| 1 | XBFNC ;IHS/SET/GTH - Field Numbering Conventions ; [ 10/29/2002 7:42 AM ]
| 2 | ;;4.0;XB;;Jul 20, 2009;Build 2
| 3 | ; XB*3*9 IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002
| 4 | ;
| 5 | ; Given an input of files, check the fields in the files
| 6 | ; for conformance to the SAC field numbering conventions.
| 7 | ;
| 8 | ; Can also print conventions.
| 9 | ;
| 10 | Q ; F = File
| 11 | ; H = Header
| 12 | ; I = Field
| 13 | ; N = Node
| 14 | ; P = Piece
| 15 | ;
| 16 | W !,"FileMan Field Numbering Conventions",!
| 17 | D FNC,^XBDSET
| 18 | Q:'$D(^UTILITY("XBDSET",$J))
| 19 | NEW F
| 20 | S F=0
| 21 | F S F=$O(^UTILITY("XBDSET",$J,F)) Q:'F D FILE(F)
| 22 | Q
| 23 | ;
| 24 | FILE(F) ;
| 25 | NEW I,H,N,P
| 26 | S I=0
| 27 | F S I=$O(^DD(F,I)) Q:'I I '($P(^(I,0),U,2)["C") D
| 28 | . S H=0
| 29 | . I +$P(^DD(F,I,0),U,2) D Q
| 30 | .. I $L(I)'=4 D ERR(1)
| 31 | .. D FILE(+$P(^DD(F,I,0),U,2))
| 32 | ..Q
| 33 | . S N=$P($P(^DD(F,I,0),U,4),";",1),P=$P($P(^(0),U,4),";",2)
| 34 | . I N=0 D Q
| 35 | .. I $E(I)'="." D ERR(2)
| 36 | .. I P'=+$P(I,".",2)!(+$P(I,".")) D ERR(3)
| 37 | .. I P=10 D ERR(4)
| 38 | ..Q
| 39 | . I $E(I)="." D ERR(5)
| 40 | . I +N,N'=+$E(I,1,$L(N)) D ERR(6)
| 41 | . I +N,P'=+$E(I,$L(N)+1,99) D ERR(7)
| 42 | . I 'N,P'=I D ERR(8)
| 43 | .Q
| 44 | Q
| 45 | ;
| 46 | ERR(E) ;
| 47 | W:'H !," ",F," (",$O(^DD(F,0,"NM","")),"), ",I," (",$P(^DD(F,I,0),U,1),"), global location ",$P(^(0),U,4),$S(+P:"",1:"(Multiple)")
| 48 | S H=1
| 49 | W !?5,$P($T(@E),";",3),"."
| 50 | Q
| 51 | ;
| 52 | 1 ;;Field number of multiple field is not 4 digits
| 53 | 2 ;;Field number in 0th node should begin with '.'
| 54 | 3 ;;Piece number in 0th node should = +$P(fld#,".",2)
| 55 | 4 ;;Piece 10 of 0th node should be null
| 56 | 5 ;;Field begins with '.' and not in 0th node
| 57 | 6 ;;Field number does not begin with node location
| 58 | 7 ;;Piece number does not match non-nodal part of field number
| 59 | 8 ;;Field number and piece number do not match
| 60 | ;
| 61 | FNC ;
| 62 | Q:'$$DIR^XBDIR("Y","Print conventions","N")
| 63 | D ^%ZIS
| 64 | Q:POP
| 65 | U IO
| 67 | Q
| 68 | ;
| 69 | TXT ;
| 70 | ;;
| 71 | ;; -------------------------------
| 74 | ;; -------------------------------
| 75 | ;;
| 76 | ;;The following conventions for numbering fields, and placing data in pieces, is
| 77 | ;;extracted from a mail message dated 25 Feb 88, and is considered to be those
| 78 | ;;conventions referred to in the Programming Standards And Conventions paragraph
| 79 | ;;which states "Field numbers for FileMan files will be assigned in accordance
| 80 | ;;with established conventions."
| 81 | ;;
| 82 | ;; = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
| 83 | ;;
| 84 | ;;1) There is a direct correlation between the field number and the node and
| 85 | ;;piece, and for multiples, between the field number and the sub-file number.
| 86 | ;;
| 87 | ;;2) Fields beginning with a "." are all .01-.n and are in the 0th node. Where
| 88 | ;;possible, files only have a 0th node. This reduces the number of disc accesses
| 89 | ;;required. A field number must be canonic, therefore, there is no .10 field.
| 90 | ;;It goes from .09 to .11. That means piece 10 will always be NULL.
| 91 | ;;
| 92 | ;;3) Where the entire entry cannot be put in one node, there are more nodes,
| 93 | ;;generally grouped by logically related fields into field numbers within some
| 94 | ;;range, say 1101-1116. These would be node 11 piece 1-16, and in this case
| 95 | ;;piece 10 is allowed because it is canonic.
| 96 | ;;
| 97 | ;;4) Multiple fields are always 4 digits. The first two digits are the next
| 98 | ;;higher group, using the example above, 11 would be the next higher group. The
| 99 | ;;second two digits are always 00. The subscript for that multiple is always the
| 100 | ;;first two digits of the multi-valued field number. 11 in this case. The
| 101 | ;;sub-file number is always the parent file number with the first two digits of
| 102 | ;;the multi-valued field number appended. If we were in file 9000001 in the
| 103 | ;;above example, the sub-file for field 1100 would be 9000001.11, and the
| 104 | ;;subscript would be 11. Now, if we added a multiple to that sub-file, as say
| 105 | ;;field number 1500, its sub-file would be 9000001.1115 and its subscript would
| 106 | ;;be 15. In the data global it would look like ^AUPNPAT(DA(1),11,DA,15,0). The
| 107 | ;;assigning of sub-file numbers is important, because if you let FileMan do it,
| 108 | ;;he will assign numbers that may fall within the number space of primary files
| 109 | ;;using our file number assigning logic.
| 110 | ;;
| 111 | ;;5) There are special cases that do not follow the rules, of course. On most
| 112 | ;;of the pointed to files, we have added a field number 9901 MNEMONIC which is
| 113 | ;;used on a site by site basis if you have a very high percentage of your lookups
| 114 | ;;to two or three entries, you can add data to the MNEMONIC field, say 1, 2, and
| 115 | ;;3, and instead of responding CLAREMORE to a LOCATION lookup, you can respond 1.
| 116 | ;;This field is in node 88 piece 1. It is 8801 so the MNEMONIC field would be
| 117 | ;;the same number in all dictionaries, regardless of how many fields, and field
| 118 | ;;numbers, a particular file had already.
| 119 | ;;
| 120 | ;;6) Computed fields, where ever possible, immediately follow the field from
| 121 | ;;which they are computed, and the computed field number is the same as the real
| 122 | ;;field followed by a 9. If the field above was .12 the computed field would be
| 123 | ;;.129. If you wanted more than one computed field off of .12 they would be
| 124 | ;;.1291 and .1292.
| 125 | ;;
| 126 | ;;7) There is another class of computed field. That is a computed field that
| 127 | ;;points back to the VA PATIENT file. Those fields have a .2 following the field
| 128 | ;;number. That indicates it is not really a computed field, but just a pointer
| 129 | ;;back to the VA PATIENT file.
| 130 | ;;
| 131 | ;;********************************************