XBTM4 ; IHS/ADC/GTH - TECH MANUAL : OPTIONS ; [ 02/07/97 3:02 PM ] ;;4.0;XB;;Jul 20, 2009;Build 2 ; NEW A,B,C,T,XB F A=1:1 S X=$P($T(PR+A),";;",2) Q:X="###" D PR(X) Q:$D(DUOUT) Q:$D(DUOUT) D ^DIWW S T=$P(^DD(19,4,0),U,3) F %=1:1 Q:'$L($P(T,";",%)) S T($P($P(T,";",%),":"))=$P($P(T,";",%),":",2) S XB="XB" D OP("XAz") S XB="ZIB" D OP("ZIAz") Q ; OP(A) ; Print info on options in namespace A. F S A=$O(^DIC(19,"B",A)) Q:'($E(A,1,$L(XB))=XB) S B=$O(^(A,0)) D . D PR("|_|"_$P(^DIC(19,B,0),U)_"|_|"_$S('$D(^DIC(19,"AD",B)):" ** no parents **",1:"")),^DIWW . Q:$D(DUOUT) . D PR("TYPE: "_T($P(^DIC(19,B,0),U,4))),^DIWW . Q:$D(DUOUT) . D PR("TEXT: "_$P(^DIC(19,B,0),U,2)),^DIWW . Q:$D(DUOUT) . I $L($P(^DIC(19,B,0),U,6)) D PR("LOCK: "_$P(^(0),U,6)),^DIWW . I $L($G(^DIC(19,B,20))) D PR("ENTRY ACTION: "_^DIC(19,B,20)),^DIWW . I $L($G(^DIC(19,B,15))) D PR("EXIT ACTION : "_^DIC(19,B,15)),^DIWW . D PR("DESCRIPTION : ") . Q:$D(DUOUT) . S C=0 . F S C=$O(^DIC(19,B,1,C)) Q:'C D PR(^(C,0)) Q:$D(DUOUT) . Q:$D(DUOUT) . D ^DIWW . F C=30:1:36,50,51,60:1:69,69.1:.1:69.3,71:1:73,79:1:82 I $L($G(^DIC(19,B,C))) D PR($P(^DD(19,C,0),U)_": "_^DIC(19,B,C)),^DIWW Q:$D(DUOUT) . Q:$D(DUOUT) . W ! .Q Q:$D(DUOUT) D ^DIWW Q ; PR(X) NEW A,B,C,T,XB D PR^XBTM(X) Q ;;There are no options distributed with the package. ;;|SETTAB("C")||TAB| ;;There is one option associated with the Remote Patch ;;Installer (ZIBRPI), which is used to schedule the task. ;;That option is installed by ZIBRPI when the local facility ;;installs it. ;;|SETTAB("C")||TAB| ;;If you have Remote Error Reporting (ZIBRER) installed, there ;;will be options in that namespace. ;;|SETTAB("C")||TAB| ;;Any other XB or ZIB listed option ;;will have been created on your local machine. ;;|SETTAB("C")||TAB| ;;|SETTAB("C")||TAB| ;;###