BSDX07 ; VW/UJO/SMH - WINDOWS SCHEDULING RPCS ; 7/5/12 12:57pm ;;1.7T1;BSDX;;Aug 31, 2011;Build 18 ; Licensed under LGPL ; ; Change Log: ; UJO/SMH ; v1.3 July 13 2010 - Add support i18n - Dates input as FM dates, not US. ; v1.42 Oct 22 2010 - Transaction now restartable by providing arguments ; v1.42 Oct 30 2010 - Extensive refactoring. ; v1.5 Mar 15 2011 - End time does not have to have time anymore. ; It could be midnight of the next day ; v1.6 Apr 11 2011 - Support for Scheduling Radiology Exams... ; v1.7 Jun 20 2012 - Refactoring to remove transactions - many changes ; - AVUPDT moved to AVUPDTMK in BSDXAPI1 ; ; Error Reference: ; -1: Patient Record is locked. This means something is wrong!!!! ; -2: Start Time is not a valid Fileman date ; -3: End Time is not a valid Fileman date ; v1.5:obsolete::-4: End Time does not have time inside of it. ; -5: BSDXPATID is not numeric ; -6: Patient Does not exist in ^DPT ; -7: Resource Name does not exist in B index of BSDX RESOURCE ; -8: Resouce doesn't exist in ^BSDXRES ; -9: Couldn't add appointment to BSDX APPOINTMENT ; -10: Couldn't add appointment to files 2 and/or 44 ; -100: Mumps Error ; APPADDD(BSDXY,BSDXSTART,BSDXEND,BSDXPATID,BSDXRES,BSDXLEN,BSDXNOTE,BSDXATID) ;EP ;Entry point for debugging ; D DEBUG^%Serenji("APPADD^BSDX07(.BSDXY,BSDXSTART,BSDXEND,BSDXPATID,BSDXRES,BSDXLEN,BSDXNOTE,BSDXATID)") Q ; APPADD(BSDXY,BSDXSTART,BSDXEND,BSDXPATID,BSDXRES,BSDXLEN,BSDXNOTE,BSDXATID,BSDXRADEXAM) ;EP ; ;Called by RPC: BSDX ADD NEW APPOINTMENT ; ;Add new appointment to 3 files ; - BSDX APPOINTMENT ; - Hosp Location Appointment SubSubfile if Resource is linked to clinic ; - Patient Appointment Subfile if Resource is linked to clinic ; ;Paramters: ;BSDXY: Global Return (RPC must be set to Global Array) ;BSDXSTART: FM Start Date ;BSDXEND: FM End Date ;BSDXPATID: Patient DFN ;BSDXRES is ResourceName in BSDX RESOURCE file (not IEN) ;BSDXLEN is the appointment duration in minutes ;BSDXNOTE is the Appiontment Note ;BSDXATID is used for 2 purposes: ; if BSDXATID = "WALKIN" then BSDAPI is called to create a walkin appt. ; if BSDXATID = a number, then it is the access type id (used for rebooking) ;BSDXRADEXAM is used to store the Radiology Exam to which this appointment is tied to (optional) ; ;Return: ; Recordset having fields: ; AppointmentID and ErrorNumber ; ; NB: Specifying BSDXLEN and BSDXEND is redundant. For future programmers ; to sort out. Needs changes on client. ; ;Test lines: ;BSDX ADD NEW APPOINTMENT^3091122.0930^3091122.1000^370^Dr Office^30^EXAM^WALKIN ; ; Deal with