XBHFMAN ; IHS/ADC/GTH - HELP FRAME MANUAL (1/2) ; [ 02/07/97 3:02 PM ] ;;4.0;XB;;Jul 20, 2009;Build 2 ; ; Print a help frame manual for an IHS application, using ; OPTION descriptions and HELP FRAME texts in the namespace ; of the application selected from the PACKAGE file. ; ; Information for the title and preface pages, and for ; indexed words, is expected to be in a routine named ; HFMN. The title page lines are expected to ; begin at line TITLE+1, and the preface page at PREFACE+1. ; Any words to be indexed are expected to begin at line ; INDEX+1. See routine XBHFMAN2 for an example. ; ; If entered from the top, user is asked for application. ; Entry point EN() must have the namespace of the application ; as the parameter. That allows programmers to create their ; own option and call it, without forcing user to select the ; applcation. ; D HOME^%ZIS,DT^DICRW NEW DIR,XBSEL G EN1 ; EN(XBSEL) ;PEP ----- From application options, with namespace of application. ; EN1 ; S DIC=9.4,DIC(0)="AEM",DIC("S")="I ""AB""[$E($P(^(0),U,2))" I $D(XBSEL) S X=XBSEL,DIC(0)="",D="C" D IX^DIC I 1 E D ^DIC I Y<1 W !,"^DIC( LOOKUP FAILED." Q S XBSEL=+Y DEV ; S %ZIS="OPQ" D ^%ZIS I POP S IOP=$I D ^%ZIS G K G:'$D(IO("Q")) START KILL IO("Q") I $D(IO("S"))!($E(IOST)'="P") W *7,!,"Please queue to system printers." D ^%ZISC G DEV S ZTRTN="START^XBHFMAN",ZTDESC="Help Frame Manual for "_$P(^DIC(9.4,XBSEL,0),U),ZTIO=ION_";"_IOST_";"_IOM_";"_IOSL,ZTSAVE("XBSEL")="" D ^%ZTLOAD G:'$D(ZTSK) DEV K ; KILL XB,ZTSK D ^%ZISC D END^XBHFMAN1 Q ; START ;EP ----- From TaskMan. ; I '$D(ZTQUEUED),'$D(IO("S")) U IO(0) D WAIT^DICD U IO ; NEW DIWL,DIWR,DIWF,DIRUT NEW XBBM,XBCHAP,XBCONT,XBSAVX,XBTM,XBTITL,XBPG,XBHDR,XBHDRE,XBHDRO,XBDASH,XBSTRIP,XBNOHDR,XBIENI,XBLEVEL,XBNAME,XBNS ; KILL ^TMP("XBHFMAN",$J),^UTILITY($J) ; ; S X=$O(^DIC(9.4,XBSEL,22,"B","0.5",0)) ; I X S %=0 F S %=$O(^DIC(9.4,XBSEL,22,X,"P",%)) Q:'% S Y=^(%,0) I $L(Y) S ^TMP("XBHFMAN-I",$J,Y)="" ; ; ----- Set namespace and read indexed words into ^TMP("XBHFMAN-I",$J. S XBNS=$P(^DIC(9.4,XBSEL,0),U,2) F X=1:1 S Y=$P($T(@"INDX"+X^@(XBNS_"HFMN")),";",3) Q:'$L(Y) S ^TMP("XBHFMAN-I",$J,Y)="" ; S DIWL=10,DIWR=74,DIWF="W" S XBBM=IOSL-5,XBTM=6,XBTITL=$P(^DIC(9.4,XBSEL,0),U)_" HELP FRAME MANUAL",XBPG=0,XBHDR="Index",(XBHDRE,XBHDRO)="",XBDASH="",$P(XBDASH,"-",81)="",XBDASH=$E(XBDASH,DIWL,DIWR) S XBSTRIP=^DD("FUNC",$O(^DD("FUNC","B","STRIPBLANKS",0)),1) S (XBCHAP,XBLEVEL)=1,(XBCONT,XBHDR,XBPG,XBNOHDR)=0 ; ; ----- Set primary menu as chapter 1. D SETTMP($O(^DIC(19,"B",XBNS_"MENU",0)),"1") ; S XBNAME=XBNS F S XBNAME=$O(^DIC(19,"B",XBNAME)) Q:$E(XBNAME,1,$L(XBNS))'=XBNS I '$D(^DIC(19,"AD",$O(^DIC(19,"B",XBNAME,0)))) S ^TMP("XBHFMAN-M",$J,XBNAME)="" KILL ^TMP("XBHFMAN-M",$J,XBNS_"MENU") D MENU($O(^DIC(19,"B",XBNS_"MENU",0))) ; S XBCHAP=1,XBNAME="" F S XBNAME=$O(^TMP("XBHFMAN-M",$J,XBNAME)) Q:XBNAME="" S XBCHAP=+$P(XBCHAP,".")+1,XBLEVEL=1 D SETTMP($O(^DIC(19,"B",XBNAME,0)),XBCHAP),MENU($O(^DIC(19,"B",XBNAME,0))) ; U IO D ^XBHFMAN1 Q ; ; MENU(I) ; ----- Assign chapter number to OPTIONs. Recurse if OPTION is a menu. Q:'$G(I) NEW X S X=0,XBLEVEL=XBLEVEL+1 F S X=$O(^DIC(19,I,10,X)) Q:'X S $P(XBCHAP,".",XBLEVEL)=$P(XBCHAP,".",XBLEVEL)+1,Y=+^(X,0) D SETTMP(Y,XBCHAP) I $$DATA(Y,0,4)="M" D MENU(Y) S $P(XBCHAP,".",XBLEVEL)=0,XBLEVEL=XBLEVEL-1 Q ; DATA(I,N,P) ; Q $P(^DIC(19,I,N),U,P) ; ; ; RTRN ;EP ----- If interactive, ask usr to press RETURN. I IOST["C-",'$D(IO("S")),$$DIR^XBDIR("E","Press RETURN To Continue or ""^"" to exit","","","","",1) Q ; SETTMP(I,N) ; ----- Set option IEN and chapter designation into ^TMP. NEW X,Y I '$D(ZTQUEUED),'$D(IO("S")) U IO(0) W "." U IO F %=1:1 I '$P(N,".",%) S N=$P(N,".",1,%-1) Q S ^(0)=$G(^TMP("XBHFMAN",$J,0))+1 S ^TMP("XBHFMAN",$J,^TMP("XBHFMAN",$J,0))=I_"^"_N Q ;