1 | ZIBDR ; IHS/ADC/GTH - SAVES DIR STRING TO EDITORS ; [ 10/29/2002 7:42 AM ]
2 | ;;4.0;XB;;Jul 20, 2009;Build 2
3 | ;XB*3*9 IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002 Cache' mods.
4 | ;
5 | ; The string is stored in the "Temp" storage area for the
6 | ; screen and line editors for the current device.
7 | ;
8 | SAVE(ZIBDIR) ;EP - Save string in editor global locations.
9 | ; I ^%ZOSF("OS")'["MSM" D OSNO^XB Q ; Only supports Micronetics. ;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002
10 | I ^%ZOSF("OS")'["MSM",'(^%ZOSF("OS")["OpenM") D OSNO^XB Q ;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002
11 | I $$VERSION^%ZOSV(1)["MSM" D Q ;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002
12 | . W !!!,"Saving the following line of code in",!,"^%ZUT($I,""Temp"") for the ^%E editor,",!,"and ^ZUT($I,""Temp"") for the ^% editor:",!,ZIBDIR ;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002
13 | . KILL ^%ZUT($I,"Temp") ;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002
14 | . S ^%ZUT($I,"Temp",1)=ZIBDIR,^%ZUT($I,"Temp",0)="Temporary storage" ;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002
15 | .Q ;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002
16 | ;W !!!,"Saving the following line of code in",!,"^%ZUT($I,""Temp"") for the ^%E editor,",!,"and ^ZUT($I,""Temp"") for the ^% editor:",!,ZIBDIR ;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002
17 | W !!!,"Saving the following line of code in",!,"^ZUT($I,""Temp"") for the ^% editor:",!,ZIBDIR ;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002
18 | ; KILL ^%ZUT($I,"Temp") S ^%ZUT($I,"Temp",1)=ZIBDIR,^%ZUT($I,"Temp",0)="Temporary storage" ;IHS/SET/GTH XB*3*9 10/29/2002
19 | KILL ^ZUT($I,"Temp") S ^ZUT($I,"Temp",1)=ZIBDIR,^ZUT($I,"Temp",0)="Temporary storage"
20 | Q
21 | ;