optional arguments S BSDXRADEXAM=$G(BSDXRADEXAM) ; ; Return Array; set Return and clear array S BSDXY=$NA(^BSDXTMP($J)) K ^BSDXTMP($J) ; ; $ET N $ET S $ET="G ETRAP^BSDX07" ; ; Counter N BSDXI S BSDXI=0 ; ; Lock BSDX node, only to synchronize access to the globals. ; It's not expected that the error will ever happen as no filing ; is supposed to take 5 seconds. L +^BSDXAPPT(BSDXPATID):5 I '$T D ERR(BSDXI,"-1~Patient record is locked. Please contact technical support.") Q ; ; Header Node S ^BSDXTMP($J,BSDXI)="I00020APPOINTMENTID^T00100ERRORID"_$C(30) ; ; Turn off SDAM APPT PROTOCOL BSDX Entries N BSDXNOEV S BSDXNOEV=1 ;Don't execute BSDX ADD APPOINTMENT protocol ; ; Set Error Message to be empty N BSDXERR S BSDXERR=0 ; ;;;test for error inside transaction. See if %ZTER works I $G(BSDXDIE) S X=1/0 ;;;test ; ; -- Start and End Date Processing -- ; If C# sends the dates with extra zeros, remove them S BSDXSTART=+BSDXSTART,BSDXEND=+BSDXEND ; Are the dates valid? Must be FM Dates > than 2010 I BSDXSTART'>3100000 D ERR(BSDXI,"-2~BSDX07 Error: Invalid Start Time") Q I BSDXEND'>3100000 D ERR(BSDXI,"-3~BSDX07 Error: Invalid End Time") Q ; ;; If Ending date doesn't have a time, this is an error --rm 1.5 ; I $L(BSDXEND,".")=1 D ERR(BSDXI,"-4~BSDX07 Error: Invalid End Time") Q ; ; If the Start Date is greater than the end date, swap dates N BSDXTMP I BSDXSTART>BSDXEND S BSDXTMP=BSDXEND,BSDXEND=BSDXSTART,BSDXSTART=BSDXTMP ; ; Check if the patient exists: ; - DFN valid number? ; - Valid Patient in file 2? I '+BSDXPATID D ERR(BSDXI,"-5~BSDX07 Error: Invalid Patient ID") Q I '$D(^DPT(BSDXPATID,0)) D ERR(BSDXI,"-6~BSDX07 Error: Invalid Patient ID") Q ; ;Validate Resource entry I '$D(^BSDXRES("B",BSDXRES)) D ERR(BSDXI,"-7~BSDX07 Error: Invalid Resource ID") Q N BSDXRESD ; Resource IEN S BSDXRESD=$O(^BSDXRES("B",BSDXRES,0)) N BSDXRNOD ; Resouce zero node S BSDXRNOD=$G(^BSDXRES(BSDXRESD,0)) I BSDXRNOD="" D ERR(BSDXI,"-8~BSDX07 Error: invalid Resource entry.") Q ; ; Walk-in (Unscheduled) Appointment? N BSDXWKIN S BSDXWKIN=0 I BSDXATID="WALKIN" S BSDXWKIN=1 ; Reset Access Type ID if it doesn't say "WALKIN" and isn't a number I BSDXATID'?.N&(BSDXATID'="WALKIN") S BSDXATID="" ; ; Now, check if PIMS has any issues with us making the appt using MAKECK N BSDXSCD S BSDXSCD=$P(BSDXRNOD,U,4) ; Hosp Location IEN N BSDXERR ; Variable to hold value of $$MAKE and $$MAKECK N BSDXC ; Array to send to MAKE and MAKECK APIs ; Only if we have a valid Hosp Location I +BSDXSCD,$D(^SC(BSDXSCD,0)) D I +BSDXERR D ERR(BSDXI,"-10~BSDX07 Error: MAKECK^BSDXAPI returned