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4 | <title>Make and/or Editing Input Templates</title>
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18 | <td><img src="file:///C:/VWREG/Filemanager%20Logo25of10perc.png"></td>
19 | <td><img src="file:///c:/VWREG/WorldVistALogoSmall_75p.jpg"></td>
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24 | <div align="center" style="font-family:Calibri;Font-size:1.2em;text-weight:heavy;">
25 | <b><u>Making or Editing Input Templates for Patient Data Collection</u></b>
26 | </div><br>
27 | <div style="margin-left:25px;margin-right:25px;font-family:Calibri;font-size:1em;">
28 | <b><u>Recommended Reading:</u></b> The Fileman Manual at Hardhats.org
29 | <b><a href="http://www.hardhats.org/fileman/pm/">Fileman</a></b> for all Fileman related usage.<br><br>
30 | <b><u>Explanation:</u></b> This is a graphical access to the Fileman Input Template process.
31 | Because this is oriented to Patient/Client Registration, it is strictly tied to the Patient file.
32 | As noted by the logo at the top of this page, the database manager, Fileman, provides the filing of
33 | your work. <b>One note on Fileman's capability:</b> There are fields that can hold multiple values
34 | and sub-fields of information. An example of this is the Alias multiple field:
35 | <ul>
36 | <li>.01 ALIAS</li>
37 | <li> 1 ALIAS SSN</li>
38 | </ul>
39 | Here is a test patient, Mortimer Snerd and his alias(es):
40 | <table border="1">
41 | <tr><th colspan="2">PATIENT LIST</th></tr>
42 | <tr>
43 | <th>ALIAS</th>
44 | <th>ALIAS SSN</th>
45 | </tr>
46 | <tr>
47 | <td>SNERD,MORTY</td>
48 | <td>000001111</td>
49 | </tr>
50 | <tr>
52 | <td>000001112</td>
53 | </tr>
54 | </table>
55 | <br>
56 | Multiple fields are identified by the parent field followed by the term (multiple) with
57 | children of the parent shown as >>>>>>field name.
58 | <br><br>
59 | <b><u>Editing or Making a New Template:</u></b><br>
60 | <img src="file:///c:/VWREG/TemplateEdit_cropped.png" align="right">
61 | <ul>
62 | <li>The application will look first for highlighted text in the yellow colored list area.</li>
63 | <li>If there is none it will then look in the gray colored list area.</li>
64 | <li>In either case, press the "Make" button.
65 | <ul>
66 | <li>The window will expand showing the template editing area.</li>
67 | <li>See Below</li>
68 | </ul>
69 | </ul>
70 | <br><br>
71 | <div align="center"><b></u>Full screen width display</u></b><br>
72 | <img src="file:///c:/VWREG/VWREG_MakeTemplate_cropped.png" height="300" width="700"></div><br>
73 | <ul>
74 | <li>If no template is highlighted (as mentioned above), then the program will
75 | retrieve all fields from the patient file and display them in the top listing area.</li>
76 | <li>The Template field between the two areas will have either the highlighted template name
77 | or the default instruction "Template name here". If making a new template, enter a name.
78 | (The rollover hint will advise of name formatting, which is minimal.)</li>
79 | <li>The lower area is a free-text, standard memo. Right-click over it will show the
80 | standard copy/cut/paste options.</li>
81 | <li>There are three buttons next to the Template field:</li>
82 | <ul>
83 | <li><b><u>Save:</u></b> Saves your work.</li>
84 | <li><b><u>Cancel:</u></b> Clears the values in both listing areas and
85 | and closes the window.</li>
86 | <li><b><u>?:</u></b> This help window.</li>
87 | </ul>
88 | </ul>
89 | <b><u>Process:</u></b>
90 | <ol>
91 | <li>Highlight a template in one of the template listing areas, </li>
92 | <li>Or not, and Press the "Make" button,</li>
93 | <li>Enter a name for your template, if one was not selected,</li>
94 | <li>Transfer data from the listing above to your memo:
95 | <ul>
96 | <li>Select the fields you want transferred by highlighting either
97 | individually, range of fields (CLK-Drag or SHFT-Clk), or multiple individual
98 | fields (CTRL-Clk).</li>
99 | <li>RIGHT-CLK will automatically move the field(s) to the memo area.</li>
100 | <li>To help target sets of fields, use the Find feature at the top of form</li>
101 | <ul>
102 | <li>For example, if you wanted to find address fields for your template,
103 | You could enter STREET,CITY,STATE,POSTAL,ZIP,COUNTY, and press the "Go"
104 | button. A Separate pop-up will list all those fields in the patient
105 | file that contained that text. Then use the SHFT-Click (range) or CTRL-
106 | click (individual selections), and press the ok. Those fields will be
107 | appended to the template memo area for any further editing.</li>
108 | </ul>
109 | </ul>
110 | <li>When satisfied with your work, press the "Save" button and the following
111 | should happen:</li>
112 | <ol>
113 | <li>The template is saved on the M server system via Fileman</li>
114 | <li>The regit.txt listing file at the home directory will be updated</li>
115 | <li>The "Templates in regit.txt" listing on this window will be updated</li>
116 | <li>The combo template list on the main window will be updated</li>
117 | <li>The template will be available for selection.</li>
118 | </ol>
119 | </ol>
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