using System; using System.Collections; using System.Data; using System.Data.OleDb; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using IndianHealthService.BMXNet; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace IndianHealthService.ClinicalScheduling { /// /// Contains the array of appointments and availabily that make up the document class /// public class CGDocument { #region Member Variables public int m_nColumnCount; //todo: this should point to the view's member for column count public int m_nTimeUnits; //? private string m_sDocName; //Document Name ? public ArrayList m_sResourcesArray; //keeps the resources public ScheduleType m_ScheduleType; //Either a Resource or a Clinic (Group of Resources) private DateTime m_dSelectedDate; //Holds the user's selection from the dtpicker private DateTime m_dStartDate; //Beginning date of document data private DateTime m_dEndDate; //Ending date of document data public CGAppointments m_appointments; //Appointment List private ArrayList m_pAvArray; //Availability List private CGDocumentManager m_DocManager; //Holds a reference to the document manager private DateTime m_dLastRefresh = DateTime.Now; //Holds last refersh date #endregion /// /// Constructor. Initialize State Data: /// 3 Arrays (Appointments, Availabilities, and Resources) /// Schedule Type is Resource not Clinic /// Selected Date is Today /// Start Date is Today /// End Date is 7 days from Today /// public CGDocument() { m_appointments = new CGAppointments(); // Holds Appointments m_pAvArray = new ArrayList(); // Holds Availabilites m_sResourcesArray = new ArrayList(); // Holds Resources m_ScheduleType = ScheduleType.Resource; // Default Schedule Type is a Resource m_dSelectedDate = DateTime.Today; // Default Selected Date is Today m_dStartDate = DateTime.Today; // Default Start Date is Today m_dEndDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(7); // Default End Date is 7 days from Today. } #region Properties /// /// Returns the latest refresh time for this document /// public DateTime LastRefreshed { get { return m_dLastRefresh; } } /// /// The list of Resource names /// public ArrayList Resources { get { return this.m_sResourcesArray; } set { this.m_sResourcesArray = value; } } /// /// The array of CGAvailabilities that contains appt type and slots /// public ArrayList AvailabilityArray { get { return this.m_pAvArray; } } public CGDocumentManager DocManager { get { return m_DocManager; } set { m_DocManager = value; } } /// /// Contains the hashtable of appointments /// public CGAppointments Appointments { get { return m_appointments; } } /// /// Holds the date selected by the user in CGView.dateTimePicker1 /// public DateTime SelectedDate { get { return this.m_dSelectedDate; } set { this.m_dSelectedDate = value; } } /// /// Contains the beginning date of the appointment document /// public DateTime StartDate { get { return this.m_dStartDate; } } public string DocName { get { return this.m_sDocName; } set { this.m_sDocName = value; } } #endregion #region Methods public void UpdateAllViews() { //iterate through all views and call update. Hashtable h = CGDocumentManager.Current.Views; CGDocument d; foreach (CGView v in h.Keys) { d = (CGDocument)h[v]; if (d == this) { v.UpdateArrays(); } } } /// /// Update schedule based on info in RPMS /// Clears and repopluates m_appointments /// private bool RefreshAppointments() { try { string sPatientName; string sPatientID; DateTime dStart; DateTime dEnd; DateTime dCheckIn; DateTime dAuxTime; int nKeyID; string sNote; string sResource; bool bNoShow = false; string sNoShow = "0"; string sHRN = ""; int nAccessTypeID; //used in autorebook string sWalkIn = "0"; bool bWalkIn; CGAppointment pAppointment; CGDocumentManager pApp = CGDocumentManager.Current; DataTable rAppointmentSchedule; //Nice to know that it gets set here!!! m_dLastRefresh = DateTime.Now; //Clear appointments associated with this document this.m_appointments.ClearAllAppointments(); // calls RPC to get appointments rAppointmentSchedule = CGSchedLib.CreateAppointmentSchedule(m_DocManager, m_sResourcesArray, this.m_dStartDate, this.m_dEndDate); // loop through datatable: Create CGAppointment and add to CGAppointments foreach (DataRow r in rAppointmentSchedule.Rows) { if (r["APPOINTMENTID"].ToString() == "0") { string sMsg = r["NOTE"].ToString(); throw new BMXNetException(sMsg); } nKeyID = Convert.ToInt32(r["APPOINTMENTID"].ToString()); sResource = r["RESOURCENAME"].ToString(); sPatientName = r["PATIENTNAME"].ToString(); sPatientID = r["PATIENTID"].ToString(); dStart = (DateTime)r["START_TIME"]; dEnd = (DateTime)r["END_TIME"]; dCheckIn = new DateTime(); dAuxTime = new DateTime(); if (r["CHECKIN"].GetType() != typeof(System.DBNull)) dCheckIn = (DateTime)r["CHECKIN"]; if (r["AUXTIME"].GetType() != typeof(System.DBNull)) dCheckIn = (DateTime)r["AUXTIME"]; sNote = r["NOTE"].ToString(); sNoShow = r["NOSHOW"].ToString(); bNoShow = (sNoShow == "1") ? true : false; sHRN = r["HRN"].ToString(); nAccessTypeID = (int)r["ACCESSTYPEID"]; sWalkIn = r["WALKIN"].ToString(); bWalkIn = (sWalkIn == "1") ? true : false; Patient pt = new Patient() { DFN = Convert.ToInt32(sPatientID), Name = sPatientName, DOB = (DateTime)r["DOB"], ID = r["PID"].ToString(), HRN = sHRN, Sex = r["SEX"].ToString() == "MALE" ? Sex.Male : Sex.Female }; pAppointment = new CGAppointment(); pAppointment.Patient = pt; pAppointment.CreateAppointment(dStart, dEnd, sNote, nKeyID, sResource); pAppointment.PatientName = sPatientName; pAppointment.PatientID = Convert.ToInt32(sPatientID); if (dCheckIn.Ticks > 0) pAppointment.CheckInTime = dCheckIn; if (dAuxTime.Ticks > 0) pAppointment.AuxTime = dAuxTime; pAppointment.NoShow = bNoShow; pAppointment.HealthRecordNumber = sHRN; pAppointment.AccessTypeID = nAccessTypeID; pAppointment.WalkIn = bWalkIn; this.m_appointments.AddAppointment(pAppointment); } return true; } catch (Exception Ex) { Debug.Write("CGDocument.RefreshDaysSchedule error: " + Ex.Message + "\n"); return false; } } public bool IsRefreshNeeded() { if (m_sResourcesArray.Count == 0) return false; return this.WeekNeedsRefresh(1, m_dSelectedDate, out this.m_dStartDate, out this.m_dEndDate); } //sam: This is a test that duplicates RefreshDocument, but without the UpdateAllViews, // as that has to be done synchornously. //XXX: Needs to be refactored obviously, but now for testing. //XXX: Tested extensively enough. Less refactoring now. 2011-01-26 public void RefreshDocumentAsync() { Debug.WriteLine("IN REFERSH DOCUMENT ASYNC\n\n"); bool bRet = false; if (m_sResourcesArray.Count == 0) return; if (m_sResourcesArray.Count == 1) { bRet = this.WeekNeedsRefresh(1, m_dSelectedDate, out this.m_dStartDate, out this.m_dEndDate); } else { this.m_dStartDate = m_dSelectedDate; this.m_dEndDate = m_dSelectedDate; this.m_dEndDate = this.m_dEndDate.AddHours(23); this.m_dEndDate = this.m_dEndDate.AddMinutes(59); this.m_dEndDate = this.m_dEndDate.AddSeconds(59); } bRet = RefreshSchedule(); } public void RefreshDocument() { bool bRet = false; if (m_sResourcesArray.Count == 0) return; if (m_sResourcesArray.Count == 1) { bRet = this.WeekNeedsRefresh(1, m_dSelectedDate, out this.m_dStartDate, out this.m_dEndDate); } else { this.m_dStartDate = m_dSelectedDate; this.m_dEndDate = m_dSelectedDate; this.m_dEndDate = this.m_dEndDate.AddHours(23); this.m_dEndDate = this.m_dEndDate.AddMinutes(59); this.m_dEndDate = this.m_dEndDate.AddSeconds(59); } bRet = RefreshSchedule(); this.UpdateAllViews(); } public void OnOpenDocument(DateTime dDate) { try { this.SelectedDate = dDate.Date; m_ScheduleType = (m_sResourcesArray.Count == 1) ? ScheduleType.Resource : ScheduleType.Clinic; bool bRet = false; if (m_ScheduleType == ScheduleType.Resource) { bRet = this.WeekNeedsRefresh(1, dDate, out this.m_dStartDate, out this.m_dEndDate); } else { this.m_dStartDate = dDate; this.m_dEndDate = dDate; this.m_dEndDate = this.m_dEndDate.AddHours(23); this.m_dEndDate = this.m_dEndDate.AddMinutes(59); this.m_dEndDate = this.m_dEndDate.AddSeconds(59); } bRet = RefreshSchedule(); CGView view = null; //If this document already has a view, the use it //SAM: Why do this again??? //SAM: I think it's not needed; b/c Hashtable h = CGDocumentManager.Current.Views; CGDocument d; bool bReuseView = false; foreach (CGView v in h.Keys) { d = (CGDocument)h[v]; if (d == this) { view = v; bReuseView = true; v.InitializeDocView(this.DocName); break; } } //Otherwise, create new View if (bReuseView == false) { view = new CGView(); view.InitializeDocView(this, this.DocManager, m_dStartDate, this.DocName); view.Show(); view.SyncTree(); } this.UpdateAllViews(); } catch (BMXNetException bmxEx) { throw bmxEx; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new BMXNet.BMXNetException("ClinicalScheduling.OnOpenDocument error: " + ex.Message); } } /// /// Refreshes Availablility and Schedules from RPMS. /// /// Success or Failure. Should be always Success. private bool RefreshSchedule() { this.RefreshAvailabilitySchedule(); this.RefreshAppointments(); return