error code: "_BSDXERR) Q ; no need for roll back . S BSDXC("PAT")=BSDXPATID . S BSDXC("CLN")=BSDXSCD . S BSDXC("TYP")=3 ;3 for scheduled appts, 4 for walkins . S:BSDXWKIN BSDXC("TYP")=4 . S BSDXC("ADT")=BSDXSTART . S BSDXC("LEN")=BSDXLEN . S BSDXC("OI")=$E($G(BSDXNOTE),1,150) ;File 44 has 150 character limit on OTHER field . S BSDXC("OI")=$TR(BSDXC("OI"),";"," ") ;No semicolons allowed by MAKE^BSDXAPI . S BSDXC("OI")=$$STRIP(BSDXC("OI")) ;Strip control characters from note . S BSDXC("USR")=DUZ . S BSDXERR=$$MAKECK^BSDXAPI(.BSDXC) ; ; Done with all checks, let's make appointment in BSDX APPOINTMENT N BSDXAPPTID S BSDXAPPTID=$$BSDXADD(BSDXSTART,BSDXEND,BSDXPATID,BSDXRESD,BSDXATID,BSDXRADEXAM) I 'BSDXAPPTID D ERR(BSDXI,"-9~BSDX07 Error: Unable to add appointment to BSDX APPOINTMENT file.") Q ; no roll back needed! No appts made. I BSDXNOTE]"" D BSDXWP(BSDXAPPTID,BSDXNOTE) ; no error checks are made here ; I don't think it's important b/c users can detect right away if the WP ; filing fails. ; I $G(BSDXSIMERR1) D ERR(BSDXI,"-11~BSDX07 Error: Simulated Error"),ROLLBACK(BSDXAPPTID,.BSDXC) Q ; UT Line ; ; Only if we have a valid Hosp Loc can we make an appointment in 2/44 ; Use BSDXC array from before. ; NB: $$MAKE itself calls $$MAKECK to check again for being okay. I +BSDXSCD,$D(^SC(BSDXSCD,0)) D I +BSDXERR D ERR(BSDXI,"-10~BSDX07 Error: MAKE^BSDXAPI returned error code: "_BSDXERR),ROLLBACK(BSDXAPPTID,.BSDXC) Q . S BSDXERR=$$MAKE^BSDXAPI(.BSDXC) ; ;Return Recordset L -^BSDXAPPT(BSDXPATID) S BSDXI=BSDXI+1 S ^BSDXTMP($J,BSDXI)=BSDXAPPTID_"^"_$C(30) S BSDXI=BSDXI+1 S ^BSDXTMP($J,BSDXI)=$C(31) Q STRIP(BSDXZ) ;Replace control characters with spaces N BSDXI F BSDXI=1:1:$L(BSDXZ) I (32>$A($E(BSDXZ,BSDXI))) S BSDXZ=$E(BSDXZ,1,BSDXI-1)_" "_$E(BSDXZ,BSDXI+1,999) Q BSDXZ ; BSDXADD(BSDXSTART,BSDXEND,BSDXPATID,BSDXRESD,BSDXATID,BSDXRADEXAM) ;ADD BSDX APPOINTMENT ENTRY ;Returns ien in BSDXAPPT or 0 if failed ;Create entry in BSDX APPOINTMENT N BSDXAPPTID S BSDXFDA(9002018.4,"+1,",.01)=BSDXSTART S BSDXFDA(9002018.4,"+1,",.02)=BSDXEND S BSDXFDA(9002018.4,"+1,",.05)=BSDXPATID S BSDXFDA(9002018.4,"+1,",.07)=BSDXRESD S BSDXFDA(9002018.4,"+1,",.08)=$G(DUZ) S BSDXFDA(9002018.4,"+1,",.09)=$$NOW^XLFDT S:BSDXATID="WALKIN" BSDXFDA(9002018.4,"+1,",.13)="y" S:BSDXATID?.N BSDXFDA(9002018.4,"+1,",.06)=BSDXATID S BSDXFDA(9002018.4,"+1,",.14)=$G(BSDXRADEXAM) N BSDXIEN,BSDXMSG D UPDATE^DIE("","BSDXFDA","BSDXIEN","BSDXMSG") S BSDXAPPTID=+$G(BSDXIEN(1)) Q BSDXAPPTID ; BSDXWP(BSDXAPPTID,BSDXNOTE) ; ;Add WP field N BSDXMSG I BSDXNOTE]"" S