source: Scheduling/branches/Radiology-Support/cs/bsdx0200GUISourceCode/DAL.cs@ 1154

Last change on this file since 1154 was 1140, checked in by Sam Habiel, 14 years ago

DRadExamsSelect: New form to let user select exam.
RadiologyExam: Class for a Radiology Exam
DAL: new DB communication methods: GetRadiologyExamsForPatientinHL and ScheduleRadiologyExam

  1. New context menus for Radiology; context menu popup has logic for which menus to display;
  2. Helper method IsThisARadiologyResource used by ctxCalendarGrid_Popup to decide which menus to display
  3. Handler ctxCalGridMkRadAppt_Click to make the Radiology Appointment.


  1. CreateAppointment now saves RadiologyExamIEN to the DB
  2. RefreshAppointments now gets RadiologyExamIEN from the DB


  1. Class completely refactored to use auto props rather than old style properties
  2. Added property RadiologyExamIEN

CalendarGrid: Class was wrongly using supposed private members of CGAppointment. Refactored to fix that as private members don't exist anymore.

Last but not least, new exe,dll

File size: 13.2 KB
1using System;
2using System.Collections.Generic;
3using System.Linq;
4using System.Data;
5using System.Text;
6using System.Diagnostics;
7using IndianHealthService.BMXNet;
9namespace IndianHealthService.ClinicalScheduling
11 /// <summary>
12 /// Data Access Layer
13 /// </summary>
14 public class DAL
15 {
16 private BMXNetConnectInfo _thisConnection; // set in constructor
18 delegate DataTable RPMSDataTableDelegate(string CommandString, string TableName); // for use in calling (Sync and Async)
19 delegate string TransmitRPCAsync(string RPCName, string Params); //same idea
21 /// <summary>
22 /// Constructor
23 /// </summary>
24 /// <param name="conn">The current connection to use</param>
25 public DAL(BMXNetConnectInfo conn)
26 {
27 this._thisConnection = conn;
28 }
30 /// <summary>
31 /// Get Current version from ^ nmsp + APPL(1,0)
32 /// </summary>
33 /// <param name="nmsp">Namespace to ask for. Only "BMX" and "BSDX" are supported.</param>
34 /// <returns>Datatable with the following fields:
35 /// "T00030ERROR^T00030MAJOR_VERSION^T00030MINOR_VERSION^T00030BUILD</returns>
36 public DataTable GetVersion(string nmsp)
37 {
38 string cmd = String.Format("BMX VERSION INFO^{0}", nmsp);
39 return RPMSDataTable(cmd, "");
40 }
42 /// <summary>
43 /// Get Scheduling User Info
44 /// </summary>
45 /// <param name="DUZ">You should know what this is</param>
46 /// <returns>Datatable with one column: "MANAGER": One Row that's "YES" or "NO"</returns>
47 public DataTable GetUserInfo(string DUZ)
48 {
49 string cmd = String.Format("BSDX SCHEDULING USER INFO^{0}", DUZ);
50 return RPMSDataTable(cmd, "");
51 }
53 /// <summary>
54 /// Get all Access Types from the BSDX ACCESS TYPE file
55 /// </summary>
56 /// <returns>DataTable with the following fields (add _ for spaces)
57 /// ACCESS TYPE NAME (RF), [0;1]
58 /// INACTIVE (S), [0;2]
59 /// DEPARTMENT NAME (P9002018.2'), [0;3]
60 /// DISPLAY COLOR (F), [0;4]
61 /// RED (NJ3,0), [0;5]
62 /// GREEN (NJ3,0), [0;6]
63 /// BLUE (NJ3,0), [0;7]
64 ///</returns>
65 public DataTable GetAccessTypes()
66 {
67 string sCommandText = "SELECT * FROM BSDX_ACCESS_TYPE";
68 DataTable table = RPMSDataTable(sCommandText, "");
69 DataColumn dcKey = table.Columns["BMXIEN"];
70 DataColumn[] dcKeys = new DataColumn[1];
71 dcKeys[0] = dcKey;
72 table.PrimaryKey = dcKeys;
73 return table;
74 }
76 /// <summary>
77 /// Get the Patients who have appointments in between dates for the clinics requested
78 /// </summary>
79 /// <param name="sClinicList">| delimited resource list (resource IENS, not names)</param>
80 /// <param name="BeginDate">Self Explanatory</param>
81 /// <param name="EndDate">Self Explanatory</param>
82 /// <returns>DataTable with the following columns:
83 /// T00030Name^D00020DOB^T00030Sex^T00030HRN^D00030ApptDate^T00030Clinic^T00030TypeStatus
85 /// T00030CITY^T00030STATE^T00030ZIP^T00030HOMEPHONE
86 ///</returns>
87 ///<remarks>Mirrors dsPatientApptDisplay2.PatientAppts Schema in this project. Can merge table into schema.</remarks>
