BSDX08 ; IHS/OIT/HMW - WINDOWS SCHEDULING RPCS ; 1/25/11 12:39pm ;;1.5;BSDX;;Apr 28, 2011 ; ; Original by HMW. New Written by Sam Habiel. Licensed under LGPL. ; ; Change History ; 3101022 UJO/SMH v1.42 ; - Transaction now restartable. Thanks to ; --> Zach Gonzalez and Rick Marshall for fix. ; - Extra TROLLBACK in Lock Statement when lock fails. ; --> Removed--Rollback is already in ERR tag. ; - Added new statements to old SD code in AVUPDT to obviate ; --> need to restore variables in transaction ; - Refactored this chunk of code. Don't really know whether it ; --> worked in the first place. Waiting for bug report to know. ; - Refactored all of APPDEL. ; ; 3111125 UJO/SMH v1.5 ; - Added ability to remove checked in appointments. Added a couple ; of units tests for that under UT2. ; - Minor reformatting because of how KIDS adds tabs. ; ; Error Reference: ; -1~BSDX08: Appt record is locked. Please contact technical support. ; -2~BSDX08: Invalid Appointment ID ; -3~BSDX08: Invalid Appointment ID ; -4~BSDX08: Cancelled appointment does not have a Resouce ID ; -5~BSDX08: Resouce ID does not exist in BSDX RESOURCE ; -6~BSDX08: Invalid Hosp Location stored in Database ; -7~BSDX08: Patient does not have an appointment in PIMS Clinic ; -8^BSDX08: Unable to find associated PIMS appointment for this patient ; -9^BSDX08: BSDXAPI returned an error: (error) ; -100~BSDX08 Error: (Mumps Error) ; APPDELD(BSDXY,BSDXAPTID,BSDXTYP,BSDXCR,BSDXNOT) ;EP ;Entry point for debugging D DEBUG^%Serenji("APPDEL^BSDX08(.BSDXY,BSDXAPTID,BSDXTYP,BSDXCR,BSDXNOT)") Q ; UT ; Unit Tests ; Test 1: Make normal appointment and cancel it. See if every thing works N ZZZ D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,3110123.2,3110123.3,4,"Dr Office",10,"Sam's Note",1) S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U) D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,APPID,"PC",1,"Sam's Cancel Note") I $P(^BSDXAPPT(APPID,0),U,12)'>0 W "Error in Cancellation-1" I $O(^SC(2,"S",3110123.2,1,0))]"" W "Error in Cancellation-2" I $P(^DPT(4,"S",3110123.2,0),U,2)'="PC" W "Error in Cancellation-3" I ^DPT(4,"S",3110123.2,"R")'="Sam's Cancel Note" W "Error in Cancellation-4" ; ; Test 2: Check for -1 ; Make appt D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,3110125.2,3110125.3,4,"Dr Office",10,"Sam's Note",1) ; Lock the node in another job S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U) ; W "Lock ^BSDXAPPT("_APPID_") in another session. You have 10 seconds." H 10 D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,APPID,"PC",1,"Sam's Cancel Note") ; ; Test 3: Check for -100 S bsdxdie=1 D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,3110126.2,3110126.3,4,"Dr Office",10,"Sam's Note",1) S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U) D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,APPID,"PC",1,"Reasons") I $P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),"~")'=-100 W "Error in -100",! K bsdxdie ; ; Test 4: Restartable transaction S bsdxrestart=1 D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,3110128.2,3110128.3,4,"Dr Office",10,"Sam's Note",1) S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U) D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,APPID,"PC",1,"Reasons") I $P(^DPT(4,"S",3110128.2,0),U,2)'="PC" W "Error in Restartable Transaction",! ; ; Test 5: for invalid Appointment ID (-2 and -3) D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,0,"PC",1,"Reasons") I $P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),"~")'=-2 W "Error in -2",! D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,999999,"PC",1,"Reasons") I $P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),"~")'=-3 W "Error in -3",! UT2 ; More unit Tests ; ; Test 6: for Cancelling walkin and checked-in appointments S BSDXSTART=$E($$NOW^XLFDT,1,12),BSDXEND=BSDXSTART+.0001 D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,BSDXSTART,BSDXEND,4,"Dr Office",10,"Sam's Note",1) ; Add appt S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U) I APPID=0 W "Error in test 6",! D CHECKIN^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPID,$$NOW^XLFDT) ; check-in D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,APPID,"PC",10,"Cancel Note") ; Delete appt I $P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),$C(30))'="" W "Error in test 6",! ; ; Test 7: for cancelling walkin and checked-in appointments S BSDXSTART=$E($$NOW^XLFDT,1,12)+.0001,BSDXEND=BSDXSTART+.0001 D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,BSDXSTART,BSDXEND,4,"Dr Office",10,"Sam's Note",1) ; Add appt S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U) I APPID=0 W "Error in test 6",! D CHECKIN^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPID,$$NOW^XLFDT) ; Checkin S BSDXRES=$O(^BSDXRES("B","Dr Office","")) S BSDXCLN=$P(^BSDXRES(BSDXRES,0),U,4) S BSDXRESULT=$$RMCI^BSDXAPI(4,BSDXCLN,BSDXSTART) ; remove checkin D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,APPID,"PC",10,"Cancel Note") ; delete appt I $P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),$C(30))'="" W "Error in test 6",! QUIT APPDEL(BSDXY,BSDXAPTID,BSDXTYP,BSDXCR,BSDXNOT) ;EP ;Called by RPC: BSDX CANCEL APPOINTMENT ;Cancels existing appointment in BSDX APPOINTMENT and 44/2 subfiles ;Input Parameters: ; - BSDXAPTID is entry number in BSDX APPOINTMENT file ; - BSDXTYP is C for clinic-cancelled and PC for patient cancelled ; - BSDXCR is pointer to CANCELLATION REASON File (409.2) ; - BSDXNOT is user note ; ; Returns error code in recordset field ERRORID. Empty string is success. ; Returns Global Array. Must use this type in RPC. ; ; Return Array: set Return and