XBENHANC ; IHS/ADC/GTH - DISPLAY/PRINT ENHANCEMENTS FIELD IN PACKAGE FILE ; [ 02/07/97 3:02 PM ] ;;4.0;XB;;Jul 20, 2009;Build 2 ; ; Print enhancements to a package, from the entry in the ; PACKAGE file. Entry point EN^XBENHANC(ns) is used, with ; the caller providing the namespace of the package. ; EN(XB) ;PEP - XB = Namespace of package to print enhancements. Q:'($G(XB)]"") D HOME^%ZIS,DT^DICRW DEV ; S %ZIS="OPQ" D ^%ZIS I POP S IOP=$I D ^%ZIS G K G:'$D(IO("Q")) START KILL IO("Q") I $D(IO("S"))!($E(IOST)'="P") W *7,!,"Please queue to system printers." D ^%ZISC G DEV S ZTRTN="START^XBENHANC",ZTDESC=$P($P($T(XBENHANC),"-",2),";",2),ZTIO=ION_";"_IOST_";"_IOM_";"_IOSL,ZTSAVE("XB")="" D ^%ZTLOAD G:'$D(ZTSK) DEV K ; KILL ZTSK D ^%ZISC Q ; START ;EP - TaskMan. NEW A,B,DIRUT,DIWL,DIWR,DIWF,XBHDR,XBPG S A=$O(^DIC(9.4,"C",XB,0)) Q:'A Q:'$D(^DIC(9.4,A,"VERSION")) S B=$O(^DIC(9.4,A,22,"B",^DIC(9.4,A,"VERSION"),0)) Q:'B S XBHDR="Enhancements to "_$P(^DIC(9.4,A,0),U)_", Version "_^DIC(9.4,A,"VERSION") KILL ^UTILITY($J,"W") S DIWL=5,DIWR=IOM-6,DIWF="W" U IO D TOF S %=0 F S %=$O(^DIC(9.4,A,22,B,1,%)) Q:'% D DIWP(^(%,0)),TOF:$Y>(IOSL-6) Q:$D(DIRUT) D:'$D(DIRUT) ^DIWW KILL ^UTILITY($J,"W") D ^%ZISC Q ; DIWP(X) ; NEW %,A,B D ^DIWP Q ; TOF ; NEW %,A,B S XBPG=$G(XBPG)+1 W !! I '$D(ZTQUEUED),'$D(IO("S")),IO=IO(0),$$DIR^XBDIR("E") Q:$D(DIRUT) W @IOF,!!,?DIWL-1,XBHDR,?(DIWR-$L("Page "_XBPG)-1),"Page ",XBPG,!?DIWL-1,$$REPEAT^XLFSTR("-",DIWR-DIWL),!! Q ;