=$E(Y,1,5)_"00" S DIC="^ABS(503335,",X=NAME,DIC(0)="EMNZQ",DIC("S")="S ZX=^(0) I $P(ZX,U)=DA,$P(ZX,U,5)=MONTH,$P(ZX,U,12)=ABSV(""SITE"")" D ^DIC K ZX I $D(DUOUT) K DUOUT Q I +Y<0 S X="No Timecard on file for "_NAME_", for "_$$FULLDAT^ABSVU2(MONTH)_".*" D MSG^ABSVQ W !! G S1 S DA=+Y K DIC I $P(^ABS(503335,DA,0),"^",6)=1 S X=" -- Time Card HAS NOT been transmitted. No Further Action Required --*" D MSG^ABSVQ,RS1 G S1 S ABSVXA="Do you want to edit or backdate the time card at this time",ABSVXB="",%=1 D ^ABSVYN Q:%<1 I %=1 S ABSVX("MRT")="" D TC1^ABSVTED K ABSVX("MRT") S ABSVXA="Are you sure you want to mark this time card for retransmission",ABSVXB="",%=2 D ^ABSVYN I %'=1 W !,"** NO ACTION TAKEN **" QUIT:%<0 I %=2 D RS1 G S1 S X=1 D STATUS^ABSVTED D RS1 G S1 ; RS1 K DIC,Y,X,DA,NAME,%DT,MONTH S DIC("A")="Select Next Volunteer: " Q A N %DT,CODE,COUNT,DA,BACKDATE,IDATE,OK,TC,X,X1,XDATE,Y ;INTRO SE W ! S X="This option will allow you to reset the transmission status of all time cards for the specified month to 'Ready for Transmission' and 'Backdate' the card.*" D MSG^ABSVQ W !! ;SELECT MONTH D NOW^ABSVQ S %DT="AE",%DT("A")="Select MONTH/YEAR to Mark and Backdate: " D ^%DT Q:Y<0 S IDATE=Y,XDATE=$$FULLDAT^ABSVU2(IDATE) I '$D(^ABS(503335,"AK",IDATE)) S X="No Time Cards are on file for that month. *" D MSG^ABSVQ QUIT ;'OK' S ABSVXA="Do you also want to backdate the cards",ABSVXB="",%=3 D ^ABSVYN I %<0 S MSG="