using System; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Collections; using System.Data; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading; using IndianHealthService.BMXNet; using Mono.Options; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace IndianHealthService.ClinicalScheduling { /// /// Main Worker. Handles sub-forms. /// public class CGDocumentManager //: System.Windows.Forms.Form { #region Member Variables private static CGDocumentManager _current; private Hashtable _views = new Hashtable(); //Returns the list of currently opened documents private Hashtable m_AVViews = new Hashtable(); // List of currently opened CGAVViews private string m_sWindowText = "Clinical Scheduling"; //Default Window Text private bool m_bSchedManager = false; // Do you have the XUPROGMODE or BSDXZMGR? private bool m_bExitOK = true; // Okay to exit program? Used to control Re-logins. Default true. public string m_sHandle = "0"; // Not Used //Connection variables (tied to command line parameters /a /v /s /p /e) private string m_AccessCode=""; private string m_VerifyCode=""; private string m_Server=""; private int m_Port=0; private string m_Encoding=""; //Encoding is "" by default; //Data Access Layer private DAL _dal = null; //M Connection member variables private DataSet m_dsGlobal = null; // Holds all user data private BMXNetConnectInfo m_ConnectInfo = null; // Connection to VISTA object private BMXNetConnectInfo.BMXNetEventDelegate CDocMgrEventDelegate; // Delegate to respond to messages from VISTA. Responds to event: BMXNetConnectInfo.BMXNetEvent #endregion #region Properties /// /// Returns the document manager's BMXNetConnectInfo member /// public BMXNetConnectInfo ConnectInfo { get { return m_ConnectInfo; } } /// /// True if the current user holds the BSDXZMGR or XUPROGMODE keys in RPMS /// public bool ScheduleManager { get { return m_bSchedManager; } } /// /// Holds the user and division /// public string WindowText { get { return m_sWindowText; } } /// /// This dataset contains tables used by the entire application /// public DataSet GlobalDataSet { get { return m_dsGlobal; } set { m_dsGlobal = value; } } /// /// Returns the single CGDocumentManager object /// public static CGDocumentManager Current { get { return _current; } } /// /// Returns the list of currently opened documents /// public Hashtable Views { get { return _views; } } /// /// Returns the list of currently opened CGAVViews /// public Hashtable AvailabilityViews { get { return this.m_AVViews; } } public DAL DAL { get { return this._dal; } } #endregion /// /// Constructor. Does absolutely nothing at this point. /// public CGDocumentManager() { } #if DEBUG //To write to the console [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] static extern bool AttachConsole(int dwProcessId); private const int ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS = -1; #endif /// /// Main Entry Point /// /// We accept the following Arguments: /// /s or -s = Server ip address or name /// /p or -p = port number (must be numeric) /// /a or -a = Access Code /// /v or -v = Verify Code /// /e or -e = Encoding (name of encoding as known to windows, such as windows-1256) /// /// /// Encoding decision is complex. This is the order of priority: /// - If the M DB runs in UTF-8, that's what we are going to use. /// - If that's not so, /e sets the default encoding. If /e is a non-existent encoding, move forward. /// - If /e is not supplied or is not recognized, the default encoding is the Windows default Encoding for the user. /// [STAThread()] static void Main(string[] args) { #if DEBUG // Print console messages to console if launched from console // Note: Imported From kernel32.dll AttachConsole(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS); #endif #if TRACE DateTime startLoadTime = DateTime.Now; #endif //Store a class instance of manager. Actual constructor does nothing. _current = new