BSDXNOTE(.5)=BSDXNOTE,BSDXNOTE="" I $D(BSDXNOTE(0)) S BSDXNOTE(.5)=BSDXNOTE(0) K BSDXNOTE(0) I $D(BSDXNOTE(.5)) D . D WP^DIE(9002018.4,BSDXAPPTID_",",1,"","BSDXNOTE","BSDXMSG") Q ; ADDEVT(BSDXPATID,BSDXSTART,BSDXSC,BSDXSCDA) ;EP ;Called by BSDX ADD APPOINTMENT protocol ;BSDXSC=IEN of clinic in ^SC ;BSDXSCDA=IEN for ^SC(BSDXSC,"S",BSDXSTART,1,BSDXSCDA). Use to get Length & Note ; N BSDXNOD,BSDXLEN,BSDXAPPTID,BSDXNODP,BSDXWKIN,BSDXRES Q:+$G(BSDXNOEV) I $D(^BSDXRES("ALOC",BSDXSC)) S BSDXRES=$O(^BSDXRES("ALOC",BSDXSC,0)) E I $D(^BSDXRES("ASSOC",BSDXSC)) S BSDXRES=$O(^BSDXRES("ASSOC",BSDXSC,0)) Q:'+$G(BSDXRES) S BSDXNOD=$G(^SC(BSDXSC,"S",BSDXSTART,1,BSDXSCDA,0)) Q:BSDXNOD="" S BSDXNODP=$G(^DPT(BSDXPATID,"S",BSDXSTART,0)) S BSDXWKIN="" S:$P(BSDXNODP,U,7)=4 BSDXWKIN="WALKIN" ;Purpose of Visit field of DPT Appointment subfile S BSDXLEN=$P(BSDXNOD,U,2) Q:'+BSDXLEN S BSDXEND=$$FMADD^XLFDT(BSDXSTART,0,0,BSDXLEN,0) S BSDXAPPTID=$$BSDXADD(BSDXSTART,BSDXEND,BSDXPATID,BSDXRES,BSDXWKIN) Q:'+BSDXAPPTID S BSDXNOTE=$P(BSDXNOD,U,4) I BSDXNOTE]"" D BSDXWP(BSDXAPPTID,BSDXNOTE) D ADDEVT3(BSDXRES) Q ; ADDEVT3(BSDXRES) ; ;Call RaiseEvent to notify GUI clients N BSDXRESN S BSDXRESN=$G(^BSDXRES(BSDXRES,0)) Q:BSDXRESN="" S BSDXRESN=$P(BSDXRESN,"^") ;D EVENT^BSDX23("SCHEDULE-"_BSDXRESN,"","","") D EVENT^BMXMEVN("BSDX SCHEDULE",BSDXRESN) Q ; ROLLBACK(BSDXAPPTID,BSDXC) ; Private EP; Roll back appointment set ; DO NOT USE except as an emergency measure - only if unforseen error occurs ; Input: ; Appointment ID to remove from ^BSDXAPPT ; BSDXC array (see array format in $$MAKE^BSDXAPI) ; NB: I am not sure whether I want to do $G to protect against undefs? ; I send the variables to this EP from the Symbol Table in ETRAP D BSDXDEL^BSDX07(BSDXAPPTID) S:$D(BSDXC) %=$$UNMAKE^BSDXAPI(.BSDXC) ; rtn value always 0 QUIT ; BSDXDEL(BSDXAPPTID) ;Private EP ; Deletes appointment BSDXAPPTID from ^BSDXAPPT ; DO NOT USE except in emergencies to roll back an appointment set N DA,DIK S DIK="^BSDXAPPT(",DA=BSDXAPPTID D ^DIK Q ; ERR(BSDXI,BSDXERR) ;Error processing - different from error trap. S BSDXI=BSDXI+1 S BSDXERR=$TR(BSDXERR,"^","~") S ^BSDXTMP($J,BSDXI)="0^"_BSDXERR_$C(30) S BSDXI=BSDXI+1 S ^BSDXTMP($J,BSDXI)=$C(31) L -^BSDXAPPT(BSDXPATID) Q ; ETRAP ;EP Error trap entry N $ET S $ET="D ^%ZTER HALT" ; Emergency Error Trap D ^%ZTER S $EC="" ; Clear Error I +$G(BSDXAPPTID) D ROLLBACK(BSDXAPPTID,.BSDXC) ; Rollback if BSDXAPPTID exists ; Log error message and send to client I '$D(BSDXI) N BSDXI S BSDXI=0 D ERR(BSDXI,"-100~BSDX07 Error: "_$G(%ZTERZE)) Q:$Q 1_U_"Mumps Error" Q ;