Last change on this file since 641 was 641, checked in by Sam Habiel, 14 years ago

Initial commit of XB, move away from
Includes kids file and documentation.

File size: 9.0 KB
2 ;;4.0;XB;;Jul 20, 2009;Build 2
5 W !?10,$P($P($ZV,","),"-")," - Error Code Description Utility"
8 W !!,"Error code: " R EC G:EC="^Q"!(EC="^q")!("^"[EC) EXIT
9 G MM:EC?1.N1":"1.N,ZV:EC?1.N,TXT:EC?1"<"5U1">",DISP:EC?5U
10 W !,*7,?5,"Enter error code in following format:"
11 W !,?7,"major:minor",?28,"Example: 4:1"
12 W !,?7,"<text>",?28,"Example: <SYNTX>"
13 W !,?7,"nnn",?28,"Error code from $ZVERIFY(), ex: 21"
15MM ;major:minor
16 S EC=$P(EC,":")_$P(EC,":",2) G DISP
17ZV ;$ZV
18 S EC=99_EC G DISP
19TXT ;<text>
20 S EC=$E(EC,2,6)
21DISP ;
22 S EXP=$T(@EC) I EXP="" W *7," ... no such error code on file" G CODE
23 W !,?5,$P(EXP,";",2,99)
24 F I=1:1 S EXP=$T(@EC+I) Q:EXP=""!($P(EXP," ")'="") W !,?5,$P(EXP,";",2,99)
26EXIT ;
27 Q
28ERR ;
29 I $F($ZE,"<INRPT>") U 0 W !!,"...Aborted." D EXIT V 0:$J:$ZB($V(0,$J,2),#0400,7):2
30 ZQ
31 ;error codes
3221 ; missing parenthesis
3322 ; missing or bad colon
3423 ; missing or bad equal
3524 ; missing or bad local variable
3625 ; missing or bad global variable
3726 ; missing or bad function
3827 ; missing or bad routine name
3928 ; missing or bad routine label
4029 ; missing or bad routine displacement
41210 ; indirect argument error
42211 ; argument condition error
43212 ; bad argument delimiter
44213 ; bad command
4530 ; bad special variable name
4631 ; bad system function
4732 ; bad local variable name
4833 ; bad global variable
4934 ; bad string constant
5035 ; bad numeric constant
5136 ; unbalanced parenthesis
5237 ; invalid systax in term
5338 ; bad operator
5439 ; bad delimiter
5540 ; undefined local variable
5641 ; undefined global variable
5742 ; undefined routine label
5843 ; undefined routine name
5944 ; bad naked reference
6045 ; non-existant device
6146 ; unsubscripted local reference required
6247 ; variable reference required.. no expressions
6348 ; zload/zremove command not inside of execute string
6449 ; undefined uci reference
65410 ; insertion of null line is illegal
66411 ; unknown data type
67412 ; missing parameter
68413 ; undefined system reference
69414 ; global access protection violation
70415 ; VIEW command restriction
71416 ; ZCALL error
72417 ; Formal List not entered via DO command
73418 ; QUIT with argument inside FOR scope
74419 ; QUIT with argument, but routine not extrinsic
75420 ; argumentless QUIT, but routine was extrinsic
76421 ; end of extrinsic subroutine encountered without QUIT parm
77422 ; label requires a Formal List
78423 ; Actual List contains more parms than Formal List
79424 ; Formal List parameter is subscripted variable
80425 ; duplicate variable name in Formal List
81426 ; passing a value by reference in JOB command not allowed
8250 ; string exceeded maximum length
83 ; 4092 for locals, 255 for globals
8451 ; select function error (all elements evaluated to FALSE)
8552 ; attempt to divide by zero
8653 ; negative number where only zero or positive values allowed
8754 ; maximum number
8855 ; attempt to access a non-opened device
8956 ; maximum memory
9057 ; string value required
9158 ; name indirection resulted in null value
9259 ; name indirection resolved into more than pure variable name
93 ; ex: SET X=@Y where Y="ABC+2" (the '+2' is illegal)
94510 ; selected partition not active ($VIEW)
95511 ; invalid VIEW/$VIEW() parameter
96512 ; function parameter out of range
97513 ; subscript contains $C(0), or is null, or total global reference
98 ; exceeds 255 characters (including delimiters)
99514 ; attempt to read/write file when file not opened for that access
100 ; ex: writing to a file that is opened for input
101 ; reading from a file that is opened for output
102 ; reading from a file that is opened for input but was not found
103 ; during open processing ($ZA/$ZB indicate if file was found)
104515 ; invalid kanji or compressed shiftjis char
105516 ; not allowed to write to block 0
106517 ; invalid use of shared mode on VIEW buffer
10760 ; break key depressed
10861 ; attempt to exceed partition size limit set at 'logon' time
10962 ; halt command executed
11063 ; lock table full
11164 ; BREAK command detected
11265 ; expression stack overflowed (expression too complex or operands of
113 ; string operations too long)
11466 ; system stack overflow (DO/XECUTE/INDIRECTION nesting is too deep)
11567 ; old pcode.. need to ZLOAD and ZSAVE (run the %RELOAD utility)
11668 ; ddp error
117 ; can be caused by: SET X="XECUTE X" X X
11869 ; reserved for DDP internal use
119610 ; DDP database access inhibited
120611 ; MUMPS to MUMPS communication failure
121612 ; I/O error on terminal operation
122613 ; I/O error on magnetic tape operation
123614 ; pcode too long to fit in one block
124615 ; ZQUIT error