CGDocumentManager(); //Get command line options; store in private variables var opset = new OptionSet() { { "s=", s => _current.m_Server = s }, { "p=", p => _current.m_Port = int.Parse(p) }, { "a=", a => _current.m_AccessCode = a }, { "v=", v => _current.m_VerifyCode = v }, { "e=", e => _current.m_Encoding = e} }; opset.Parse(args); bool isEverythingOkay = _current.InitializeApp(); if (!isEverythingOkay) return; //Create the first empty document CGDocument doc = new CGDocument(); doc.DocManager = _current; doc.OnNewDocument(); Application.DoEvents(); #if TRACE DateTime EndLoadTime = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan LoadTime = EndLoadTime - startLoadTime; Debug.Write("Load Time for GUI is " + LoadTime.Seconds + " s & " + LoadTime.Milliseconds + " ms\n"); #endif //Application wide error handler for unhandled errors Application.ThreadException += new ThreadExceptionEventHandler(App_ThreadException); //Run the application //Sam's Note: This is an unusual way to call this. Typically, it's run with //the main form as an argument. Application.Run(); } /// /// Exception handler for application errors. TODO: Test /// /// /// static void App_ThreadException(object sender, ThreadExceptionEventArgs e) { if (e.Exception is System.Net.Sockets.SocketException) { MessageBox.Show("Looks like we lost our connection with the server\nClick OK to terminate the application."); Application.Exit(); } string msg = "A problem has occured in this applicaton. \r\n\r\n" + "\t" + e.Exception.Message + "\r\n\r\n" + "Would you like to continue the application?"; DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show(msg, "Unexpected Error", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (res == DialogResult.Yes) return; else Application.Exit(); } #region BMXNet Event Handler private void CDocMgrEventHandler(Object obj, BMXNet.BMXNetEventArgs e) { if (e.BMXEvent == "BSDX CALL WORKSTATIONS") { string sParam = ""; string sDelim="~"; sParam += this.m_ConnectInfo.UserName + sDelim; sParam += this.m_sHandle + sDelim; sParam += Application.ProductVersion + sDelim; sParam += this._views.Count.ToString(); _current.m_ConnectInfo.RaiseEvent("BSDX WORKSTATION REPORT", sParam, true); } if (e.BMXEvent == "BSDX ADMIN MESSAGE") { string sMsg = e.BMXParam; ShowAdminMsgDelegate samd = new ShowAdminMsgDelegate(ShowAdminMsg); //this.Invoke(samd, new object [] {sMsg}); samd.Invoke(sMsg); } if (e.BMXEvent == "BSDX ADMIN SHUTDOWN") { string sMsg = e.BMXParam; CloseAllDelegate cad = new CloseAllDelegate(CloseAll); //this.Invoke(cad, new object [] {sMsg}); cad.Invoke(sMsg); } } delegate void ShowAdminMsgDelegate(string sMsg); private void ShowAdminMsg(string sMsg) { MessageBox.Show(sMsg, "Message from Scheduling Administrator", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } #endregion BMXNet Event Handler #region Methods & Events private void StartSplash(object form) { ((DSplash)form).ShowDialog(); } /// /// See InitializeApp(bool) below /// private bool InitializeApp() { return InitializeApp(false); } /// /// Does a million things: /// 1. Starts Connection and displays log-in dialogs /// 2. Starts Splash screen /// 3. Loads data tables /// /// Is the User logging in again from a currently running instance? /// If so, display a dialog to collect access and verify codes. private bool InitializeApp(bool bReLogin) { //Set M connection info m_ConnectInfo = new BMXNetConnectInfo(m_Encoding); // Encoding is "" unless passed in command line _dal = new DAL(m_ConnectInfo); // Data access layer //m_ConnectInfo.bmxNetLib.StartLog(); //This line turns on logging of messages //Create a delegate to process events raised by BMX. CDocMgrEventDelegate = new BMXNetConnectInfo.BMXNetEventDelegate(CDocMgrEventHandler); //Tie delegate to Events generated by BMX. m_ConnectInfo.BMXNetEvent += CDocMgrEventDelegate; //Disable polling (But does this really work???? I don't see how it gets disabled) m_ConnectInfo.EventPollingEnabled = false; //Show a splash screen while initializing; define delegates to remote thread DSplash m_ds = new DSplash(); DSplash.dSetStatus setStatusDelegate = new DSplash.dSetStatus(m_ds.SetStatus); DSplash.dAny closeSplashDelegate = new DSplash.dAny(m_ds.RemoteClose); DSplash.dProgressBarSet setMaxProgressDelegate = new DSplash.dProgressBarSet(m_ds.RemoteProgressBarMaxSet); DSplash.dProgressBarSet setProgressDelegate = new DSplash.dProgressBarSet(m_ds.RemoteProgressBarValueSet); //Start new thread for the Splash screen. Thread threadSplash = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(StartSplash)); threadSplash.IsBackground = true; //expendable thread -- exit even if still running. threadSplash.Name = "Splash Thread"; threadSplash.Start(m_ds); // pass form as parameter. //There are 19 steps to load the application. That's max for the progress bar. setMaxProgressDelegate(19); // smh--not used: System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.GetSection("appSettings"); setStatusDelegate("Connecting to VISTA"); //Try to connect using supplied values for Server and Port //Why am I doing this? The library BMX net uses prompts for access and verify code //whether you can connect or not. Not good. So I test first whether //we can connect at all by doing a simple connection and disconnect. //TODO: Make this more robust by sending a TCPConnect message and seeing if you get a response if (m_Server != "" && m_Port != 0) { System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient tcpClient = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient(); try { tcpClient.Connect(m_Server, m_Port); // open it tcpClient.Close(); // then close it } catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot connect to VistA. Network Error"); return false; } } bool bRetry = true; // Do block is Log-in logic do { // login crap try { // Not my code if (bReLogin == true) { //Prompt for Access and Verify codes _current.m_ConnectInfo.LoadConnectInfo("", ""); } // My code -- buts looks so ugly! else { if (m_Server != String.Empty && m_Port != 0 && m_AccessCode != String.Empty && m_VerifyCode != String.Empty) { m_ConnectInfo.LoadConnectInfo(m_Server, m_Port, m_AccessCode, m_VerifyCode); } else if (m_Server != String.Empty && m_Port != 0) m_ConnectInfo.LoadConnectInfo(m_Server, m_Port, "", ""); else m_ConnectInfo.LoadConnectInfo(); } bRetry = false; } catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot connect to VistA. Network Error"); } catch (BMXNetException ex) { if (MessageBox.Show("Unable to connect to VistA. " + ex.Message, "Clinical Scheduling", MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel) == DialogResult.Retry) { bRetry = true; _current.m_ConnectInfo.ChangeServerInfo(); } else { closeSplashDelegate(); bRetry = false; return false; //tell main that it's a no go. } } }while (bRetry == true); //Create global dataset _current.m_dsGlobal = new DataSet("GlobalDataSet"); //Version info // Table #1 setProgressDelegate(1); setStatusDelegate("Getting Version Info from Server..."); DataTable ver = _dal.GetVersion("BSDX"); ver.TableName = "VersionInfo"; m_dsGlobal.Tables.Add(ver); //How to extract the version numbers: DataTable dtVersion = m_dsGlobal.Tables["VersionInfo"]; Debug.Assert(dtVersion.Rows.Count == 1); DataRow rVersion = dtVersion.Rows[0]; string sMajor = rVersion["MAJOR_VERSION"].ToString(); string sMinor = rVersion["MINOR_VERSION"].ToString(); string sBuild = rVersion["BUILD"].ToString(); decimal fBuild = Convert.ToDecimal(sBuild); //Make sure that the server is running the same version the client is. Version x = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; //if version numbers mismatch, don't continue. //TODO: For future: Include in v. 1.5 /* if (!