ABSVTP1 ;VAMC ALTOONA/CTB - BUILD MASTER FILE FROM AUSTIN ;12/17/93 2:38 PM V ;;4.0;VOLUNTARY TIMEKEEPING;;JULY 6, 1994 ;THIS ROUTINE CONTINUES FROM ABSVTP AND LOOPS THROUGH TMP TO BUIL D MASTER FILE. EN I $S('$D(^ABS(503330,0)):1,$P(^(0),"^",3)+$P(^(0),"^",4)=0:1,1:0) G ^ABSVTP2 S X="There appears to be data in the Voluntary Master File #503330. I will not overwrite existing data. I will make new entries where necessary. Where an entry already exists, I will add the appropriate station information." D MSG^ABSVQ S X="Since data exists, will now check to assure that there are no duplicate SSN's in your data." D MSG^ABSVQ,WAIT^ABSVYN S SSN=0 F I=1:1 S SSN=$O(^ABS(503330,"D",SSN)) Q:SSN="" S N=$O(^ABS(503330,"D",SSN,0)) S N1=$O(^ABS(503330,"D",SSN,N)) I N1 W !,"DUPLICATE RECORDS EXIST FOR SSN ",SSN,". Correction Necessary" S SSNCK="" I $D(SSNCK) K SSNCK S X="No further action can be taken until duplicate SSN's have been corrected.*" D MSG^ABSVQ Q S X="No duplicate SSN's were found. Update will now continue." D MSG^ABSVQ G ^ABSVTP2