BSDXUT1 ; VEN/SMH - Unit Tests for Scheduling GUI - cont. ; 7/3/12 12:28pm ;;1.7T1;BSDX;;Jul 06, 2012;Build 18 ; ; EN ; Run All Unit Tests in this routine D UT08,UT29,UT26,UT31 QUIT ; UT08 ; Unit Tests for BSDX08; Must have patients 1,2,3,4,5 defined in system N RESNAM S RESNAM="UTCLINIC" N HLRESIENS ; holds output of UTCR^BSDXUT - HL IEN^Resource IEN D . N $ET S $ET="D ^%ZTER B" . S HLRESIENS=$$UTCR^BSDXUT(RESNAM) . I HLRESIENS<0 S $EC=",U1," ; not supposed to happen - hard crash if so ; N HLIEN,RESIEN S HLIEN=$P(HLRESIENS,U) S RESIEN=$P(HLRESIENS,U,2) ; ; Get start and end times N TIMES S TIMES=$$TIMES^BSDXUT ; appt time^end time N APPTTIME S APPTTIME=$P(TIMES,U) N ENDTIME S ENDTIME=$P(TIMES,U,2) ; ; Test 1: Make normal appointment and cancel it. See if every thing works N ZZZ,DFN S DFN=3 D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,APPTTIME,ENDTIME,DFN,RESNAM,30,"Sam's Note",1) S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U) D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,APPID,"PC",1,"Sam's Cancel Note") I $P(^BSDXAPPT(APPID,0),U,12)'>0 W "Error in Cancellation-1",! I $O(^SC(HLIEN,"S",APPTTIME,1,0))]"" W "Error in Cancellation-2",! I $P(^DPT(DFN,"S",APPTTIME,0),U,2)'="PC" W "Error in Cancellation-3",! I ^DPT(DFN,"S",APPTTIME,"R")'="Sam's Cancel Note" W "Error in Cancellation-4",! ; ; Test 2: Check for -1 -- TODO: Fix later... Can't do right now automatically ; Make appt D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,APPTTIME,ENDTIME,DFN,RESNAM,30,"Sam's Note",1) ; Lock the node in another job S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U) ; W "Lock ^BSDXAPPT("_APPID_") in another session. You have 10 seconds." H 10 D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,APPID,"PC",1,"Sam's Cancel Note") ; ; Test 3: Check for -100 N TIMES S TIMES=$$TIMES^BSDXUT ; appt time^end time N APPTTIME S APPTTIME=$P(TIMES,U) N ENDTIME S ENDTIME=$P(TIMES,U,2) D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,APPTTIME,ENDTIME,DFN,RESNAM,30,"Sam's Note",1) S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U) N BSDXDIE1 S BSDXDIE1=1 D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,APPID,"PC",1,"Reasons") I $P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),"~")'=-100 W "Error in -100",! K BSDXDIE1 ; ; Test 3.5: Check for -100 with an appointment to rollback. N TIMES S TIMES=$$TIMES^BSDXUT ; appt time^end time N APPTTIME S APPTTIME=$P(TIMES,U) N ENDTIME S ENDTIME=$P(TIMES,U,2) D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,APPTTIME,ENDTIME,DFN,RESNAM,30,"Sam's Note",1) S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U) N BSDXDIE2 S BSDXDIE2=1 D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,APPID,"PC",1,"Reasons") I $P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),"~")'=-100 W "Error in -100-1",! I $P(^BSDXAPPT(APPID,0),U,12)'="" W "Error in -100-2",! K BSDXDIE2 ; Test 4: Restartable transaction -- retired in V 1.7 ; Test 5: for invalid Appointment ID (-2 and -3) D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,0,"PC",1,"Reasons") I $P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),"~")'=-2 W "Error in -2",! D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,999999,"PC",1,"Reasons") I $P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),"~")'=-3 W "Error in -3",! ; More unit Tests ; ; Test 6: for Cancelling walkin and checked-in appointments N TIMES S TIMES=$$TIMES^BSDXUT ; appt time^end time N APPTTIME S APPTTIME=$P(TIMES,U) N ENDTIME S ENDTIME=$P(TIMES,U,2) S DFN=4 D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,APPTTIME,ENDTIME,DFN,RESNAM,10,"Sam's Note",1) ; Add appt S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U) I APPID=0 W "Error in test 6",! D CHECKIN^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPID,$$NOW^XLFDT) ; check-in D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,APPID,"PC",10,"Cancel Note") ; Delete appt I $P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),$C(30))'="" W "Error in test 6",! ; ; Test 7: for cancelling walkin and checked-in appointments N TIMES S TIMES=$$TIMES^BSDXUT ; appt time^end time N APPTTIME S APPTTIME=$P(TIMES,U) N ENDTIME S ENDTIME=$P(TIMES,U,2) S DFN=4 D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,APPTTIME,ENDTIME,DFN,RESNAM,10,"Sam's Note",1) ; Add appt S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U) I APPID=0 W "Error in test 6",! D CHECKIN^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPID,$$NOW^XLFDT) ; Checkin S BSDXRESULT=$$RMCI^BSDXAPI1(DFN,HLIEN,APPTTIME) ; remove checkin D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,APPID,"PC",10,"Cancel Note") ; delete appt I $P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),$C(30))'="" W "Error in test 6",! ; ; Unlinked Clinic Tests N RESNAM S RESNAM="UTCLINICUL" ; Unlinked Clinic N RESIEN D . N $ET S $ET="D ^%ZTER B" . S RESIEN=$$UTCRRES^BSDXUT(RESNAM) . I RESIEN<0 S $EC=",U1," ; not supposed to happen - hard crash if so ; ; Get start and end times N TIMES S TIMES=$$TIMES^BSDXUT ; appt time^end time N APPTTIME S APPTTIME=$P(TIMES,U) N ENDTIME S ENDTIME=$P(TIMES,U,2) ; ; Test 1: Make normal appointment and cancel it. See if every thing works N ZZZ,DFN S DFN=3 D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,APPTTIME,ENDTIME,DFN,RESNAM,30,"Sam's Note",1) S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U) D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,APPID,"PC",1,"Sam's Cancel Note") I $P(^BSDXAPPT(APPID,0),U,12)'>0 W "Error in Cancellation-1" ; ; Test 6: for Cancelling walkin and checked-in appointments N TIMES S TIMES=$$TIMES^BSDXUT ; appt time^end time N APPTTIME S APPTTIME=$P(TIMES,U) N ENDTIME S ENDTIME=$P(TIMES,U,2) S DFN=4 D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,APPTTIME,ENDTIME,DFN,RESNAM,10,"Sam's Note",1) ; Add appt S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U) I APPID=0 W "Error in test 6",! D CHECKIN^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPID,$$NOW^XLFDT) ; check-in