(x.Major.ToString() == sMajor && x.Minor.ToString() + x.Build.ToString() == sMinor)) { MessageBox.Show( "Server runs version " + sMajor + "." + sMinor + "\r\n" + "You are running " + x.ToString() + "\r\n\r\n" + "Major, Minor and Build versions must match", "Version Mismatch"); m_ds.Close(); return; } */ //Change encoding // Call #2 setProgressDelegate(2); setStatusDelegate("Setting encoding..."); if (m_Encoding == String.Empty) { string utf8_server_support = m_ConnectInfo.bmxNetLib.TransmitRPC("BMX UTF-8", ""); if (utf8_server_support == "1") m_ConnectInfo.bmxNetLib.Encoder = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8; } //Set application context // Call #3 setProgressDelegate(3); setStatusDelegate("Setting Application Context to BSDXRPC..."); m_ConnectInfo.AppContext = "BSDXRPC"; //Load global recordsets string statusConst = "Loading VistA data tables..."; setStatusDelegate(statusConst); string sCommandText; //Schedule User Info // Table #4 setProgressDelegate(4); setStatusDelegate(statusConst + " Schedule User"); DataTable dtUser = _dal.GetUserInfo(m_ConnectInfo.DUZ); dtUser.TableName = "SchedulingUser"; m_dsGlobal.Tables.Add(dtUser); Debug.Assert(dtUser.Rows.Count == 1); // Only one row and one column named "MANAGER". Set local var m_bSchedManager to true if Manager. DataRow rUser = dtUser.Rows[0]; Object oUser = rUser["MANAGER"]; string sUser = oUser.ToString(); m_bSchedManager = (sUser == "YES") ? true : false; //Get Access Types // Table #5 setProgressDelegate(5); setStatusDelegate(statusConst + " Access Types"); DataTable dtAccessTypes = _dal.GetAccessTypes(); dtAccessTypes.TableName = "AccessTypes"; m_dsGlobal.Tables.Add(dtAccessTypes); //Get Access Groups // Table #6 setProgressDelegate(6); setStatusDelegate(statusConst + " Access Groups"); LoadAccessGroupsTable(); //Build Primary Key for AccessGroup table DataTable dtGroups = m_dsGlobal.Tables["AccessGroup"]; DataColumn dcKey = dtGroups.Columns["ACCESS_GROUP"]; DataColumn[] dcKeys = new DataColumn[1]; dcKeys[0] = dcKey; dtGroups.PrimaryKey = dcKeys; //Get Access Group Types (Combines Access Types and Groups) //Optimization Note: Can eliminate Access type and Access Group Table // But they are heavily referenced throughout the code. // Table #7 setProgressDelegate(7); setStatusDelegate(statusConst + " Access Group Types"); LoadAccessGroupTypesTable(); //Build Primary Key for AccessGroupType table DataTable dtAGTypes = m_dsGlobal.Tables["AccessGroupType"]; DataColumn dcGTKey = dtAGTypes.Columns["ACCESS_GROUP_TYPEID"]; DataColumn[] dcGTKeys = new DataColumn[1]; dcGTKeys[0] = dcGTKey; dtAGTypes.PrimaryKey = dcGTKeys; //Build Data Relationship between AccessGroupType and AccessTypes tables DataRelation dr = new DataRelation("AccessGroupType", //Relation Name m_dsGlobal.Tables["AccessGroup"].Columns["BMXIEN"], //Parent m_dsGlobal.Tables["AccessGroupType"].Columns["ACCESS_GROUP_ID"]); //Child m_dsGlobal.Relations.Add(dr); //ResourceGroup Table (Resource Groups by User) // Table #8 // What shows up on the tree. The groups the user has access to. setProgressDelegate(8); setStatusDelegate(statusConst + " Resource Groups By User"); LoadResourceGroupTable(); //Resources by user // Table #9 // Individual Resources setProgressDelegate(9); setStatusDelegate(statusConst + " Resources By User"); LoadBSDXResourcesTable(); //Build Primary Key for Resources table DataColumn[] dc = new DataColumn[1]; dc[0] = m_dsGlobal.Tables["Resources"].Columns["RESOURCEID"]; m_dsGlobal.Tables["Resources"].PrimaryKey = dc; //GroupResources table // Table #10 // Resource Groups and Indivdual Resources together setProgressDelegate(10); setStatusDelegate(statusConst + " Group Resources"); LoadGroupResourcesTable(); //Build Primary Key for ResourceGroup table dc = new DataColumn[1]; dc[0] = m_dsGlobal.Tables["ResourceGroup"].Columns["RESOURCE_GROUP"]; m_dsGlobal.Tables["ResourceGroup"].PrimaryKey = dc; //Build Data Relationships between ResourceGroup and GroupResources tables dr = new DataRelation("GroupResource", //Relation Name m_dsGlobal.Tables["ResourceGroup"].Columns["RESOURCE_GROUP"], //Parent