XB1 ; IHS/ADC/GTH - XB MENUS AND DOCUMENTATION ; [ 12/29/2004 11:11 AM ] ;;4.0;XB;;Jul 20, 2009;Build 2 ; XB*3*9 IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 Cache' mods. ; ; Each label represents a menu. The label must begin with ; "M" and be followed by 1 or more 1 digit numbers 1-9. ; Each digit represents the link # of the parent option. ; E.G. 'M1' is the label for submenu options for the main ; menu option with a link # of 1. 'M11' would be the label ; for subsubmenu options for the option in 'M1' with a link ; # of 1. Within a menu options are listed and selected ; positionally. The only purpose of the link # is to link ; options to their parent menu. Example: ; ; M1 ;;FILES/DICTIONARIES ; ;;Submenu example one;;1 ; ;;Submenu example two;;2 ; M11 ;;SUBMENU ONE ; ;;Submenu option;;^ROUTINEX ; M12 ;;SUBMENU TWO ; ;;Submenu option;;^ROUTINEY ; ; This label naming technique allows the menu tree to go ; to seven levels. No more than nine options on one menu ; may also be menus. ; ; For menu options the 2nd ";;" piece is the title, the 3rd ; ";;" piece must be a number if the option is a submenu, a ; valid routine or label^routine or executable code if the ; 3rd piece begins with a !. The code following the ! will ; be placed in a variable and the variable will be executed. ; A P in the 4th ";;" piece indicates pause after execution. ; M ;;MAIN XB UTILITY MENU ;;Files/dictionaries;;1 ;;Globals;;2 ;;Routines;;3 ;;Miscellaneous;;4 ;;Developers;;5 ;;Check ^XB options and patch level;;CHECK^XB;;P;;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 M1 ;;FILES/DICTIONARIES ;;List fields;;^XBFLD ;;List 0th nodes;;^XBLZRO;;P ;;Check regular xrefs;;^XBCFXREF;;P ;;Selective RE-INDEX;;^XBRXREF ;;Compare dictionary in two UCIs/Namespaces;;^XBFCMP;;P;;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 ;;Search for routines executed from dictionary;;^XBRSRCH ;;Fix 0th nodes;;^XBCFIX;;P ;;Count entries in file;;^XBCOUNT ;;FileMan;;P^DI ;;Delete dictionaries;;^XBKD ;;Clean dictionaries [caution];;^XBCDIC ;;List file attributes in various ways;;1;;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 ;;Files Marked For Deletion;;!N L,DIC,BY,FLDS S L=0,DIC=1,(BY,FLDS)="[XB - FILES MARKED FOR DELETION]" D EN1^DIP;;P;;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 ;;Fields Marked For Deletion;;^XBLFMD;;P;;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 ;;Print File IDs, Specifiers, and Conditionals;;^XBSIC;;P;;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 M11 ;;LIST FILE ATTRIBUTES IN VARIOUS WAYS;;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 ;;List Files, inc. Number, Name, Global, opt Desc.;;^XBLFD;;P;;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 ;;List Fields for RIM Modeling;;^XBLFAM;;P;;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 ;;List Fields for CodeSets (RTM) Modeling;;^XBLFSETS;;P;;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 M2 ;;GLOBALS ;;List global;;!D LG^ZIBVSS ;;Directory of selected globals;;^ZIBGD;;P ;;Count unique values;;^XBCNODE ;;List high entry number;;^XBGLDFN;;P ;;Copy to another global in same UCI/Namespace;;^XBGC;;;;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 ;;Copy global to another UCI/Namespace;;!D CG^ZIBVSS;;;;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 ;;Search global for value;;!D GSE^ZIBVSS ;;Global edit;;!D GE^ZIBVSS ;;Change global value;;!D GCH^ZIBVSS ;;Global size/efficiency;;!D GSZE^ZIBVSS;;P ;;Global