D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,APPID,"PC",10,"Cancel Note") ; Delete appt I $P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),$C(30))'="" W "Error in test 6",! ; ; Test 7: for cancelling walkin and checked-in appointments N TIMES S TIMES=$$TIMES^BSDXUT ; appt time^end time N APPTTIME S APPTTIME=$P(TIMES,U) N ENDTIME S ENDTIME=$P(TIMES,U,2) S DFN=5 D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,APPTTIME,ENDTIME,DFN,RESNAM,10,"Sam's Note",1) ; Add appt S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U) I APPID=0 W "Error in test 6",! D CHECKIN^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPID,$$NOW^XLFDT) ; Checkin S BSDXRESULT=$$RMCI^BSDXAPI1(DFN,HLIEN,APPTTIME) ; remove checkin D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,APPID,"PC",10,"Cancel Note") ; delete appt I $P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),$C(30))'="" W "Error in test 6",! QUIT ; UT29 ; Unit Test for BSDX29 ; HLs/Resources are created as part of the UT ; Patients 1,2,3,4,5 must exist ; I '$$TM^%ZTLOAD() W "Cannot test. Taskman is not running!" QUIT ; ; Set-up - Create Clinics N RESNAM S RESNAM="UTCLINIC" N HLRESIENS ; holds output of UTCR^BSDXUT - HL IEN^Resource IEN D . N $ET S $ET="D ^%ZTER B" . S HLRESIENS=$$UTCR^BSDXUT(RESNAM) . I HLRESIENS<0 S $EC=",U1," ; not supposed to happen - hard crash if so ; N HLIEN,RESIEN S HLIEN=$P(HLRESIENS,U) S RESIEN=$P(HLRESIENS,U,2) ; ; Turn off SDAM APPT PROTOCOL BSDX Entries N BSDXNOEV S BSDXNOEV=1 ;Don't execute BSDX ADD APPOINTMENT protocol ; ; Create a bunch of appointments in PIMS (25 actually) N DFN N BSDXAPPT,BSDXDATE N BSDXI F BSDXI=1:1:5 D . N APPTTIME S APPTTIME=$$TIMEHL^BSDXUT(HLIEN) ; appt time . F DFN=1,2,3,4,5 D . . N % S %=$$MAKE1^BSDXAPI(DFN,HLIEN,3,APPTTIME,15,"Sam Test Appt"_DFN) . . I % W "Error in $$MAKE1^BSDXAPI for TIME "_APPTTIME_" for DFN "_DFN,!,%,! . . E S BSDXAPPT(DFN,APPTTIME)="",BSDXDATE(APPTTIME)="" ; ; Check that appointments are not in ^BSDXAPPT N DFN,APPTTIME S (DFN,APPTTIME)="" F S DFN=$O(BSDXAPPT(DFN)) Q:'DFN D . F S APPTTIME=$O(BSDXAPPT(DFN,APPTTIME)) Q:'APPTTIME D . . I $D(^BSDXAPPT("APAT",DFN,APPTTIME)) W "Appt for "_DFN_" @ "_APPTTIME_" present",! ; ; Now, copy those appointments using BSDX29 to ^BSDXAPPT N FIRSTDATE S FIRSTDATE=$O(BSDXDATE("")) N LASTDATE S LASTDATE=$O(BSDXDATE(""),-1) N ZZZ ; garbage D BSDXCP^BSDX29(.ZZZ,RESIEN,HLIEN,FIRSTDATE,LASTDATE) I +^BSDXTMP($J,1)=0 W "Error... task not created",! QUIT ; W "Waiting for 5 seconds for taskman to finish",! HANG 5 N DFN,APPTTIME S (DFN,APPTTIME)="" F S DFN=$O(BSDXAPPT(DFN)) Q:'DFN D . F S APPTTIME=$O(BSDXAPPT(DFN,APPTTIME)) Q:'APPTTIME D . . I '$D(^BSDXAPPT("APAT",DFN,APPTTIME)) W "Appt for "_DFN_" @ "_APPTTIME_" missing",! ; ; Do all of this again making sure that events execute. K BSDXNOEV ; ; Create a bunch of appointments in PIMS (25 actually) N DFN N BSDXAPPT,BSDXDATE N BSDXI F BSDXI=1:1:5 D . N APPTTIME S APPTTIME=$$TIMEHL^BSDXUT(HLIEN) ; appt time . F