m_dsGlobal.Tables["GroupResources"].Columns["RESOURCE_GROUP"]); //Child CGSchedLib.OutputArray(m_dsGlobal.Tables["GroupResources"], "GroupResources"); m_dsGlobal.Relations.Add(dr); //HospitalLocation table //Table #11 setProgressDelegate(11); setStatusDelegate(statusConst + " Clinics"); //cmd.CommandText = "SELECT BMXIEN 'HOSPITAL_LOCATION_ID', NAME 'HOSPITAL_LOCATION', DEFAULT_PROVIDER, STOP_CODE_NUMBER, INACTIVATE_DATE, REACTIVATE_DATE FROM HOSPITAL_LOCATION"; sCommandText = "BSDX HOSPITAL LOCATION"; ConnectInfo.RPMSDataTable(sCommandText, "HospitalLocation", m_dsGlobal); Debug.Write("LoadGlobalRecordsets -- HospitalLocation loaded\n"); //Build Primary Key for HospitalLocation table dc = new DataColumn[1]; DataTable dtTemp = m_dsGlobal.Tables["HospitalLocation"]; dc[0] = dtTemp.Columns["HOSPITAL_LOCATION_ID"]; m_dsGlobal.Tables["HospitalLocation"].PrimaryKey = dc; //Build Data Relationships between Resources and HospitalLocation tables dr = new DataRelation("HospitalLocationResource", //Relation Name m_dsGlobal.Tables["HospitalLocation"].Columns["HOSPITAL_LOCATION_ID"], //Parent m_dsGlobal.Tables["Resources"].Columns["HOSPITAL_LOCATION_ID"], false); //Child m_dsGlobal.Relations.Add(dr); //Build ScheduleUser table //Table #12 setProgressDelegate(12); setStatusDelegate(statusConst + " Schedule User"); this.LoadScheduleUserTable(); //Build Primary Key for ScheduleUser table dc = new DataColumn[1]; dtTemp = m_dsGlobal.Tables["ScheduleUser"]; dc[0] = dtTemp.Columns["USERID"]; m_dsGlobal.Tables["ScheduleUser"].PrimaryKey = dc; //Build ResourceUser table //Table #13 //Acess to Resources by [this] User setProgressDelegate(13); setStatusDelegate(statusConst + " Resource User"); this.LoadResourceUserTable(); //Build Primary Key for ResourceUser table dc = new DataColumn[1]; dtTemp = m_dsGlobal.Tables["ResourceUser"]; dc[0] = dtTemp.Columns["RESOURCEUSER_ID"]; m_dsGlobal.Tables["ResourceUser"].PrimaryKey = dc; //Create relation between BSDX Resource and BSDX Resource User tables dr = new DataRelation("ResourceUser", //Relation Name m_dsGlobal.Tables["Resources"].Columns["RESOURCEID"], //Parent m_dsGlobal.Tables["ResourceUser"].Columns["RESOURCEID"]); //Child m_dsGlobal.Relations.Add(dr); //Build active provider table //Table #14 //TODO: Lazy load the provider table; no need to load in advance. setProgressDelegate(14); setStatusDelegate(statusConst + " Providers"); sCommandText = "SELECT BMXIEN, NAME FROM NEW_PERSON WHERE INACTIVE_DATE = '' AND BMXIEN > 1"; ConnectInfo.RPMSDataTable(sCommandText, "Provider", m_dsGlobal); Debug.Write("LoadGlobalRecordsets -- Provider loaded\n"); //Build the HOLIDAY table //Table #15 setProgressDelegate(15); setStatusDelegate(statusConst + " Holiday"); sCommandText = "SELECT NAME, DATE FROM HOLIDAY WHERE DATE > '" + DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString() + "'"; ConnectInfo.RPMSDataTable(sCommandText, "HOLIDAY", m_dsGlobal); Debug.Write("LoadingGlobalRecordsets -- Holidays loaded\n"); //Save the xml schema //m_dsGlobal.WriteXmlSchema(@"..\..\csSchema20060526.xsd"); //---------------------------------------------- setStatusDelegate("Setting Receive Timeout"); _current.m_ConnectInfo.ReceiveTimeout = 30000; //30-second timeout #if DEBUG _current.m_ConnectInfo.ReceiveTimeout = 600000; //longer timeout for debugging #endif // Event Subsriptions setStatusDelegate("Subscribing to Server Events"); //Table #16 setProgressDelegate(16); _current.m_ConnectInfo.SubscribeEvent("BSDX SCHEDULE"); //Table #17 setProgressDelegate(17); _current.m_ConnectInfo.SubscribeEvent("BSDX CALL WORKSTATIONS"); //Table #18 setProgressDelegate(18); _current.m_ConnectInfo.SubscribeEvent("BSDX ADMIN MESSAGE"); //Table #19 setProgressDelegate(19); _current.m_ConnectInfo.SubscribeEvent("BSDX ADMIN SHUTDOWN"); _current.m_ConnectInfo.EventPollingInterval = 5000; //in milliseconds _current.m_ConnectInfo.EventPollingEnabled = true; _current.m_ConnectInfo.AutoFire = 12; //AutoFire every 12*5 seconds //Close Splash Screen closeSplashDelegate(); return true; } public void LoadAccessGroupsTable() { string sCommandText = "SELECT * FROM BSDX_ACCESS_GROUP"; ConnectInfo.RPMSDataTable(sCommandText, "AccessGroup", m_dsGlobal); Debug.Write("LoadGlobalRecordsets -- AccessGroups loaded\n"); } public void LoadAccessGroupTypesTable() { string sCommandText = "BSDX GET ACCESS GROUP TYPES"; ConnectInfo.RPMSDataTable(sCommandText, "AccessGroupType", m_dsGlobal); Debug.Write("LoadGlobalRecordsets -- AccessGroupTypes loaded\n"); } public void LoadBSDXResourcesTable() { string sCommandText = "BSDX RESOURCES^" + m_ConnectInfo.DUZ; ConnectInfo.RPMSDataTable(sCommandText, "Resources", m_dsGlobal); Debug.Write("LoadGlobalRecordsets -- Resources loaded\n"); } public void LoadResourceGroupTable() { //ResourceGroup Table (Resource Groups by User) //Table "ResourceGroup" contains all resource group names //to which user has access //Fields are: RESOURCE_GROUPID, RESOURCE_GROUP string sCommandText = "BSDX RESOURCE GROUPS BY USER^" + m_ConnectInfo.DUZ; ConnectInfo.RPMSDataTable(sCommandText, "ResourceGroup", m_dsGlobal); Debug.Write("LoadGlobalRecordsets -- ResourceGroup loaded\n"); } public void LoadGroupResourcesTable() { //Table "GroupResources" contains all active GROUP/RESOURCE combinations //to which user has access based on entries in BSDX RESOURCE USER file //If user has BSDXZMGR or XUPROGMODE keys, then ALL Group/Resource combinstions //are returned. //Fields are: RESOURCE_GROUPID, RESOURCE_GROUP, RESOURCE_GROUP_ITEMID, RESOURCE_NAME, RESOURCE_ID string sCommandText = "BSDX GROUP RESOURCE^" + m_ConnectInfo.DUZ; ConnectInfo.RPMSDataTable(sCommandText, "GroupResources", m_dsGlobal); Debug.Write("LoadGlobalRecordsets -- GroupResources loaded\n"); } public void LoadScheduleUserTable() { //Table "ScheduleUser" contains an entry for each user in File 200 (NEW PERSON) //who possesses the BSDXZMENU security key. string sCommandText = "BSDX SCHEDULE USER"; ConnectInfo.RPMSDataTable(sCommandText, "ScheduleUser", m_dsGlobal); Debug.Write("LoadGlobalRecordsets -- ScheduleUser loaded\n"); } public void LoadResourceUserTable() { //Table "ResourceUser" duplicates the BSDX RESOURCE USER File. //NOTE: Column names are RESOURCEUSER_ID, RESOURCEID, // OVERBOOK, MODIFY_SCHEDULE, USERID, USERID1 //string sCommandText = "SELECT BMXIEN RESOURCEUSER_ID, INTERNAL[RESOURCENAME] RESOURCEID, OVERBOOK, MODIFY_SCHEDULE, USERNAME USERID, INTERNAL[USERNAME] FROM BSDX_RESOURCE_USER"; LoadResourceUserTable(false); } public void LoadResourceUserTable(bool bAllUsers) { string sCommandText = @"SELECT BMXIEN RESOURCEUSER_ID, RESOURCENAME, INTERNAL[RESOURCENAME] RESOURCEID, OVERBOOK, MODIFY_SCHEDULE, MODIFY_APPOINTMENTS, USERNAME, INTERNAL[USERNAME] USERID FROM BSDX_RESOURCE_USER"; // WHERE INTERNAL[INSTITUTION]=" + m_ConnectInfo.DUZ2; if (!bAllUsers) { sCommandText += String.Format(" WHERE INTERNAL[USERNAME] = {0}", m_ConnectInfo.DUZ); } ConnectInfo.RPMSDataTable(sCommandText, "ResourceUser", m_dsGlobal); Debug.Write("LoadGlobalRecordsets -- ResourceUser loaded\n"); } public void RegisterDocumentView(CGDocument doc, CGView view) { //Store the view in the list of views this.Views.Add(view, doc); //Hook into the view's 'closed' event view.Closed += new EventHandler(ViewClosed); //Hook into the view's mnuRPMSServer.Click event view.mnuRPMSServer.Click += new EventHandler(mnuRPMSServer_Click); //Hook into the view's mnuRPMSLogin.Click event view.mnuRPMSLogin.Click += new EventHandler(mnuRPMSLogin_Click); } public void RegisterAVDocumentView(CGAVDocument doc, CGAVView view) { //Store the view in the list of views this.AvailabilityViews.Add(view, doc); //Hook into the view's 'closed' event view.Closed += new EventHandler(AVViewClosed); } public CGAVView GetAVViewByResource(ArrayList sResourceArray) { if (sResourceArray == null) return null; bool bEqual = true; foreach (CGAVView v in m_AVViews.Keys) { CGAVDocument d = v.Document; bEqual = false; if (d.Resources.Count == sResourceArray.Count) { bEqual = true; for (int j = 0; j < sResourceArray.Count; j++) { if (sResourceArray.Contains(d.Resources[j]) == false) { bEqual = false; break; } if (d.Resources.Contains(sResourceArray[j]) == false) { bEqual = false; break; } } if (bEqual == true) return v; } } return null; } /// /// Return the first view having a resource array matching sResourceArray /// /// /// public CGView GetViewByResource(ArrayList sResourceArray) { if (sResourceArray == null) return null; bool bEqual = true; foreach (CGView v in _views.Keys) { CGDocument d = v.Document; bEqual = false; if (d.Resources.Count == sResourceArray.Count) { bEqual = true; for (int j = 0; j < sResourceArray.Count; j++) { if (sResourceArray.Contains(d.Resources[j]) == false) { bEqual = false; break; } if (d.Resources.Contains(sResourceArray[j]) == false) { bEqual = false; break; } } if (bEqual == true) return v; } } return null; } /// /// Removes view and Handles Disconnection from Database if no views are left. /// /// /// private void ViewClosed(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Remove the sender from our document list Views.Remove(sender); //If no documents left, then close RPMS connection & exit the application if ((Views.Count == 0)&&(this.AvailabilityViews.Count == 0)&&(m_bExitOK == true)) { m_ConnectInfo.EventPollingEnabled = false; m_ConnectInfo.UnSubscribeEvent("BSDX SCHEDULE"); m_ConnectInfo.CloseConnection(); Application.Exit(); } } private void AVViewClosed(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Remove the sender from our document list this.AvailabilityViews.Remove(sender); //If no documents left, then close RPMS connection & exit the application if ((Views.Count == 0)&&(this.AvailabilityViews.Count == 0)&&(m_bExitOK == true)) { m_ConnectInfo.bmxNetLib.CloseConnection(); Application.Exit(); } } private void KeepAlive() { foreach (CGView v in _views.Keys) { CGDocument d = v.Document; DateTime dNow = DateTime.Now; DateTime dLast = d.LastRefreshed; TimeSpan tsDiff = dNow - dLast; if (tsDiff.Seconds > 180) { for (int j = 0; j < d.Resources.Count; j++) { v.RaiseRPMSEvent("SCHEDULE-" + d.Resources[j].ToString(), ""); } break; } } } /// /// Propogate availability updates to all sRresource's doc/views /// public void UpdateViews(string sResource, string sOldResource) { if (sResource == null) return; foreach (CGView v in _views.Keys) { CGDocument d = v.Document; for (int j = 0; j < d.Resources.Count; j++) { if ((sResource == "") || (sResource == ((string) d.Resources[j])) || (sOldResource == ((string) d.Resources[j]))) { d.RefreshDocument(); break; } } v.UpdateTree(); } } /// /// Propogate availability updates to all doc/views /// public void UpdateViews() { UpdateViews("",""); foreach (CGView v in _views.Keys) { v.UpdateTree(); } } /// /// Calls each view associated with document Doc and closes it. /// public void CloseAllViews(CGDocument doc) { //iterate through all views and call update. Hashtable h = CGDocumentManager.Current.Views; CGDocument d; int nTempCount = h.Count; do { nTempCount = h.Count; foreach (CGView v in h.Keys) { d = (CGDocument) h[v]; if (d == doc) { v.Close(); break; } } } while ((h.Count > 0) && (nTempCount != h.Count)); } /// /// Calls each view associated with Availability Doc and closes it. /// public void CloseAllViews(CGAVDocument doc) { //iterate through all views and call update. Hashtable h = CGDocumentManager.Current.AvailabilityViews; CGAVDocument d; int nTempCount = h.Count; do { nTempCount = h.Count; foreach (CGAVView v in h.Keys) { d = (CGAVDocument) h[v]; if (d == doc) { v.Close(); break; } } } while ((h.Count > 0) && (nTempCount != h.Count)); } private void mnuRPMSServer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Warn that changing servers will close all schedules if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to