BSDX26 ; IHS/OIT/HMW - WINDOWS SCHEDULING RPCS ; 7/10/12 10:27am ;;1.7T2;BSDX;;Jul 11, 2012;Build 18 ; Licensed under LGPL ; Change History: ; 3101023 - UJO/SMH - Addition of restartable transaction; relocation of tx. ; 3101205 - UJO/SMH - Extensive refactoring. ; 3120625 - VEN/SMH - Removal of Transactions, reloation of UTs to BSDXUT1 ; ; Error Reference: ; 1: Appt ID is not a number ; 2: Appt IEN is not in ^BSDXAPPT ; 3: FM Failure to file WP field in ^BSDXAPPT ; 4: BSDXAPI reports failure to change note field in ^SC ; 5: Failure to acquire lock on ^BSDXAPPT(APPTID) ; 100: Mumps Error ; ; NB: Normally I use negative numbers for errors; this routine returns ; -1 as a successful result! So I needed to use +ve numbers. ; EDITAPTD(BSDXY,BSDXAPTID,BSDXNOTE) ;EP ;Entry point for debugging ; ;D DEBUG^%Serenji("EDITAPT^BSDX26(.BSDXY,BSDXAPTID,BSDXNOTE)") Q EDITAPT(BSDXY,BSDXAPTID,BSDXNOTE) ;EP Edit appointment (only note text can be edited) ; Called by RPC: BSDX EDIT APPOINTMENT ; ; Edits Appointment Text in BSDX APPOINTMENT file & Hosp Location (44) file ; ; Parameters: ; - BSDXY: Global Return (RPC must be set to Global Array) ; - BSDXAPTID: Appointment IEN in BSDX APPOINTMENT ; - BSDXNOTE: New note ; ; Return: ; Recordset having 1 field: ERRORID ; If Okay: -1; otherwise, positive integer with message ; ; Return Array; set Return and clear array S BSDXY=$NA(^BSDXTMP($J)) K ^BSDXTMP($J) ; ET N $ET S $ET="G ETRAP^BSDX26" ; Set up basic DUZ variables D ^XBKVAR ; Counter N BSDXI S BSDXI=0 ; Header Node S ^BSDXTMP($J,BSDXI)="T00100ERRORID"_$C(30) ; ;;;test for error. See if %ZTER works I $G(BSDXDIE) S X=1/0 ; ; Validate Appointment ID I '+BSDXAPTID D ERR(BSDXI,"1~BSDX26: Invalid Appointment ID") QUIT I '$D(^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPTID,0)) D ERR(BSDXI,"2~BSDX26: Invalid Appointment ID") QUIT ; ; Lock BSDX node, only to synchronize access to the globals. ; It's not expected that the error will ever happen as no filing ; is supposed to take 5 seconds. L +^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPTID):5 E D ERR(BSDXI,"5~BSDX08: Appt record is locked. Please contact technical support.") QUIT ; ; Put the WP in decendant fields from the root to file as a WP field S BSDXNOTE(.5)=BSDXNOTE,BSDXNOTE="" I $D(BSDXNOTE(0)) S BSDXNOTE(.5)=BSDXNOTE(0) K BSDXNOTE(0) ; N BSDXMSG ; Message in case of error in filing. ; ; Save Before State in case we need it for rollback K ^TMP($J) M ^TMP($J,"BEFORE","BSDXAPPT")=^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPTID) ; ; Update note in BSDX APPOINTMENT I $D(BSDXNOTE(.5)) D . D WP^DIE(9002018.4,BSDXAPTID_",",1,"","BSDXNOTE","BSDXMSG") ; ; Error handling. No need for rollback since nothing else changed. I $D(BSDXMSG) D ERR(BSDXI,"3~BSDX26: Fileman failure to file data into 9002018.4") QUIT ; ; Now file in file 44: N PTIEN S PTIEN=$$GET1^DIQ(9002018.4,BSDXAPTID,".05","I") ; Patient IEN N HLIEN S HLIEN=$$GET1^DIQ(9002018.4,BSDXAPTID,".07:.04","I") ; HL Location IEN pointed to by Resource ID N DATE S DATE=+^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPTID,0) ; Date of APPT N BSDXRES S BSDXRES=0 ; Result ; Update Note only if we have a linked hospital location. I HLIEN S BSDXRES=$$UPDATENT^BSDXAPI1(PTIEN,HLIEN,DATE,BSDXNOTE(.5)) ; If we get an error (denoted by -1 in BSDXRES), return error to client ; AND restore the original note I BSDXRES D ERR(BSDXI,"4~BSDX26: BSDXAPI reports an error: "_BSDXRES),ROLLBACK(BSDXAPTID) QUIT ; ;Return Recordset indicating success L -^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPTID) S BSDXI=BSDXI+1 S ^BSDXTMP($J,BSDXI)="-1"_$C(30) S BSDXI=BSDXI+1 S ^BSDXTMP($J,BSDXI)=$C(31) ; K ^TMP($J) ; Done; remove TMP data QUIT ; ROLLBACK(BSDXAPTID) ; Rollback note to original in ^BSDXAPPT M ^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPTID)=^TMP($J,"BEFORE","BSDXAPPT") K ^TMP($J) QUIT ; ERR(BSDXI,BSDXERR) ;Error processing ; Unlock first L:$D(BSDXAPTID) -^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPTID) ; If last line is $C(31), we are done. No more errors to send to client. I ^BSDXTMP($J,$O(^BSDXTMP($J," "),-1))=$C(31) QUIT S BSDXI=BSDXI+1 S BSDXERR=$TR(BSDXERR,"^","~") S ^BSDXTMP($J,BSDXI)=BSDXERR_$C(30) S BSDXI=BSDXI+1 S ^BSDXTMP($J,BSDXI)=$C(31) QUIT ; ETRAP ;EP Error trap entry N $ET S $ET="D ^%ZTER HALT" ; Emergency Error Trap D ^%ZTER ; I '$D(BSDXI) N BSDXI S BSDXI=0 D ERR(BSDXI,"100~BSDX26 Error: "_$G(%ZTERZE)) QUIT