clear array S BSDXY=$NA(^BSDXTMP($J)) K ^BSDXTMP($J) ; ; Set min DUZ vars if they don't exist D ^XBKVAR ; ; $ET N $ET S $ET="G ETRAP^BSDX08" ; ; Counter N BSDXI S BSDXI=0 ; Header Node S ^BSDXTMP($J,BSDXI)="T00100ERRORID"_$C(30) ; ; Lock BSDX node, only to synchronize access to the globals. ; It's not expected that the error will ever happen as no filing ; is supposed to take 5 seconds. L +^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPTID):5 I '$T D ERR(BSDXI,"-1~BSDX08: Appt record is locked. Please contact technical support.") Q ; ;Restartable Transaction; restore paramters when starting. ; (Params restored are what's passed here + BSDXI) TSTART (BSDXY,BSDXAPTID,BSDXTYP,BSDXCR,BSDXNOT,BSDXI):T="BSDX CANCEL APPOINTEMENT^BSDX08" ; ; Turn off SDAM APPT PROTOCOL BSDX Entries N BSDXNOEV S BSDXNOEV=1 ;Don't execute BSDX CANCEL APPOINTMENT protocol ; ;;;test for error inside transaction. See if %ZTER works I $G(bsdxdie) S X=1/0 ;;;test ;;;test for TRESTART I $G(bsdxrestart) K bsdxrestart TRESTART ;;;test ; ; Check appointment ID and whether it exists I '+BSDXAPTID D ERR(BSDXI,"-2~BSDX08: Invalid Appointment ID") Q I '$D(^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPTID,0)) D ERR(BSDXI,"-3~BSDX08: Invalid Appointment ID") Q ; ; Start Processing: ; First, add cancellation date to appt entry in BSDX APPOINTMENT N BSDXNOD S BSDXNOD=^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPTID,0) ; BSDX Appt Node N BSDXPATID S BSDXPATID=$P(BSDXNOD,U,5) ; Patient ID N BSDXSTART S BSDXSTART=$P(BSDXNOD,U) ; Start Time D BSDXCAN(BSDXAPTID) ; Add a cancellation date in BSDX APPOINTMENT ; ; Second, cancel appt in "S" nodes in file 2 and 44, then update Legacy PIMS Availability N BSDXSC1 S BSDXSC1=$P(BSDXNOD,U,7) ;RESOURCEID ; If the resouce id doesn't exist... I BSDXSC1="" D ERR(BSDXI,"-4~BSDX08: Cancelled appointment does not have a Resouce ID") QUIT I '$D(^BSDXRES(BSDXSC1,0)) D ERR(BSDXI,"-5~BSDX08: Resouce ID does not exist in BSDX RESOURCE") QUIT ; Get zero node of resouce S BSDXNOD=^BSDXRES(BSDXSC1,0) ; Get Hosp location N BSDXLOC S BSDXLOC=$P(BSDXNOD,U,4) ; Error indicator for Hosp Location filing for getting out of routine N BSDXERR S BSDXERR=0 ; Only file in 2/44 if there is an associated hospital location I BSDXLOC D QUIT:BSDXERR . I '$D(^SC(BSDXLOC,0)) S BSDXERR=1 D ERR(BSDXI,"-6~BSDX08: Invalid Hosp Location stored in Database") QUIT . ; Get the IEN of the appointment in the "S" node of ^SC . N BSDXSCIEN . S BSDXSCIEN=$$SCIEN^BSDXAPI(BSDXPATID,BSDXLOC,BSDXSTART) . I BSDXSCIEN="" S BSDXERR=1 D ERR(BSDXI,"-7~BSDX08: Patient does not have an appointment in PIMS Clinic") QUIT . ; Get the appointment node . S BSDXNOD=$G(^SC(BSDXLOC,"S",BSDXSTART,1,BSDXSCIEN,0)) . I BSDXNOD="" S BSDXERR=1 D ERR(BSDXI,"-8^BSDX08: Unable to find associated PIMS appointment for this patient") QUIT . N BSDXLEN S BSDXLEN=$P(BSDXNOD,U,2) . ; Cancel through BSDXAPI . N BSDXZ . D APCAN(.BSDXZ,BSDXLOC,BSDXPATID,BSDXSTART) . I +BSDXZ>0 S BSDXERR=1 D ERR(BSDXI,"-9^BSDX08: BSDXAPI returned an error: "_$P(BSDXZ,U,2)) QUIT . ; Update Legacy PIMS clinic Availability . D AVUPDT(BSDXLOC,BSDXSTART,BSDXLEN) ; TCOMMIT L -^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPTID) S BSDXI=BSDXI+1 S ^BSDXTMP($J,BSDXI)=""_$C(30) S BSDXI=BSDXI+1 S ^BSDXTMP($J,BSDXI)=$C(31) Q ; AVUPDT(BSDXSCD,BSDXSTART,BSDXLEN) ;Update Legacy PIMS Clinic availability ;See SDCNP0 N SD,S ; Start Date S (SD,S)=BSDXSTART N I ; Clinic IEN in 44 S I=BSDXSCD ; if day has no schedule in legacy PIMS, forget about this update. Q:'$D(^SC(I,"ST",SD\1,1)) N SL ; Clinic characteristics node (length of appt, when appts start etc) S SL=^SC(I,"SL") N X ; Hour Clinic Display Begins S X=$P(SL,U,3) N STARTDAY ; When does the day start? S STARTDAY=$S($L(X):X,1:8) ; If defined, use it; otherwise, 8am N SB ; ?? Who knows? Day Start - 1 divided by 100. S SB=STARTDAY-1/100 S X=$P(SL,U,6) ; Now X is Display increments per hour N HSI ; Slots per hour, try 1 S HSI=$S(X:X,1:4) ; if defined, use it; otherwise, 4 N SI ; Slots per hour, try 2 S SI=$S(X="":4,X<3:4,X:X,1:4) ; If slots "", or less than 3, then 4 N STR ; ?? S STR="#@!$* XXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA0123456789jklmnopqrstuvwxyz" N SDDIF ; Slots per hour diff?? S SDDIF=$S(HSI<3:8/HSI,1:2) S SL=BSDXLEN ; Dammit, reusing variable; SL now Appt Length from GUI S S=^SC(I,"ST",SD\1,1) ; reusing var again; S now Day Pattern from PIMS N Y ; Hours since start of Date S Y=SD#1-SB*100 ;SD#1=FM Time portion; -SB minus start of day; conv to hrs N ST ; ?? ; Y#1 -> Minutes; *SI -> * Slots per hour; \.6 trunc min to hour ; Y\1 -> Hours since start of day; * SI: * slots S ST=Y#1*SI\.6+(Y\1*SI) N SS ; how many slots are supposed to be taken by appointment S SS=SL*HSI/60 ; (nb: try SL: 30 min; HSI: 4 slots) N I I Y'<1 D ; If Hours since start of Date is greater than 1 . ; loop through pattern. Tired of documenting. . F I=ST+ST:SDDIF D Q:Y="" Q:SS'>0 . . S Y=$E(STR,$F(STR,$E(S,I+1))) Q:Y="" . . S S=$E(S,1,I)_Y_$E(S,I+2,999) . . S SS=SS-1 . . Q:SS'>0 S ^SC(BSDXSCD,"ST",SD\1,1)=S ; new pattern; global set Q ; APCAN(BSDXZ,BSDXLOC,BSDXDFN,BSDXSD) ; ;Cancel appointment for patient BSDXDFN in clinic BSDXSC1 ;at time BSDXSD N BSDXC,%H S BSDXC("PAT")=BSDXPATID S BSDXC("CLN")=BSDXLOC S BSDXC("TYP")=BSDXTYP S BSDXC("ADT")=BSDXSD S %H=$H D YMD^%DTC S BSDXC("CDT")=X+% S BSDXC("NOT")=BSDXNOT S:'+$G(BSDXCR) BSDXCR=11 ;Other S BSDXC("CR")=BSDXCR S BSDXC("USR")=DUZ ; S BSDXZ=$$CANCEL^BSDXAPI(.BSDXC) Q ; BSDXCAN(BSDXAPTID) ; ;Cancel BSDX APPOINTMENT entry N %DT,X,BSDXDATE,Y,BSDXIENS,BSDXFDA,BSDXMSG S %DT="XT",X="NOW" D ^%DT ; X ^DD("DD") S BSDXDATE=Y S BSDXIENS=BSDXAPTID_"," S