88 public DataTable GetClinicSchedules(string sClinicList, DateTime BeginDate, DateTime EndDate)
89 {
90 string sBegin = FMDateTime.Create(BeginDate).DateOnly.FMDateString;
91 string sEnd = FMDateTime.Create(EndDate).DateOnly.FMDateString;
92 string cmd = String.Format("BSDX CLINIC LETTERS^{0}^{1}^{2}", sClinicList, sBegin, sEnd);
93 return RPMSDataTable(cmd, "");
94 }
96 /// <summary>
97 /// Get the letter templates associated with the requested clinics (reminder letter, cancellation letter etc)
98 /// </summary>
99 /// <param name="sClinicList">| delimited resource list (resource IENS, not names)</param>
100 /// <returns>DataTable with the following columns:
102 /// </returns>
103 /// <remarks>Mirrors dsPatientApptDisplay2.BSDXResource Schema. Can merge table into schema.</remarks>
104 public DataTable GetResourceLetters(string sClinicList)
105 {
106 string cmd = String.Format("BSDX RESOURCE LETTERS^{0}", sClinicList);
107 return RPMSDataTable(cmd, "");
108 }
110 /// <summary>
111 /// Get the list of Patients who have Rebooked Appointments
112 /// </summary>
113 /// <param name="sClinicList">| delimited resource list (resource IENS, not names)</param>
114 /// <param name="BeginDate">Self Explanatory</param>
115 /// <param name="EndDate">Self Explanatory</param>
116 /// <returns>T00030Name^D00020DOB^T00030Sex^T00030HRN^D00030NewApptDate^T00030Clinic^T00030TypeStatus
118 /// ^T00030STATE^T00030ZIP^T00030HOMEPHONE^D00030OldApptDate
119 ///</returns>
120 /// <remarks>Mirrors dsRebookAppts.PatientAppt Schema. Can merge table into schema.</remarks>
121 public DataTable GetRebookedAppointments(string sClinicList, DateTime BeginDate, DateTime EndDate)
122 {
123 string sBegin = FMDateTime.Create(BeginDate).DateOnly.FMDateString;
124 string sEnd = FMDateTime.Create(EndDate).DateOnly.FMDateString;
125 string cmd = String.Format("BSDX REBOOK CLINIC LIST^{0}^{1}^{2}", sClinicList, sBegin, sEnd);
126 return RPMSDataTable(cmd, "");
127 }
129 /// <summary>
130 /// Should have documented this better when I remembered what this did!
131 /// </summary>
132 /// <param name="sApptList">| delimited list of appointment IENs in ^BSDXAPPT</param>
133 /// <returns>"T00030Name^D00020DOB^T00030Sex^T00030HRN^D00030NewApptDate^T00030Clinic^T00030TypeStatus
135 /// ^T00030STATE^T00030ZIP^T00030HOMEPHONE^D00030OldApptDate</returns>
136 public DataTable GetRebookedAppointments(string sApptList)
137 {
138 string cmd = String.Format("BSDX REBOOK LIST^{0}", sApptList);
139 return RPMSDataTable(cmd, "");
140 }
142 /// <summary>
143 /// Really does what it says! Gets them by going through the BSDX APPOITMENT file index
144 /// between the specified dates for the Resource.
145 /// </summary>
146 /// <param name="sClinicList">| delmited list of Resource IENs in ^BSDXRES</param>
147 /// <param name="BeginDate"></param>
148 /// <param name="EndDate"></param>
149 /// <returns>"T00030Name^D00020DOB^T00030Sex^T00030HRN^D00030NewApptDate^T00030Clinic^T00030TypeStatus
151 /// ^T00030STATE^T00030ZIP^T00030HOMEPHONE^D00030OldApptDate</returns>
152 public DataTable GetCancelledAppointments(string sClinicList, DateTime BeginDate, DateTime EndDate)
153 {
154 string sBegin = FMDateTime.Create(BeginDate).DateOnly.FMDateString;
155 string sEnd = FMDateTime.Create(EndDate).DateOnly.FMDateString;
156 string cmd = String.Format("BSDX CANCEL CLINIC LIST^{0}^{1}^{2}", sClinicList, sBegin, sEnd);
157 return RPMSDataTable(cmd, "");
158 }
160 /// <summary>
161 /// Delete All Slots for a Resource
162 /// </summary>
163 /// <param name="sResourceID">Integer Resource IEN in BSDX RESOURCE</param>
164 /// <param name="BeginDate">Self-Explanatory</param>
165 /// <param name="EndDate">Self-Explanatory</param>
166 /// <returns>Table with 2 columns: ERRORID & ERRORTEXT
167 /// ErrorID of -1 is A OK (successful operation); anything else is bad.</returns>
168 public DataTable MassSlotDelete(string sResourceID, DateTime BeginDate, DateTime EndDate)
169 {
170 string sBegin = FMDateTime.Create(BeginDate).DateOnly.FMDateString;
171 string sEnd = FMDateTime.Create(EndDate).DateOnly.FMDateString;