true; } private bool RefreshAvailabilitySchedule() { try { ArrayList saryApptTypes = new ArrayList(); //Refresh Availability schedules DataTable rAvailabilitySchedule; rAvailabilitySchedule = CGSchedLib.CreateAvailabilitySchedule(m_DocManager, m_sResourcesArray, this.m_dStartDate, this.m_dEndDate, saryApptTypes,/**/ m_ScheduleType, "0"); ////NEW //NOTE: This lock makes sure that availabilities aren't queried for slots when the array is an intermediate //state. The other place that has this lock is SlotsAvailable function. lock (this.m_pAvArray) { m_pAvArray.Clear(); foreach (DataRow rTemp in rAvailabilitySchedule.Rows) { DateTime dStart = (DateTime)rTemp["START_TIME"]; DateTime dEnd = (DateTime)rTemp["END_TIME"]; //TODO: Fix this slots datatype problem string sSlots = rTemp["SLOTS"].ToString(); int nSlots = Convert.ToInt16(sSlots); string sResourceList = rTemp["RESOURCE"].ToString(); string sAccessRuleList = rTemp["ACCESS_TYPE"].ToString(); string sNote = rTemp["NOTE"].ToString(); int nApptTypeID; if ((nSlots < -1000) || (sAccessRuleList == "")) { nApptTypeID = 0; } else { nApptTypeID = Int32.Parse(rTemp["ACCESS_TYPE"].ToString()); } AddAvailability(dStart, dEnd, nApptTypeID, nSlots, sResourceList, sAccessRuleList, sNote); } } return true; /* NOT USED //Refresh Type Schedule string sResourceName = ""; DataTable rTypeSchedule = new DataTable(); ; for (int j = 0; j < m_sResourcesArray.Count; j++) { sResourceName = m_sResourcesArray[j].ToString(); DataTable dtTemp = CGSchedLib.CreateAssignedTypeSchedule(m_DocManager, sResourceName, this.m_dStartDate, this.m_dEndDate, m_ScheduleType); if (j == 0) { rTypeSchedule = dtTemp; } else { rTypeSchedule = CGSchedLib.UnionBlocks(rTypeSchedule, dtTemp); } } DateTime dStart; DateTime dEnd; DateTime dTypeStart; DateTime dTypeEnd; int nSlots; Rectangle crRectA = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 0); Rectangle crRectB = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 0); bool bIsect; string sResourceList; string sAccessRuleList; //smh: moved clear availabilities down here. //smh: Temporary solution to make sure that people don't touch the availability table at the same time!!! //NOTE: This lock makes sure that availabilities aren't queried for slots when the array is an intermediate //state. The other place that has this lock is SlotsAvailable function. lock (this.m_pAvArray) { m_pAvArray.Clear(); foreach (DataRow rTemp in rAvailabilitySchedule.Rows) { //get StartTime, EndTime and Slots dStart = (DateTime)rTemp["START_TIME"]; dEnd = (DateTime)rTemp["END_TIME"]; //TODO: Fix this slots datatype problem string sSlots = rTemp["SLOTS"].ToString(); nSlots = Convert.ToInt16(sSlots); sResourceList = rTemp["RESOURCE"].ToString(); sAccessRuleList = rTemp["ACCESS_TYPE"].ToString(); string sNote = rTemp["NOTE"].ToString(); if ((nSlots < -1000) || (sAccessRuleList == "")) { nApptTypeID = 0; } else { foreach (DataRow rType in rTypeSchedule.Rows) { dTypeStart = (DateTime)rType["StartTime"]; dTypeEnd = (DateTime)rType["EndTime"]; //if start & end times overlap, then string sTypeResource = rType["ResourceName"].ToString(); if ((dTypeStart.DayOfYear == dStart.DayOfYear) && (sResourceList == sTypeResource)) { crRectA.Y = GetTotalMinutes(dStart); crRectA.Height = GetTotalMinutes(dEnd) - crRectA.Top; crRectB.Y = GetTotalMinutes(dTypeStart); crRectB.Height = GetTotalMinutes(dTypeEnd) - crRectB.Top; bIsect = crRectA.IntersectsWith(crRectB); if (bIsect == true) { //TODO: This code: // nApptTypeID = (int) rType["AppointmentTypeID"]; //Causes this exception: //Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid. string sTemp = rType["AppointmentTypeID"].ToString(); nApptTypeID = Convert.ToInt16(sTemp); break; } } }//end foreach datarow rType } //AddAvailability(dStart, dEnd, nApptTypeID, nSlots, sResourceList, sAccessRuleList, sNote); }//end foreach datarow rTemp }//end lock return true; */ } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Write("CGDocument.RefreshAvailabilitySchedule error: " + ex.Message + "\n"); return false; } } private int GetTotalMinutes(DateTime dDate) { return ((dDate.Hour * 60) + dDate.Minute); } /// /// Adds Availability to Availability Array held by document /// /// Self-Explan /// Self-Explan /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public int AddAvailability(DateTime StartTime, DateTime EndTime, int nType, int nSlots, string sResourceList, string sAccessRuleList, string sNote) { //adds it to the object array //Returns