characteristics;;!D GCHR^ZIBVSS ;;Global delete;;!D GDEL^ZIBVSS ;;Global restore;;!D GR^ZIBVSS ;;Global save;;!D GS^ZIBVSS ;;Find control chrs in globals;;^ZIBGCHR ;;Compare Two Globals;;^XBGCMP M3 ;;ROUTINES ;;List routines in various ways;;1 ;;Compare routines in two UCIs/Namespaces;;!D RCMP^ZIBVSS;;P;;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 ;;Restore routines;;!D RR^ZIBVSS ;;Save routines;;!D RS^ZIBVSS ;;Routine size;;^XBRSIZ;;P ;;Delete routines;;!D RDEL^ZIBVSS;;P;;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 ;;Search routines for values (OR);;!D RSE^ZIBVSS;;P;;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 ;;Search routines for values (AND);;!D RSAND^ZIBVSS ;;Find routines by edit date;;!D NEWED^ZIBVSS;;P ;;Full screen editor;;!D REDIT^ZIBVSS ;;Routine change;;!D RCHANGE^ZIBVSS ;;Routine copy;;!D RCOPY^ZIBVSS ;;Directory of selected routines;;^ZIBRD;;P ;;Scan UCIs/Namespaces for routine;;^ZIBFR;;P;;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 ;;Run routine;;!R " Enter routine name: ",Y:30 Q:'$T S:Y'["^" Y="^"_Y S X=$P(Y,"^",2),X=$P(X,"(",1) X ^%ZOSF("TEST") W:'$T " huh? ",*7 I $T D @Y M31 ;;LIST ROUTINES ;;List first one/two lines;;^%ZTP1;;P ;;List to first label;;^XBRPTL;;P ;;List routines;;!D RPRT^ZIBVSS;;P ;;List routines by edit date;;^XBRPRTBD ;;VA routine lister;;^%ZTPP;;P ;;List one routine with character counts;;^XBRLL;;P ;;%INDEX;;^%INDEX ;;Flow chart from entry point;;^XTFCE ;;Flow chart entire routine;;^XTFCR ;;List routines by patch number;;^XBPATSE;;P M4 ;;MISCELLANEOUS ;;Error report;;!D ER^ZIBVSS;;P;;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 ;;List ^UTILITY nodes for current job;;^XBLUTL;;P ;;Kill ^UTILITY nodes for current job;;^%ZIBCLU0 ;;Cleanup utility globals in all UCIs;;EN^ZIBCLU ;;Cleanup utility globals in current UCI;;EN^%ZIBCLU0 ;;Fix 'PT' nodes in all files;;^XBFIXPT ;;Convert non-DINUM data global to DINUM;;^XBDINUM ;;Check UCI routines against package file;;^ZIBCKPKG;;P ;;Display FileMan installation data;;^ZIBFMD;;P ;;Renamespace routines;;^ZIBRNSPC;;P ;;Number base changer;;^XTBASE ;;Print a Help Frame manual;;^XBHFMAN ;;List Local Variables, by Namespace;;MESSAGE^XBVL;;P ;;Print XB/ZIB Technical Manual;;^XBTM ;;Check Patient Globals;;^XBPATC;;P M5 ;;DEVELOPERS ;;Generate ^DIR call;;^XBDR;;P ;;Standardize line 1 of routines;;^XBFIXL1 ;;Set version line;;^XBVLINE ;;Set dictionary version numbers;;^XBDICV;;P ;;Set no delete;;^XBNODEL;;P ;;Set audit;;^XBSAUD;;P ;;Set authorities;;^XBSAUTH;;P ;;Analyze file for specifiers;;^XBCSPC ;;Delete namespaced OPTIONS, KEYS, etc.;;RUN^XBPKDEL;;P ;;List namespaced OPTIONS, KEYS, etc.;;LIST^XBPKDEL;;P ;;Build pre-init routine;;^XBBPI ;;Build integ routine;;^XBSUMBLD ;;List callable subroutines;;^XBLCALL;;P ;;Reset file data globals *** DANGER ***;;^XBFRESET ;;Edit FM print template headers;;^XBDH ;;List retired/replaced packages;;LIST^XBPKDEL1;;P;;XB*3*8 ;;Delete retired/replaced packages;;DECERT^XBPKDEL1;;P;;XB*3*8 ;;Edit File attribute for selected File(s);;^XBDDEDIT;;P;;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 ;;Move files into PACKAGE file FILE multiple;;^XBPKG;;P;;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 ;;Set dd audit;;^XBSDDAUD;;P;;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 ;;dd Field Numbering Conventions;;^XBFNC;;P;;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 ;;Options and Security Keys;;^XBSECK;;P;;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002