172 string cmd = String.Format("BSDX CANCEL AV BY DATE^{0}^{1}^{2}", sResourceID, sBegin, sEnd);
173 return RPMSDataTable(cmd, "Cancelled");
174 }
176 /// <summary>
177 /// Remove the check-in for the appointment
178 /// </summary>
179 /// <param name="ApptID">Appointment IEN/Key</param>
180 /// <returns>Table with 1 columns: ERRORID. ErrorID of "0" is okay;
181 /// any other (negative numbers plus text) is bad</returns>
182 public DataTable RemoveCheckIn(int ApptID)
183 {
184 string cmd = string.Format("BSDX REMOVE CHECK-IN^{0}", ApptID);
185 return RPMSDataTable(cmd, "");
186 }
188 /// <summary>
189 /// TODO
190 /// </summary>
191 /// <param name="DFN"></param>
192 /// <param name="SCIEN"></param>
193 /// <returns></returns>
194 public List<RadiologyExam> GetRadiologyExamsForPatientinHL(int DFN, int SCIEN)
195 {
196 string cmd = string.Format("BSDX GET RAD EXAM FOR PT^{0}^{1}", DFN, SCIEN);
197 DataTable tbl = RPMSDataTable(cmd, "");
198 return (from row in tbl.AsEnumerable()
199 select new RadiologyExam
200 {
201 IEN = row.Field<int>("BMXIEN"),
202 Status = row.Field<string>("STATUS"),
203 Procedure = row.Field<string>("PROCEDURE"),
204 RequestDate = row.Field<DateTime>("REQUEST_DATE")
205 }).ToList();
206 }
208 public bool ScheduleRadiologyExam(int DFN, int examIEN)
209 {
210 string result = _thisConnection.bmxNetLib.TransmitRPC("BSDX SCHEDULE RAD EXAM", string.Format("{0}^{1}",DFN,examIEN));
211 return result == "1" ? true : false;
212 }
214 /// <summary>
215 /// Save User Preference in DB For Printing Routing Slip
216 /// Uses Parameter BSDX AUTO PRINT RS
217 /// </summary>
218 /// <remarks>
219 /// Notice Code-Fu for Async Save...
220 /// </remarks>
221 public bool AutoPrintRoutingSlip
222 {
223 get
224 {
225 string val = _thisConnection.bmxNetLib.TransmitRPC("BSDX GET PARAM", "BSDX AUTO PRINT RS"); //1 = true; 0 = false; "" = not set
226 return val == "1" ? true : false;
227 }
228 set
229 {
230 TransmitRPCAsync _asyncTransmitter = new TransmitRPCAsync(_thisConnection.bmxNetLib.TransmitRPC);
231 // 0 = success; anything else is wrong. Not being tested here as its success is not critical to application use.
232 _asyncTransmitter.BeginInvoke("BSDX SET PARAM", String.Format("{0}^{1}", "BSDX AUTO PRINT RS", value ? "1" : "0"), null, null);
233 }
234 }
236 /// <summary>
237 /// Save User Preference in DB For Printing Routing Slip
238 /// Uses Parameter BSDX AUTO PRINT AS
239 /// </summary>
240 /// <remarks>
241 /// Notice Code-Fu for Async Save...
242 /// </remarks>
243 public bool AutoPrintAppointmentSlip
244 {
245 get
246 {
247 string val = _thisConnection.bmxNetLib.TransmitRPC("BSDX GET PARAM", "BSDX AUTO PRINT AS"); //1 = true; 0 = false; "" = not set
248 return val == "1" ? true : false;
249 }
250 set
251 {
252 TransmitRPCAsync _asyncTransmitter = new TransmitRPCAsync(_thisConnection.bmxNetLib.TransmitRPC);
253 // 0 = success; anything else is wrong. Not being tested here as its success is not critical to application use.
254 _asyncTransmitter.BeginInvoke("BSDX SET PARAM", String.Format("{0}^{1}", "BSDX AUTO PRINT AS", value ? "1" : "0"), null, null);
255 }
256 }
260 /// <summary>
261 /// Workhorse
262 /// </summary>
263 /// <param name="sSQL"></param>
264 /// <param name="sTableName"></param>
265 /// <returns></returns>
266 private DataTable RPMSDataTable(string sSQL, string sTableName)
267 {
268 //Retrieves a recordset from RPMS
269 string sErrorMessage = "";
270 DataTable dtOut;
272#if TRACE
273 DateTime sendTime = DateTime.Now;
275 try
276 {
277 RPMSDataTableDelegate rdtd = new RPMSDataTableDelegate(_thisConnection.RPMSDataTable);
278 dtOut = (DataTable)rdtd.Invoke(sSQL, sTableName);
279 }
281 catch (Exception ex)
282 {
283 sErrorMessage = "DAL.RPMSDataTable error: " + ex.Message;
284 throw ex;
285 }
287#if TRACE
288 DateTime receiveTime = DateTime.Now;
289 TimeSpan executionTime = receiveTime - sendTime;
290 Debug.Write("RPMSDataTable Execution Time: " + executionTime.Milliseconds + " ms.\n");
293 return dtOut;
295 }
296 }
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