the index in the array CGAvailability pNewAv = new CGAvailability(); pNewAv.Create(StartTime, EndTime, nType, nSlots, sResourceList, sAccessRuleList); pNewAv.Note = sNote; //Look up the color and type name using the AppointmentTypes datatable DataTable dtType = this.m_DocManager.GlobalDataSet.Tables["AccessTypes"]; DataRow dRow = dtType.Rows.Find(nType.ToString()); if (dRow != null) { string sColor = dRow["DISPLAY_COLOR"].ToString(); pNewAv.DisplayColor = sColor; string sTemp = dRow["RED"].ToString(); sTemp = (sTemp == "") ? "0" : sTemp; int nRed = Convert.ToInt16(sTemp); pNewAv.Red = nRed; sTemp = dRow["GREEN"].ToString(); sTemp = (sTemp == "") ? "0" : sTemp; int nGreen = Convert.ToInt16(sTemp); pNewAv.Green = nGreen; sTemp = dRow["BLUE"].ToString(); sTemp = (sTemp == "") ? "0" : sTemp; int nBlue = Convert.ToInt16(sTemp); pNewAv.Blue = nBlue; string sName = dRow["ACCESS_TYPE_NAME"].ToString(); pNewAv.AccessTypeName = sName; } int nIndex = 0; nIndex = m_pAvArray.Add(pNewAv); return nIndex; } public void AddResource(string sResource) { //TODO: Test that resource is not currently in list, that it IS a resource, etc this.m_sResourcesArray.Add(sResource); } /// /// Gets number of slots left in a certain selection on the grid. Used in Multiple Places. /// /// Selection Start Date /// Selection End Date /// Resource Name /// Out: Name of Access Type /// Out: Access Note /// Number of slots public int SlotsAvailable(DateTime dSelStart, DateTime dSelEnd, string sResource, int viewTimeScale, out CGAvailability resultantAV) { resultantAV = null; double slotsAvailable = 0; //defalut return value double effectiveSlotsAvailable = 0; //Slots available based on the time scale. //NOTE: What's this lock? This lock makes sure that nobody is editing the availability array //when we are looking at it. Since the availability array could potentially be updated on //a different thread, we are can be potentially left stuck with an empty array. // //The other place that uses this lock is the RefershAvailabilitySchedule method // //This is a temporary fix until I figure out how to divorce the availbilities here from those drawn //on the calendar. Appointments are cloned b/c they are in an object that supports that; and b/c I //don't need to suddenly query them at runtime like I do with Availabilities. //Let's Try Linq lock (this.m_pAvArray) { //This foreach loop looks for an availability that overlaps where the user clicked. //Availabilites cannot overlap each other (enforced at the DB level) //If selection hits multiple blocks, get the block with the most slots (reflected by the sorting here) List lstAV = (from avail in this.m_pAvArray.Cast() where (sResource == avail.ResourceList && CalendarGrid.TimesOverlap(dSelStart, dSelEnd, avail.StartTime, avail.EndTime)) select avail).ToList(); //if we don't have any availabilities, then return with zero slots. if (lstAV.Count == 0) return 0; CGAvailability pAV; //if there is just one, that's it. if (lstAV.Count == 1) pAV = lstAV.First(); //otherwise... else { //if availabilities are contigous to each other, need to join them together. //First, are they the same? string firsttype = lstAV.First().AccessTypeName; bool bAllSameType = lstAV.All(av => av.AccessTypeName == firsttype); //Second are they ALL contigous? DateTime lastEndTime = DateTime.Today; //bogus value to please compiler who wants it assigned. int index = 0; bool bContigous = lstAV.OrderBy(av => av.StartTime) .All(av => { index++; if (index == 1) { lastEndTime = av.EndTime; return true; } if (av.StartTime == lastEndTime) { lastEndTime = av.EndTime; return true; } return false; }); if (bContigous && bAllSameType) { var enumAVOrdered = lstAV.OrderBy(av => av.StartTime); pAV = new CGAvailability { StartTime = enumAVOrdered.First().StartTime, EndTime = enumAVOrdered.Last().EndTime, Slots = enumAVOrdered.Sum(av => av.Slots), AccessTypeName = enumAVOrdered.First().AccessTypeName, Note = enumAVOrdered.First().Note }; } else { pAV = lstAV.OrderByDescending(av => av.Slots).First(); } } resultantAV = pAV; // out var slotsAvailable = pAV.Slots; //Subtract total slots current appointments take up. slotsAvailable -= (from appt in this.Appointments.AppointmentTable.Values.Cast() //If the resource is the same and the user selection overlaps, then... where (sResource == appt.Resource && CalendarGrid.TimesOverlap(pAV.StartTime, pAV.EndTime, appt.StartTime, appt.EndTime)) // if appt starttime is before avail start time, only count against the avail starting