ZIBGD ; IHS/ADC/GTH - DIRECTORY OF SELECTED GLOBALS ; [ 12/29/2004 11:25 AM ] ;;4.0;XB;;Jul 20, 2009;Build 2 ;XB*3*9 IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 Cache' mods. ; ; This routine displays a selected range or sub-set ; of the global directory. ; ; Save, or copy, to the MGR uci as %ZIBGD, or %AZGD. ; ; Thanks to Don Enos, OHPRD, for the original routine. ; ; I $G(^%ZOSF("OS"))'["MSM" W $C(7),!,"Sorry....",!,"Operating System '",$P(^%ZOSF("OS"),"^",1),"' is not supported." Q ;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 I $G(^%ZOSF("OS"))'["MSM",'($$VERSION^%ZOSV(1)["Cache") W $C(7),!,"Sorry....",!,"Operating System '",$P(^%ZOSF("OS"),"^",1),"' is not supported." Q ;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 ; ;Begin New Code;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 I $$VERSION^%ZOSV(1)["Cache" D CA Q ;End New Code;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 MSM ; Micronetics D ^%GSEL G:%GSEL=0 MSMQ S %GSN=1 D ^%GSEL2 G MSM ;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 MSMQ ; KILL %GN,%GSEL,%GSN,%GTEMP,%I,%J1 Q ; ;Begin New Code;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 CA ; ;D ^%GSET ;TASSC/MFD obsolete S %G=$$Select^%GSETNS ;TASSC/MFD new call G:%G=0 CAQ NEW ZIBI,ZIBNAM S ZIBNAM="" F ZIBI=0:1 S ZIBNAM=$O(^%utility($J,ZIBNAM)) Q:ZIBNAM="" W:'(ZIBI#8) ! W ZIBNAM_$J("",9-$L(ZIBNAM)) ;TASSC/MFD changed UTILITY to %utility for Cache W !,?5,ZIBI," Globals",! KILL ZIBI,ZIBNAM G CA ; CAQ ; K %G,%JO,NSPNAM Q ;End New Code;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002