125616 ; DDP circuit disabled
12671 ; bad block type in global directory block
12772 ; bad block type in pointer block
12873 ; bad block type in global data block
12974 ; bad block type in extended global data block
13075 ; bad block type in routine directory block
13176 ; bad block type in routine header block
13277 ; bad block type in routine block
13378 ; bad block type in map block
13479 ; bad block type in journal block
135710 ; bad block type in sequential-block-processor block
136711 ; hardware i/o error (unable to read/write database block)
137712 ; disk full (if this occurs on a SET of a global variable, you MUST
138 ; use ^VALIDATE in Manager's UCI to validate the global since it
139 ; is likely that the global has become corrupt since the SET did
140 ; not complete normally (you may need to use ^DBFIX to correct)
141713 ; mismatch of block number id in block header
142714 ; global data/pointer block 'string+key' is too long, proper
143 ; block split can't be performed
144715 ; unable to open database
145716 ; block being freed already marked as free
146 ; use ^VALIDATE and ^DBFIX in manager's UCI to correct problem
147717 ; invalid block number to driver
148BKERR ; BREAK command was executed
149CMMND ; illegal or undefined command
150CLOBR ; zload/zremove command not inside execute statement
151DDPER ; ddp error
152DIVER ; attempt to divide by zero
153DKFUL ; all space on the disk has been exhausted
154DKHER ; disk physical i/o error (can't read/write a block in database)
155DKSER ; incorrect block type in block header (ex: reading in a 'data'
156 ; block but header in block indicates a 'directory' block)
157 ; use ^VALIDATE and ^DBFIX in manager's UCI to correct problem
158DPARM ; invalid use of parameter passing
159DSCON ; telephone associated with the device has been disconnected
160FUNCT ; illegal or undefined function
161INDER ; invalid use of the indirection operator
162INRPT ; control-c or 'break' key detected
163ISYNT ; invalid syntax of a line being ZINERTed into a routine
164LINER ; reference made to a non-existent label
165MAPER ; blk being freed already marked as free
166MINUS ; positive number was expected
167MODER ; read/write to file when incorrect read/write mode
168MSMCX ; in memory communication path between tasks has been interrupted
169MTERR ; magnetic tape Inpt/Output error
170MXNUM ; number is greater than maximum allowed
171MXMEM ; invalid memory specification in VIEW cmnd
172MXSTR ; string exceeds maximum length
173NAKED ; naked reference is invalid
174NODEV ; attempt to open an undefined device
175NOMEM ; attempt to access a nonexistant or protected memory location
176NOPEN ; attempt to use an unopened device
177NOPGM ; routine not found in directory
178NOSYS ; reference to a non-existent volume group through extended global notation
179NOUCI ; reference to a non-existent UCI through extended global notation
180PCERR ; invalid post-conditioned
181PGMOV ; no memory left in partition
182PLDER ; old pcode.. need to ZLOAD and ZSAVE (run the %RELOAD utility)
183SBSCR ; invalid subscript specfication
184SYNTX ; invalid syntax in expression, command, etc
185SYSTM ; system error (should not occur)
186UNDEF ; local or global reference is undefined
187PROT ; access protection violation
188SBSCR ; invalid subscript in a local or global variable
189STKOV ; system stack has overflowed due to nested indirection, program loop, etc.
190SYNTX ; a syntax error has been encountered by the interperter
191SYSTM ; an internal MUMPS error, shutdown system and reboot
192VWERR ; invalid use of the shared VIEW buffer mode
193ZCERR ; old pcode.. need to ZLOAD and ZSAVE
194ZLZSV ; old pcode.. need to ZLOAD and ZSAVE
195BADCH ; invalid kanji/shiftjis character
19699 ; buffer validation error codes
197991 ; unknown block type
198992 ; unknown data type in block
199993 ; block type mis-match of descendent block
200994 ; block not marked allocated in map block
201995 ; right hand link doesnt match next downlink of ptr
202996 ; block number field in block is incorrect
2039910 ; non-zero common count for leading key in blk
2049911 ; zero length unique part of key
2059912 ; common > common+unique of previous key
2069920 ; length of leading key doesnt match expected value
2079921 ; leading key doesnt match expected value
2089930 ; keys not in ascending order
2099931 ; key not higher than high key in subtree
2109940 ; hdrnext() inconsistent with actual end
2119950 ; zero pointer to lower level
2129951 ; cyclic loop in pointer block(s)
2139952 ; cyclic loop in right link of routine blocks
2149960 ; incorrect offset to first free slot in map block
2159961 ; incorrect free count in map block
2169963 ; map block in illegal location (valid: 1, 513, ... 512*n+1)
2179964 ; map block not allocated to SYSTEM
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