from the availability start time let startTimeToCountAgainstBlock = appt.StartTime < pAV.StartTime ? pAV.StartTime : appt.StartTime // if appt endtime is after the avail ends, only count against the avail up to where the avail ends let endTimeToCountAgainstBlock = appt.EndTime > pAV.EndTime ? pAV.EndTime : appt.EndTime // theoretical minutes per slot for the availability let minPerSlot = (pAV.EndTime - pAV.StartTime).TotalMinutes / pAV.Slots // how many minutes does this appointment take away from the slot let minPerAppt = (endTimeToCountAgainstBlock - startTimeToCountAgainstBlock).TotalMinutes // how many slots the appointment takes up using this availability's scale let slotsConsumed = minPerAppt / minPerSlot select slotsConsumed) // add up SlotsConsumed to substract from slotsAvailable .Sum(); //theoretical minutes per slot for the availability double minPerSlot2 = (pAV.EndTime - pAV.StartTime).TotalMinutes / pAV.Slots; //Convert it to the view's time scale. effectiveSlotsAvailable = (minPerSlot2 / viewTimeScale) * slotsAvailable; } //round it down. return (int)effectiveSlotsAvailable; /* OLD ALGOTHRIM 2 lock (this.m_pAvArray) { //This foreach loop looks for an availability that overlaps where the user clicked. //There can only be one, as availabilites cannot overlap each other (enforced at the DB level) //Therefore, we loop, and once we find it, we break. foreach (CGAvailability pAV in this.m_pAvArray) { //If the resource is the same and the user selection overlaps, then... if (sResource == pAV.ResourceList && CalendarGrid.TimesOverlap(dSelStart, dSelEnd, pAV.StartTime, pAV.EndTime)) { slotsAvailable = pAV.Slots; //variable now holds the total number of slots sAccessType = pAV.AccessTypeName; //Access Name sAvailabilityMessage = pAV.Note; //Access Block Note //Here we substract each appointment weight in slots from slotsAvailable foreach (DictionaryEntry apptDict in this.m_appointments.AppointmentTable) { CGAppointment appt = (CGAppointment)apptDict.Value; //If the appointment is in the same resource and overlaps with this availablity if (sResource == appt.Resource && CalendarGrid.TimesOverlap(pAV.StartTime, pAV.EndTime, appt.StartTime, appt.EndTime)) { // if appt starttime is before avail start time, only count against the avail starting from the availability start time DateTime startTimeToCountAgainstBlock = appt.StartTime < pAV.StartTime ? pAV.StartTime : appt.StartTime; // if appt endtime is after the avail ends, only count against the avail up to where the avail ends DateTime endTimeToCountAgainstBlock = appt.EndTime > pAV.EndTime ? pAV.EndTime : appt.EndTime; // theoretical minutes per slot for the availability double minPerSlot = (pAV.EndTime - pAV.StartTime).TotalMinutes/pAV.Slots; // how many minutes does this appointment take away from the slot double minPerAppt = (endTimeToCountAgainstBlock - startTimeToCountAgainstBlock).TotalMinutes; // how many slots the appointment takes up using this availability's scale double slotsConsumed = minPerAppt / minPerSlot; // subscract that from the total slots for the availability slotsAvailable -= slotsConsumed; } //end if //now go to the next appointment in foreach } // As I said above, we can match only one availability. Once we found it and substracted from it; we are done. break; } } // We return the integer portion of the variable for display to the user or for calculations. // That means, if 2.11 slots are left, the user sees 2. If 2.66, still 2. return (int)slotsAvailable; } */ /* ORIGINAL ALGORITHM sAccessType = ""; sAvailabilityMessage = ""; DateTime dStart; DateTime dEnd; int nAvailableSlots = 999; int nSlots = 0; int i = 0; CGAvailability pAv; Rectangle crRectA = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 0); Rectangle crRectB = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 0); bool bIsect; crRectB.Y = GetTotalMinutes(dSelStart); crRectB.Height = GetTotalMinutes(dSelEnd) - crRectB.Y; //NOTE: What's this lock? This lock makes sure that nobody is editing the availability array //when we are looking at it. Since the availability array could potentially be updated on //a different thread, we are can be potentially left stuck with an empty array. // //The other place that uses this lock is the RefershAvailabilitySchedule method // //This is a temporary fix until I figure out how to divorce the availbilities here from those drawn //on the calendar. Appointments are cloned b/c they are in an object that supports that; and b/c I //don't need to suddenly query them at runtime like I do with Availabilities. lock (this.m_pAvArray) { //loop thru m_pAvArray //Compare the start time and end time of eachblock while (i < m_pAvArray.Count) { pAv = (CGAvailability)m_pAvArray[i]; dStart = pAv.StartTime; dEnd = pAv.EndTime; if ((sResource == pAv.ResourceList) && ((dSelStart.Date == dStart.Date) || (dSelStart.Date == dEnd.Date))) { crRectA.Y = (dStart.Date < dSelStart.Date) ? 