XBTMPR ; IHS/ADC/GTH - TECH MANUAL : PREFACE ; [ 02/07/97 3:02 PM ] ;;4.0;XB;;Jul 20, 2009;Build 2 ; NEW XBCTR F XBCTR=1:1 S X=$P($T(PREFACE+XBCTR),";;",2) Q:X="" D PR^XBTM(X) D ^DIWW Q ; PREFACE ;; ;;|SETTAB("C")||TAB| ;;|SETTAB("C")||TAB| ;;|SETTAB("C")||TAB| ;;|SETTAB("C")||TAB|PREFACE ;; ;;This document is designed primarily for RPMS application ;;programmers. Area and site IRM personnel can find this ;;document helpful in understanding how the XB/ZIB utility ;;routines operate. ;; ;;|SETTAB("C")||TAB| ;;|SETTAB("C")||TAB| ;;|SETTAB("C")||TAB| ;;|SETTAB("C")||TAB|INTRODUCTION ;;|SETTAB("C")||TAB| ;;|SETTAB("C")||TAB| ;;The IHS/VA UTILITIES are in the XB ;;namespace, for routines that are not MUMPS ;;implementation specific. Routines that are implementation specific ;;will be in the ZIB namespace. ;; ;;Programmer tools are available from programmer mode thru the ;;menu-driver routine XB. ;; ;;There are no files associated with this package. ;; ;;To aid in your reading the routines, if required, the following ;;style guidelines have been followed in most of the routines. ;;|SETTAB("C")||TAB| ;; (1) all NEW and KILL commands are not abbreviated; ;;|SETTAB("C")||TAB| ;; (2) only one command scope per line; ;;|SETTAB("C")||TAB| ;; (3) unconditional GOs/QUITs are followed by a comment line; ;;|SETTAB("C")||TAB| ;; (4) lines with labels have no executable code; ;;|SETTAB("C")||TAB| ;;|SETTAB("C")||TAB|