BSDXFDA(9002018.4,BSDXIENS,.12)=BSDXDATE K BSDXMSG D FILE^DIE("","BSDXFDA","BSDXMSG") Q ; CANEVT(BSDXPAT,BSDXSTART,BSDXSC) ;EP Called by BSDX CANCEL APPOINTMENT event ;when appointments cancelled via PIMS interface. ;Propagates cancellation to BSDXAPPT and raises refresh event to running GUI clients N BSDXFOUND,BSDXRES Q:+$G(BSDXNOEV) Q:'+$G(BSDXSC) S BSDXFOUND=0 I $D(^BSDXRES("ALOC",BSDXSC)) S BSDXRES=$O(^BSDXRES("ALOC",BSDXSC,0)) S BSDXFOUND=$$CANEVT1(BSDXRES,BSDXSTART,BSDXPAT) I BSDXFOUND D CANEVT3(BSDXRES) Q I $D(^BXDXRES("ASSOC",BSDXSC)) S BSDXRES=$O(^BSDXRES("ASSOC",BSDXSC,0)) S BSDXFOUND=$$CANEVT1(BSDXRES,BSDXSTART,BSDXPAT) I BSDXFOUND D CANEVT3(BSDXRES) Q ; CANEVT1(BSDXRES,BSDXSTART,BSDXPAT) ; ;Get appointment id in BSDXAPT ;If found, call BSDXCAN(BSDXAPPT) and return 1 ;else return 0 N BSDXFOUND,BSDXAPPT S BSDXFOUND=0 Q:'+BSDXRES BSDXFOUND Q:'$D(^BSDXAPPT("ARSRC",BSDXRES,BSDXSTART)) BSDXFOUND S BSDXAPPT=0 F S BSDXAPPT=$O(^BSDXAPPT("ARSRC",BSDXRES,BSDXSTART,BSDXAPPT)) Q:'+BSDXAPPT D Q:BSDXFOUND . S BSDXNOD=$G(^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPPT,0)) Q:BSDXNOD="" . I $P(BSDXNOD,U,5)=BSDXPAT,$P(BSDXNOD,U,12)="" S BSDXFOUND=1 Q I BSDXFOUND,+$G(BSDXAPPT) D BSDXCAN(BSDXAPPT) Q BSDXFOUND ; CANEVT3(BSDXRES) ; ;Call RaiseEvent to notify GUI clients ; N BSDXRESN S BSDXRESN=$G(^BSDXRES(BSDXRES,0)) Q:BSDXRESN="" S BSDXRESN=$P(BSDXRESN,"^") ;D EVENT^BSDX23("SCHEDULE-"_BSDXRESN,"","","") D EVENT^BMXMEVN("BSDX SCHEDULE",BSDXRESN) Q ; ERR(BSDXI,BSDXERR) ;Error processing S BSDXI=BSDXI+1 S BSDXERR=$TR(BSDXERR,"^","~") I $TL>0 TROLLBACK S ^BSDXTMP($J,BSDXI)=BSDXERR_$C(30) S BSDXI=BSDXI+1 S ^BSDXTMP($J,BSDXI)=$C(31) L -^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPTID) QUIT ; ETRAP ;EP Error trap entry N $ET S $ET="D ^%ZTER HALT" ; Emergency Error Trap ; Rollback, otherwise ^XTER will be empty from future rollback I $TL>0 TROLLBACK D ^%ZTER S $EC="" ; Clear Error ; Log error message and send to client I '$D(BSDXI) N BSDXI S BSDXI=0 D ERR(BSDXI,"-100~BSDX08 Error: "_$G(%ZTERZE)) QUIT ; ;;;NB: This is code that is unused in both original and port. ; ; If not appt in the "S" node is found in ^SC then check associated RPMS Clinic Multiple ; I BSDXSCIEN="" D I 'BSDXZ Q ;Q:BSDXZ ; . S BSDXERR="BSDX08: Unable to find associated RPMS appointment for this patient. " ; . S BSDXZ=1 ; . ; Check if there are associated RPMS clinics. (not currently used) Does the multiple exist? No, then quit ; . I '$D(^BSDXRES(BSDXSC1,20)) S BSDXZ=0 QUIT ; . ; Loop through the multiple. Get Location and then the ^SC "S" node IEN. ; . N BSDX1 S BSDX1=0 ; . F S BSDX1=$O(^BSDXRES(BSDXSC1,20,BSDX1)) Q:'+BSDX1 Q:BSDXZ=0 D ; . . Q:'$D(^BSDXRES(BSDXSC1,20,BSDX1,0)) ; . . S BSDXLOC=$P(^BSDXRES(BSDXSC1,20,BSDX1,0),U) ; . . S BSDXSCIEN=$$SCIEN^BSDXAPI(BSDXPATID,BSDXLOC,BSDXSTART) I +BSDXSCIEN S BSDXZ=0 Q