0 : GetTotalMinutes(dStart); crRectA.Height = (dEnd.Date > dSelEnd.Date) ? 1440 : GetTotalMinutes(dEnd); crRectA.Height = crRectA.Height - crRectA.Y; bIsect = crRectA.IntersectsWith(crRectB); if (bIsect != false) { nSlots = pAv.Slots; if (nSlots < 1) { nAvailableSlots = 0; break; } if (nSlots < nAvailableSlots) { nAvailableSlots = nSlots; sAccessType = pAv.AccessTypeName; sAvailabilityMessage = pAv.Note; } }//end if }//end if i++; }//end while }//end lock if (nAvailableSlots == 999) { nAvailableSlots = 0; } return nAvailableSlots; */ } /// /// Given a selected date, /// Calculates StartDay and End Day and returns them in output params. /// nWeeks == number of Weeks to display /// nColumnCount is number of days displayed per week. /// If 5 columns, begin on Second Day of Week /// If 7 Columns, begin on First Day of Week /// (this is a change from the hardcoded behavior for US-based calendars) /// /// Returns TRUE if the document's data needs refreshing based on /// this newly selected date. /// public bool WeekNeedsRefresh(int nWeeks, DateTime SelectedDate, out DateTime WeekStartDay, out DateTime WeekEndDay) { DateTime OldStartDay = m_dStartDate; DateTime OldEndDay = m_dEndDate; // Week start based on thread locale int nStartWeekDay = (int)System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek; // Current Day int nWeekDay = (int)SelectedDate.DayOfWeek; //0 == Sunday // this offset gets approrpriate day based on locale. int nOff = (nStartWeekDay + 1) % 7; TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(nWeekDay - nOff, 0, 0, 0); //d,h,m,s // if ts is negative, we will jump to the next week in the logic. // to show the correct week, add 7. Confusing, I know. if (ts < new TimeSpan()) ts = ts + new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0); if (m_nColumnCount == 1) // if one column start and end on the same day. { ts = new TimeSpan(0, 23, 59, 59); WeekStartDay = SelectedDate; WeekEndDay = WeekStartDay + ts; } else if (m_nColumnCount == 5 || m_nColumnCount == 0) // if 5 column start (or default) at the 2nd day of this week and end in 4:23:59:59 days. { // if picked day is start of week (Sunday in US), start in the next day since that's the first day of work week // else, just substract the calculated time span to get to the start of week (first work day) WeekStartDay = (nWeekDay == nStartWeekDay) ? SelectedDate + new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0) : SelectedDate - ts; // End day calculation int nEnd = 3; ts = new TimeSpan((7 * nWeeks) - nEnd, 23, 59, 59); WeekEndDay = WeekStartDay + ts; } else // if 7 column start at the 1st day of this week and end in 6:23:59:59 days. { // if picked day is start of week, use that. Otherwise, go to the fist work day and substract one to get to start of week. WeekStartDay = (nWeekDay == nStartWeekDay) ? SelectedDate : SelectedDate - ts - new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0); // End day calculation int nEnd = 1; ts = new TimeSpan((7 * nWeeks) - nEnd, 23, 59, 59); WeekEndDay = WeekStartDay + ts; } bool bRet = ((WeekStartDay.Date != OldStartDay.Date) || (WeekEndDay.Date != OldEndDay.Date)); return bRet; } /// /// Calls RPMS to create appointment then /// adds appointment to the m_appointments collection /// Returns the IEN of the appointment in the RPMS BSDX APPOINTMENT file. /// /// /// public int CreateAppointment(CGAppointment rApptInfo) { return CreateAppointment(rApptInfo, false); } /// /// Use this overload to create a walkin appointment /// /// /// /// public int CreateAppointment(CGAppointment rApptInfo, bool bWalkin) { // i18n code -- Use culture neutral FMDates string sStart = FMDateTime.Create(rApptInfo.StartTime).FMDateString; string sEnd = FMDateTime.Create(rApptInfo.EndTime).FMDateString; TimeSpan sp = rApptInfo.EndTime - rApptInfo.StartTime; string sLen = sp.TotalMinutes.ToString(); string sPatID = rApptInfo.PatientID.ToString(); string sNote = rApptInfo.Note; string sResource = rApptInfo.Resource; string sApptID; if (bWalkin == true) { sApptID = "WALKIN"; } else { sApptID = rApptInfo.AccessTypeID.ToString(); } string sSql = "BSDX ADD NEW APPOINTMENT^" + sStart + "^" + sEnd + "^" + sPatID + "^" + sResource + "^" + sLen + "^" + sNote + "^" + sApptID; System.Data.DataTable dtAppt = m_DocManager.RPMSDataTable(sSql, "NewAppointment"); Debug.Assert(dtAppt.Rows.Count == 1); DataRow r = dtAppt.Rows[0]; int nApptID = Convert.ToInt32(r["APPOINTMENTID"]); string sErrorID; sErrorID = r["ERRORID"].ToString(); if ((sErrorID != "") || (nApptID < 1)) { throw new Exception(sErrorID); } //next line is probably done elsewhere rApptInfo.WalkIn = bWalkin ? true : false; rApptInfo.AppointmentKey = nApptID; this.m_appointments.AddAppointment(rApptInfo); //Have make appointment from CGView responsible for requesting an update for the avialability. //bool bRet = RefreshAvailabilitySchedule(); //Sam: don't think this is needed as it is called from CGView. //Make CGView responsible for all drawing. //UpdateAllViews(); return nApptID; } public void EditAppointment(CGAppointment pAppt, string sNote) { try { int nApptID = pAppt.AppointmentKey; string sSql = "BSDX EDIT APPOINTMENT^" + nApptID.ToString() + "^" + sNote; System.Data.DataTable dtAppt = m_DocManager.RPMSDataTable(sSql, "EditAppointment"); Debug.Assert(dtAppt.Rows.Count == 1); DataRow r = dtAppt.Rows[0]; string sErrorID = r["ERRORID"].ToString(); if (sErrorID == "-1") pAppt.Note = sNote; if (this.m_appointments.AppointmentTable.ContainsKey(nApptID)) { bool bRet = RefreshAvailabilitySchedule(); UpdateAllViews(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Write("CGDocument.EditAppointment Failed: " + ex.Message); } } public void CheckInAppointment(int nApptID, DateTime dCheckIn) { string sCheckIn = FMDateTime.Create(dCheckIn).FMDateString; string sSql = "BSDX CHECKIN APPOINTMENT^" + nApptID.ToString() + "^" + sCheckIn; // +"^"; //sSql += ClinicStopIEN + "^" + ProviderIEN + "^" + PrintRouteSlip + "^"; //sSql += PCCClinicIEN + "^" + PCCFormIEN + "^" + PCCOutGuide; System.Data.DataTable dtAppt = m_DocManager.RPMSDataTable(sSql, "CheckInAppointment"); Debug.Assert(dtAppt.Rows.Count == 1); DataRow r = dtAppt.Rows[0]; string sErrorID = r["ERRORID"].ToString(); } public string DeleteAppointment(int nApptID) { return DeleteAppointment(nApptID, true, 0, ""); } public string DeleteAppointment(int nApptID, bool bClinicCancelled, int nReason, string sRemarks) { //Returns "" if deletion successful //Otherwise, returns reason for failure string sClinicCancelled = (bClinicCancelled == true) ? "C" : "PC"; string sReasonID = nReason.ToString(); string sSql = "BSDX CANCEL APPOINTMENT^" + nApptID.ToString(); sSql += "^" + sClinicCancelled; sSql += "^" + sReasonID; sSql += "^" + sRemarks; DataTable dtAppt = m_DocManager.RPMSDataTable(sSql, "DeleteAppointment"); Debug.Assert(dtAppt.Rows.Count == 1); DataRow r = dtAppt.Rows[0]; string sErrorID = r["ERRORID"].ToString(); if (sErrorID != "") return sErrorID; if (this.m_appointments.AppointmentTable.ContainsKey(nApptID)) { this.m_appointments.RemoveAppointment(nApptID); // View responsible for deciding to redraw the grid; not the document now. //bool bRet = RefreshAvailabilitySchedule(); //UpdateAllViews(); } return ""; } public string AutoRebook(CGAppointment a, int nSearchType, int nMinimumDays, int nMaximumDays, out CGAppointment aRebook) { //If successful Returns "1" and new start date and time returned in aRebook //Otherwise, returns error message CGAppointment aCopy = new CGAppointment(); aCopy.CreateAppointment(a.StartTime, a.EndTime, a.Note, 0, a.Resource); aCopy.PatientID = a.PatientID; aCopy.PatientName = a.PatientName; aCopy.HealthRecordNumber = a.HealthRecordNumber; aCopy.AccessTypeID = a.AccessTypeID; aRebook = aCopy; //Determine Rebook access type //nSearchType = -1: use current, -2: use any non-zero type, >0 use this access type id int nAVType = 0; switch (nSearchType) { case -1: nAVType = a.AccessTypeID; break; case -2: nAVType = 0; break; default: nAVType = nSearchType; break; } int nSlots = 0; string sSlots = ""; int nAccessTypeID; //To compare with nAVType DateTime dResult = new DateTime(); //StartTime of access block to autorebook into //Next two are empty, but needed to pass to CreateAvailabilitySchedule ArrayList alAccessTypes = new ArrayList(); string sSearchInfo = ""; //Find the StartTime of first availability block of this type for this clinic //between nMinimumDays and nMaximumDays string sAVStart = a.StartTime.AddDays(nMinimumDays).ToString("M/d/yyyy@H:mm"); //dtAVEnd is the last day to search DateTime dtAVEnd = a.StartTime.AddDays(nMinimumDays + nMaximumDays); string sAVEnd = dtAVEnd.ToString("M/d/yyyy@H:mm"); //Increment start day to search a week (or so) at a time //30 is a test increment. Need to test different values for performance int nIncrement = (nMaximumDays < 30) ? nMaximumDays : 30; //nCount and nCountEnd are the 'moving' counters //that I add to start and end to get the bracket //At the beginning of the DO loop, nCount and nCountEnd are already set bool bFinished = false; bool bFound = false; DateTime dStart = a.StartTime.AddDays(nMinimumDays); // v 1.3 i18n support - FM Date passed insated of American Date string sStart = FMDateTime.Create(dStart).DateOnly.FMDateString; DateTime dEnd = dStart.AddDays(nIncrement); do { string sSql = "BSDX REBOOK NEXT BLOCK^" + sStart + "^" + a.Resource + "^" + nAVType.ToString(); DataTable dtNextBlock = this.DocManager.RPMSDataTable(sSql, "NextBlock"); Debug.Assert(dtNextBlock.Rows.Count == 1); DataRow drNextBlockRow = dtNextBlock.Rows[0]; object oNextBlock; oNextBlock = drNextBlockRow["NEXTBLOCK"]; if (oNextBlock.GetType() == typeof(System.DBNull)) break; DateTime dNextBlock = (DateTime)drNextBlockRow["NEXTBLOCK"]; if (dNextBlock > dtAVEnd) { break; } dStart = dNextBlock; dEnd = dStart.AddDays(nIncrement); if (dEnd > dtAVEnd) dEnd = dtAVEnd; DataTable dtResult = CGSchedLib.CreateAvailabilitySchedule(m_DocManager, this.Resources, dStart, dEnd, alAccessTypes, ScheduleType.Resource, sSearchInfo); //Loop thru dtResult looking for a slot having the required availability type. //If found, set bFinished = true; foreach (DataRow dr in dtResult.Rows) { sSlots = dr["SLOTS"].ToString(); if (sSlots == "") sSlots = "0"; nSlots = Convert.ToInt16(sSlots); if (nSlots > 0) { nAccessTypeID = 0; //holds the access type id of the availability block if (dr["ACCESS_TYPE"].ToString() != "") nAccessTypeID = Convert.ToInt16(dr["ACCESS_TYPE"].ToString()); if ((nSearchType == -2) && (nAccessTypeID > 0)) //Match on any non-zero type { bFinished = true; bFound = true; dResult = (DateTime)dr["START_TIME"]; break; } if (nAccessTypeID == nAVType) { bFinished = true; bFound = true; dResult = (DateTime)dr["START_TIME"]; break; } } } dStart = dEnd.AddDays(1); dEnd = dStart.AddDays(nIncrement); if (dEnd > dtAVEnd) dEnd = dtAVEnd; } while (bFinished == false); if (bFound == true) { aCopy.StartTime = dResult; aCopy.EndTime = dResult.AddMinutes(a.Duration); //Create the appointment //Set the AUTOREBOOKED flag //and store the "AutoRebooked To DateTime" //in each autorebooked appointment this.CreateAppointment(aCopy); SetAutoRebook(a, dResult); return "1"; } else { return "0"; } } private void SetAutoRebook(CGAppointment a, DateTime dtRebookedTo) { string sApptKey = a.AppointmentKey.ToString(); //string sRebookedTo = dtRebookedTo.ToString("M/d/yyyy@HH:mm"); // i18n string sRebookedTo = FMDateTime.Create(dtRebookedTo).FMDateString; string sSql = "BSDX REBOOK SET^" + sApptKey + "^" + sRebookedTo; System.Data.DataTable dtRebook = m_DocManager.RPMSDataTable(sSql, "AutoRebook"); } public string AppointmentNoShow(CGAppointment a, bool bNoShow) { /* * BSDX NOSHOW RPC Returns 1 in ERRORID if successfully sets NOSHOW flag in BSDX APPOINTMENT and, if applicable, File 2 *Otherwise, returns negative numbers for failure and errormessage in ERRORTXT * */ int nApptID = a.AppointmentKey; string sTest = bNoShow.ToString(); string sNoShow = (bNoShow == true) ? "1" : "0"; string sSql = "BSDX NOSHOW^" + nApptID.ToString(); sSql += "^"; sSql += sNoShow; DataTable dtAppt = m_DocManager.RPMSDataTable(sSql, "AppointmentNoShow"); Debug.Assert(dtAppt.Rows.Count == 1); DataRow r = dtAppt.Rows[0]; string sErrorID = r["ERRORID"].ToString(); if (sErrorID != "1") { return r["ERRORTEXT"].ToString(); } //All okay over here... then set appointment noshow or not no show... a.NoShow = bNoShow ? true : false; //bool bRet = RefreshSchedule(); return sErrorID; } public bool AppointmentUndoCheckin(CGAppointment a, out string msg) { msg = ""; //zero good, anything else bad DataTable dt = CGDocumentManager.Current.DAL.RemoveCheckIn(a.AppointmentKey); if (dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() == "0") { a.CheckInTime = DateTime.MinValue; // remove check-in time. return true; } else { msg = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); return false; } } //DON'T USE OBVIOUSLY. JUST FOR TESTING. public void ThrowException() { throw new Exception("Hello World. I am an Exception."); } #endregion Methods }//End class }//End namespace