source: Scheduling/trunk/doc/README.txt@ 1007

Last change on this file since 1007 was 989, checked in by Sam Habiel, 14 years ago

One more bug

File size: 6.0 KB
1BSDX 1.41 for WorldVista
3This is a Scheduling GUI package.
6FM 22
7Kernel 8
8XB 3 or above
9SD 5.3
10SD 5.3 patch 11310 (to fix a problem with the code)
11BMX 2.2 (now required)
13For a Virgin WorldVistA 6-08 release install the following in this order:
141. XB 4 (see
152. BMX 2.2 (see
163. XWB 1.1 patch 113102 (see
174. BSDX 1.41 (see
185. SD 5.3 patch 11310 (see
20Client (download from
24Client does not need installation. Both files have to be located in the same folder.
26For users who used a previous version, you only need to download and install BSDX 1.41 kids and ClinicalScheduling.exe plus the BMXNet22.dll library. If BMX Server version is outdated, you need to install the new version.
28Post-installation tasks:
29After installation, complete the following tasks to configure Windows Scheduling:
301. Using VISTA tools, assign the BSDXMENU security key. All scheduling users
31must have the BSDXZMENU security key.
322. Users who are also scheduling managers must have the BSDXZMGR key
33assigned. The BSDXZMGR key permits access to the Scheduling Management
34menu in the client application. This menu supports the creation of clinics and
35clinic groups, assignment of users to clinics, designation of user access, and other management activities. For further details, see the User Manual.
363. Make the BMXRPC and BSDXPRC menu options available to scheduling users.
37These options must be somewhere in the user’s path, either as a secondary option
38or as members of a menu to which the user has access.
394. Use Scheduling Management to configure
40a. Resources (clinics)
41b. Users to work with those clinics
42c. Resource Groups, then add the clinics to the resource groups.
43d. Access Types
44e. Access Type Groups
45(see below for more details).
465. Restart the program, and edit the resource availablility by right clicking on it in the tree.
48If you don't do these steps, the program won't work.
49See the User Manual for detailed instructions.
51Detailed Clinic Configuration Instructions:
52The program is in a sort of an intermediate state; it doesn't edit PIMS clinics directly, but can be linked to them if you want appointments and check-ins to show up in PIMS. This program can work without ever being linked to PIMS clinics.
54If you need to use PIMS clinics, here is how you do the set-up:
550. First, make sure you have BMXRPC and BSDXRPC in your menu path and that you have BSDXZMGR for Sched GUI set-up and DG SUPERVISOR TO set up PIMS clinics on roll and scroll.
561. Create the PIMS clinics using SDBUILD menu in VISTA. The GUI uses the following fields from the Hospital Location file
57 - Clinic Name
58 - Inactivation Date/Reactivation Date for deciding whether to display it.
59 - Default Provider multiple for populating the default providers
60 - Division (not currently used, but will be in the future)
612. Create the resources in the GUI, and tie each of them to the clinics as needed.
623. For each resource, you need to add authorized users. These users must hold the BSDXZMENU key or else, they won't show up. You may see users with XUPROGMODE. These will always show up.
634. Create Resource Groups, and add resources to them. Without this, the tree on the side won't show up; and without this tree, users cannot select a schedule.
645. Set-up At least 1 access type
656. Set-up At least 1 access group
667. Restart
678. Create slots for each of the clinics. You can save them as files and re-use them.
69Known Bugs:
70- Users booking appointments at exactly the same time for the same clinic doesn't work properly (concurrency issues).
71- Various usability issues that are apparent in the program. E.g. you need to click before you right click, drag and drop has no visiual assist to show what you are dragging and where to, etc.
72- Remaining slots calculation does not work properly if you have more than 1 slot per access block.
73- Find Appointments function is not operational in Scheduling GUI
74- IDs in Scheduling GUI reflect the HRN not the Primary ID
75- Cannot cancel a walk-in appointment in Scheduling...
76- No handling of invalid access code when saving access slots.
77- Saving access slots causes program to freeze until it's done: need to be Async
78- No Ctrl-C & Ctrl-V handling
79- No Insert & Delete button handling
80- After applying access templates, the access blocks screen doesn't refresh itself.
81- Logic to remove old access blocks does not work. Only workaround is to remove them manually.
82- Transactions fail when a restart is attempted (Oroville's system only).
83- Grids don't respond to mouse wheel movement.
84- Default open location for Apply Template is inappropriate. Should be the last folder navigated.
85- Drag and drop plus delete Message Boxes on Access Blocks editor are unnecessary.
86- Appointment drag and drop to the same time at a different clinic doesn't work (complains that the patient already has an appointment at this time).
87- Appointment drap and drop between different windows doesn't cancel the original appointment.
88- Rebooking under certain conditions causes system hangs. Two issues: Program doesn't increment requested available appointment from VISTA, and doesn't deal properly with an appointment that doesn't have a access type (ie an appointment that is not in an Access block).
91Other Bugs:
92Put them on the trac server where you got this software.
94Enhancement requests:
95- Show Appointment Status in patient information windows. In other words show if the appointment is a future, checked-in, checked-out, or canceled status. (Oroville)
96- Allow all users to access all clinics by default (EHS/PHH)
97- Summary Schedule report based on Clinic Schedule report. Remove Phone, Address, Appointment Made By, and on fields.
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