XBLCALL ; IHS/ADC/GTH - LIST CALLABLE SUBROUTINES ; [ 02/07/97 3:02 PM ] ;;4.0;XB;;Jul 20, 2009;Build 2 ; ; This routine lists callable subroutines that are known to ; this routine. To add subroutines to this routine just add ; them to the end of this routine in same manner. ; START ; NEW I,X,Y F I=1:1 S X=$T(@("L")+I) Q:X="" W !,$P(X,";",3),$E("...............",1,15-$L($P(X,";",3))),$P(X,";",4,99) I '(I#20) Q:'($$QUIT) Q ; QUIT() ; NEW I,X,Y Q $$DIR^XBDIR("E") ; STARDATE(X) ; Return Stardate of FM date/time. I X'?7N.1".".6N Q -1 NEW Y S Y=$P(X,".",2),Y=+$E(Y,1,2)/24+(+$E(Y,3,4)/(60*24))+(+$E(Y,5,6)/(60*60*24)) Q $FN($E(X,3,7)+Y,"-",2) ; L ; ;;^XBCLS;Clears the screen ;;EP^XBCLM(STR);Lists numbered column headings over the passed string ;;^XBDAD0;Returns DA array for D0,D1, etc. or vice versa ;;KILL^XBDAD0;KILL D0, D1, ETC. ;;^XBDATE;Limits selected routines to those edited after given date ;;^XBDBQUE;Double Q'uing shell handler ;;^XBDIE;Exclusive NEW of Kernel vars for nesting DIE calls ;;^XBDIFF;Returns difference between two date/times ;;$$DIC^XBDIQ1(FN);Extrensic entry to return DIC from global ;;EN^XBDIQ1;Returns single entries ;;ENM^XBDIQ1;Returns multiple entries ;;ENP^XBDIQ1(DIC,DA,DR,DIQ,FMT);Param pass into EN ;;ENPM^XBDIQ1(DIC,DA,DR,DIQ,FMT);Param pass into EN ;;PARSE^XBDIQ1(DA);Parse DA literal into da array ;;$$VAL^XBDIQ1(DIC,DA,DR);Return a value for a field ;;$$VALI^XBDIQ1(DIC,DA,DR);Return internal value for a field ;;$$DIR^XBDIR();Standard interface to Reader ;;EN1^XBDSET;Return FileMan dictionaries ;;EN^XBENHANCE(NS);Print enhancements from PACKAGE given namespace ;;FLD^XBFDINFO(FILE,FIELD,ROOT);Return field info from dd ;;^XBFMK;Kills variables left around by FileMan ;;EN1^XBFRESET;Reset global(s), confirm with user ;;EN2^XBFRESET;Reset global(s), do not confirm with user ;;^XBGXFR;Copies global to another global ;;^XBGXREFS;Returns xrefs for file/subfile,field ;;$$C^XBFUNC(X,Y);Center X in field length Y/IOM/80. ;;$$CV^XBFUNC(N);Return current version for package with namespace N ;;$$DECFRAC^XBFUNC(DECIMAL VALUE);returns fraction equivilent ;;$$FNDPATRN^XBFUNC(STR,PAT);finds pattern in string ;;$$GDT^XBFUNC(JDT);Return Gregorian Date, given Julian Date. ;;$$GETPATRN^XBFUNC(STR,PAT);returns pattern from string ;;$$INTSET^XBFUNC(FILE,FIELD,EXTVAL);returns internal value ;;$$JDT^XBFUNC(FMDT);Return Julian Date, given FM date. ;;$$EXTSET^XBFUNC(FILE,FIELD,INTVAL);returns external value ;;$$LOC^XBFUNC;Return location name from file 4 based on DUZ(2). ;;$$USR^XBFUNC;Return name of current user for ^VA(200. ;;$$PROVCLS^XBFUNC1(PROV,FORM);Return Provider Class from New Person ;;$$PROVCLSC^XBFUNC1(PROV);Return Provider Class Code given New Person IEN ;;$$PCCPPINT^XBFUNC2(VISIT);Return primary provider ien from 200 ;;$$PCCPPN^XBFUNC2(VISIT);Return visit primary provider (NAME) ;;$$PCCPPI^XBFUNC2(VISIT);Return visit primary provider (INITIALS) ;;$$PCCPPCLS^XBFUNC2(VISIT,FORM);Return visit primary provider class (CODE) ;;$$PCCPPCLC^XBFUNC2(VISIT);Return visit primary provider class (CODE) ;;$$PCCPPAFF^XBFUNC2(VISIT,FORM);Return visit primary provider (affiliation) ;;^XBGSAVE;Generic global save for transmission globals ;;HELP^XBHELP(L,R,T);Display text beginning at label L of routine R ;;EN1^XBKD;Kill DICs and globals, info in vars ;;EN2^XBKD;Kill DICs and globals, info in ^UTILITY("XBDSET",$J) ;;^XBKERCLN;Clean out kernel namespace items prior to install ;;^XBKTMP;KILL nodes in ^TMP( that have $J as 1st or 2nd subscripts ;;^XBKVAR;Set minimum Kernel vars ;;ARRAY^XBLM(AR,HDR);Display array that has (...,n,0) structure ;;DIQ^XBLM(DIC,DA);Display DIC and DA after call to EN^DIQ ;;FILE^XBLM(DIR,FN);Read file into the TMP global for display ;;GUID^XBLM(ROU,Y);Give routine and target array for FM prints ;;GUIR^XBLM(ROU,Y);Give routine and target array ;;SFILE^XBLM;Select a host file for display ;;VIEWD^XBLM(ROU);Use ROU to print to a host file for viewing ;;VIEWR^XBLM(ROU,HDR);Use ROU to print to a host file for viewing ;;EN^XBLZRO;List 0th nodes of pre-selected list of FileMan files ;;MAIL^XBMAIL(NS,REF);Send mail msg to holders of NS* security key ;;EN^XBNEW(XBRET,XBNS);Nest Die calls, "TAG^ROUTINE:VAR;NSVAR*" ;;^XBOFF;Set reverse video off ;;^XBON;Set reverse video on ;;PFTV^XBPFTV(FILE,ENTRY,VALUE);Returns terminal value for pointer ;;^XBPKDEL;Delete parts of package, namespace in XBPKNSP ;;EN1^XBRESID;Clean up residuals in ^DD from XBRLO to XBRHI ;;EN^XBRPTL;Print routines down to first label ;;EN^XBSFGBL(SUBFILE,ref,FORM);Return global ref of file or sub-file. ;;^XBSITE;Ask user to select site to set DUZ(2) ;;SET^XBSITE;Request set of DUZ(2) from applications ;;^XBUPCASE;Upcases value in X ;;EN^XBVIDEO(X);Set video attribute in X, return cursor ;;EN^XBVK(NS);KILLS local variables in the passed namespace ;;^XBVL;List variables in the selected namespace ;;$$KILLOK^ZIBGCHAR(G);Allow kill of global G ;;$$KILLNO^ZIBGCHAR(G);Prevent kill'ing of global G ;;$$JOURN^ZIBGCHAR(G);Set Journaling to ALWAYS for global G ;;$$NOJOURN^ZIBGCHAR(G);Set Journaling for global G to NEVER ;;$$UCIJOURN^ZIBGCHAR(G);Journal global G when UCI is Journaled ;;$$ERR^ZIBGCHAR(#);Return cause of error # ;;$$Z^ZIBNSSV(ERR);Return values of Non-Standard ($Z) Special Variables ;;^ZIBRUN;Sets $T based on whether routine in X is running ;;$$RSEL^ZIBRSEL(NS,Y);Select a list or range of routines