XBPOST ; IHS/ADC/GTH - XB/ZIB INSTALLATION POSTINIT ; [ 02/07/97 3:02 PM ] ;;4.0;XB;;Jul 20, 2009;Build 2 ; W !!,$$C^XBFUNC("Beginning XB/ZIB post-init at "_$$FMTE^XLFDT($$HTFM^XLFDT($H))_".") ; W !!,$$C^XBFUNC("Checking PROTOCOL file for XB entries") ; F XB="XB DISPLAY","XB NEXT SCREEN","XB PREVIOUS SCREEN","XB QUIT" I '$D(^ORD(101,"B",XB)) W *7,!,"You're missing option '",XB,"' from PROTOCOL." D . I $$DIR^XBDIR("Y","Do you want to run XBONIT to add the option","Y","","Routine XBONIT will add the XB options to your PROTOCOL file","^D HELP^XBHELP(""ORD101"",""XBPOST"")","") D ^XBONIT .Q ; ; W !,$$C^XBFUNC("Delivering mail message to local programmers") ; D MAIL^XBMAIL("XUMGR-XUPROGMODE","DESC^XBPOST") ; I $$DIR^XBDIR("Y","Do you want to un-needed routines","N","","I'll delete the XB init routines, etc. (Except routine XBINIT)") D . S X=$$RSEL^ZIBRSEL("XBINI*","^TMP(""XBPOST"",$J,") . KILL ^TMP("XBPOST",$J,"XBINIT") . I $D(^ORD(101,"B","XB DISPLAY")),$D(^("XB NEXT SCREEN")),$D(^("XB PREVIOUS SCREEN")),$D(^("XB QUIT")) S X=$$RSEL^ZIBRSEL("XBONI*","^TMP(""XBPOST"",$J,") . S X="" . F S X=$O(^TMP("XBPOST",$J,X)) Q:X="" X ^%ZOSF("DEL") W !,X,$E("...........",1,11-$L(X)),"" . KILL ^TMP("XBPOST",$J) .Q ; W !!,$$C^XBFUNC("You can print a Technical Manual thru the option") W !,$$C^XBFUNC("on the 'MISCELLANEOUS' menu, or with DO ^XBTM.") ; NEW DIC S DIC="^DIC(19,",DIC(0)="",X="ZIB REMOTE PATCH INSTALLATION" D ^DIC I Y<0 W !!,$$C^XBFUNC("You don't have the Remote Patch Installer (ZIBRPI) installed."),!,$$C^XBFUNC("See instructions/descriptions in routine ZIBRPI2.") D HELP^XBHELP("MGR","XBPOST") ; D EN^XBVK("XB"),EN^XBVK("ZIB") W !!,$$C^XBFUNC("XB/ZIB v 3.0 post-init complete at "_$$FMTE^XLFDT($$HTFM^XLFDT($H))_".") Q ; ORD101 ; ;;You're missing one of the XB options from your PROTOCOL file ;;that's needed for the XB interface to the VA's list manager ;;(VALM). If you answer "Y"es, routine ^XBONIT will be called, ;;which will add (or overwrite) the following entries: ;;"XB DISPLAY", "XB NEXT SCREEN", "XB PREVIOUS SCREEN", "XB QUIT". ;;@;! ;;If you answer "N"o, you can run the XBONIT routine later. If ;;you don't run ^XBONIT, and are lacking the XB entries in your ;;PROTOCOL file, you're XB interface to the list manager will be ;;undetermined. ;;### ; MGR ; ;;Don't forget to copy, and rename, the following routines to the ;;MGR uci: ;; Routine Rename As ;; -------- -------- ;; XBCLS %XBCLS ;; ZIBGD %ZIBGD ;; ZIBRD %ZIBRD ;; ZIBCLU0 %ZIBCLU0 ;; ZIBZUCI %ZUCI ;;### ; DESC ; ;;XB/ZIB v 3.0, Installation Announcement. ;; ;;++++++++++++ XB/ZIB 3.0 Installation Announcement +++++++++++++++ ;;+ This mail message has been delivered to all local + ;;+ users that hold an XUMGR, XUPROG, or XUPROGMODE security key. + ;;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;; ;;Please direct your questions or comments about RPMS software to: ;; OIRM / DSD (Division of Systems Development) ;; 5300 Homestead Road NE ;; Albuquerque NM 87110 ;; 505-837-4189 ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;;(1) XBDIR - DIR INTERFACE. ;;The purpose of routine XBDIR is to provide interface methodology ;;for a call to ^DIR, to ensure correct handling of variables, and ;;to provide for the expressiveness of an extrinsic function. There ;;is no requirement to use the interface. ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;;(2) XBBPI - BUILD PRE-INIT ROUTINE. ;;Implementation specific Z commands were replaced with equivalent ;;^%ZOSF nodes. ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;;(3) XBHELP - DISPLAY HELP TEXT TO USER. ;;Although this routine was specifically requested to provide the ;;flexibility to display text to the user, it can be used at other ;;times. ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;;(4) XBHFMAN - PRINT A MANUAL CONSISTING OF INFO FROM HELP FRAMES. ;;This utility creates a "manual" consisting of information from the ;;option tree of the selected application, and information contained ;;in the option descriptions and help frames. ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;;(5) XBKTMP - CLEAN ^TMP(). ;;This routine KILLs nodes in ^TMP( whose first or second subscripts ;;are the current $J. ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;;(6) XBLCALL - LIST CALLABLE ROUTINES. ;;The routine has been updated to list published entry points that ;;are supported for calls from other applications. ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;;(7) XBLM - LIST MANAGER INTERFACE. ;;Two entry points have been added for support of future GUI ;;programming. ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;;(8) XBON/XBOFF - SET REVERSE VIDEO ON/OFF. ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;;(9) XBTM - PRINT XB/ZIB TECH MANUAL. ;;This routine provides for the printing of a technical manual for ;;the XB/ZIB routines. One or all chapters can be printed. The ;;information comes from existing routines, and other attributes, ;;on the local machine, and will reflect all local modifications. ;;All entry points and published entry points (PEP) are listed. ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;;(10) XBVIDEO - SET/WRITE VARIOUS DEVICE ATTRIBUTES. ;;Entry point EN provides access to creating, writing, and resetting ;;cursor position for various device attributes, both supported by ;;%ZISS, and not supported by %ZISS. See the routine for the ;;variables. ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;;(11) XBVK - KILL LIST OF LOCAL VARIABLES. ;;This routine calls an implementation specific routine which ;;searches the symbol table and kills local variables within the ;;namespace passed in the parameter. ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;;(12) XBVL - LIST LOCAL VARIABLES. ;;This is an interactive utility which will provide programmers with ;;the ability to list a subset, based on a selected namespace, of ;;local variables. ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;;(13) ZIBERR - PROVIDE ACCESS TO THE SYSTEM ERROR VARIABLE. ;;This provides access to implementation specific system variable to ;;return the current error, if any. ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;;(14) ZIBGCHAR - MODIFY GLOBAL CHARACTERISTICS. ;;Several entry points allow modification of implementation ;;specific global characteristics. ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;;(15) ZIBNSSV - NON-STANDARD SYSTEM VARIABLES. ;;This routine provides access to common non-standard system ;;variables that are implementation specific. ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;;(16) ZIBTCP - PRINT TO REMOTE PRINTER THRU TCP. ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;;+++++++++++++ end of 3.0 Installation announcement ++++++++++++++ ;;### ;