close all schedules and connect to a different VistA server?", "Clinical Scheduling", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) != DialogResult.OK) return; //Reconnect to RPMS and recreate all global recordsets try { m_bExitOK = false; bool bRetry = true; BMXNetConnectInfo tmpInfo; do { tmpInfo = m_ConnectInfo; try { tmpInfo.ChangeServerInfo(); bRetry = false; } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message == "User cancelled.") { bRetry = false; return; } if (MessageBox.Show("Unable to connect to VistA. " + ex.Message , "Clinical Scheduling", MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel) == DialogResult.Retry) { bRetry = true; } else { bRetry = false; return; } } } while (bRetry == true); CloseAll(); m_bExitOK = true; m_ConnectInfo = tmpInfo; this.InitializeApp(); //Create a new document CGDocument doc = new CGDocument(); doc.DocManager = _current; doc.OnNewDocument(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } private void mnuRPMSLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Warn that changing login will close all schedules if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to close all schedules and login to VistA?", "Clinical Scheduling", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) != DialogResult.OK) return; //Reconnect to RPMS and recreate all global recordsets try { m_bExitOK = false; CloseAll(); m_bExitOK = true; //_current.m_ConnectInfo = new BMXNet.BMXNetConnectInfo();//smh redundant this.InitializeApp(true); //Create a new document CGDocument doc = new CGDocument(); doc.DocManager = _current; doc.OnNewDocument(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } delegate void CloseAllDelegate(string sMsg); private void CloseAll(string sMsg) { if (sMsg == "") { sMsg = "Scheduling System Shutting Down Immediately for Maintenance."; } MessageBox.Show(sMsg, "Clinical Scheduling Administrator -- System Shutdown Notification", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); CloseAll(); } private void CloseAll() { //Close all documents, views and connections Hashtable h = CGDocumentManager.Current.Views; int nTempCount = h.Count; do { nTempCount = h.Count; foreach (CGView v in h.Keys) { v.Close(); break; } } while ((h.Count > 0) && (nTempCount != h.Count)); h = CGDocumentManager.Current.AvailabilityViews; nTempCount = h.Count; do { nTempCount = h.Count; foreach (CGAVView v in h.Keys) { v.Close(); break; } } while ((h.Count > 0) && (nTempCount != h.Count)); } public delegate DataTable RPMSDataTableDelegate(string CommandString, string TableName); public DataTable RPMSDataTable(string sSQL, string sTableName) { //Retrieves a recordset from RPMS string sErrorMessage = ""; DataTable dtOut; #if TRACE DateTime sendTime = DateTime.Now; #endif try { //System.IntPtr pHandle = this.Handle; RPMSDataTableDelegate rdtd = new RPMSDataTableDelegate(ConnectInfo.RPMSDataTable); //dtOut = (DataTable) this.Invoke(rdtd, new object[] {sSQL, sTableName}); dtOut = rdtd.Invoke(sSQL, sTableName); } catch (Exception ex) { sErrorMessage = "CGDocumentManager.RPMSDataTable error: " + ex.Message; throw ex; } #if TRACE DateTime receiveTime = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan executionTime = receiveTime - sendTime; Debug.Write("CGDocumentManager::RPMSDataTable Execution Time: " + executionTime.Milliseconds + " ms.\n"); #endif return dtOut; } public void ChangeDivision(System.Windows.Forms.Form frmCaller) { this.ConnectInfo.ChangeDivision(frmCaller); foreach (CGView v in _views.Keys) { v.InitializeDocView(v.Document.DocName); v.Document.RefreshDocument(); } } public void ViewRefresh() { foreach (CGView v in _views.Keys) { try { v.Document.RefreshDocument(); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Write("CGDocumentManager.ViewRefresh Exception: " + ex.Message + "\n"); } finally { } } Debug.Write("DocManager refreshed all views.\n"); } #endregion Methods & Events } }