DFN=1,2,3,4,5 D . . N % S %=$$MAKE1^BSDXAPI(DFN,HLIEN,3,APPTTIME,15,"Sam Test Appt"_DFN) . . I % W "Error in $$MAKE1^BSDXAPI for TIME "_APPTTIME_" for DFN "_DFN,!,%,! . . E S BSDXAPPT(DFN,APPTTIME)="",BSDXDATE(APPTTIME)="" ; ; Check that appointments are in ^BSDXAPPT (different from last time) N DFN,APPTTIME S (DFN,APPTTIME)="" F S DFN=$O(BSDXAPPT(DFN)) Q:'DFN D . F S APPTTIME=$O(BSDXAPPT(DFN,APPTTIME)) Q:'APPTTIME D . . I '$D(^BSDXAPPT("APAT",DFN,APPTTIME)) W "Appt for "_DFN_" @ "_APPTTIME_" present",! ; ; Now, copy those appointments using BSDX29 to ^BSDXAPPT N FIRSTDATE S FIRSTDATE=$O(BSDXDATE("")) N LASTDATE S LASTDATE=$O(BSDXDATE(""),-1) N ZZZ ; garbage D BSDXCP^BSDX29(.ZZZ,RESIEN,HLIEN,FIRSTDATE,LASTDATE) I +^BSDXTMP($J,1)=0 W "Error... task not created",! QUIT ; W "Waiting for 5 seconds for taskman to finish",! HANG 5 W:^BSDXTMP("BSDXCOPY",+^BSDXTMP($J,1))'[" 0 records" "Copy failed",! QUIT ; UT26 ; Unit Tests - BSDX26 ; ; Test 1: Make sure this damn thing works ; Set-up - Create Clinics N RESNAM S RESNAM="UTCLINIC" N HLRESIENS ; holds output of UTCR^BSDXUT - HL IEN^Resource IEN D . N $ET S $ET="D ^%ZTER B" . S HLRESIENS=$$UTCR^BSDXUT(RESNAM) . I HLRESIENS<0 S $EC=",U1," ; not supposed to happen - hard crash if so ; N HLIEN,RESIEN S HLIEN=$P(HLRESIENS,U) S RESIEN=$P(HLRESIENS,U,2) ; ; Get start and end times N TIMES S TIMES=$$TIMES^BSDXUT ; appt time^end time N APPTTIME S APPTTIME=$P(TIMES,U) N ENDTIME S ENDTIME=$P(TIMES,U,2) ; ; Make appt N ZZZ,DFN S DFN=3 D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,APPTTIME,ENDTIME,DFN,RESNAM,30,"Sam's Note",1) N APPID S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U) ; ; Now edit the note - basic test N %H S %H=$H N NOTE S NOTE="New Note "_%H D EDITAPT^BSDX26(.ZZZ,APPID,NOTE) I ^BSDXAPPT(APPID,1,1,0)'=NOTE W "ERROR 1",! I $P(^SC(HLIEN,"S",APPTTIME,1,1,0),U,4)'=NOTE W "Error in HL Section",! ; ; Test 2: Test Error -1 ; -1 --> ApptID not a number N ZZZ N NOTE S NOTE="Nothing important" D EDITAPT^BSDX26(.ZZZ,"BLAHBLAH",NOTE) I +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-1 W "ERROR IN -1",! ; ; Test 3: Test Error -2 ; -2 --> ApptID not in ^BSDXAPPT D EDITAPT^BSDX26(.ZZZ,298734322,NOTE) I +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-2 W "ERROR IN -2",! ; ; Test 4: M Error N BSDXDIE S BSDXDIE=1 D EDITAPT^BSDX26(.ZZZ,188,NOTE) I +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-100 W "ERROR IN -100",! K BSDXDIE ; Test 5: Trestart -- retired in v1.7 ; ; Test 6: UTs for an unlinked resource (not linked to PIMS) N RESNAM S RESNAM="UTCLINICUL" ; Unlinked Clinic N RESIEN D . N $ET S $ET="D ^%ZTER B" . S RESIEN=$$UTCRRES^BSDXUT(RESNAM) . I RESIEN<0 S $EC=",U1," ; not supposed to happen - hard crash if so ; ; Get start and end times N TIMES S TIMES=$$TIMES^BSDXUT ; appt time^end time N APPTTIME S APPTTIME=$P(TIMES,U) N ENDTIME S ENDTIME=$P(TIMES,U,2) ; N ZZZ,DFN S DFN=3 D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,APPTTIME,ENDTIME,DFN,RESNAM,30,"Sam's Note",1) N APPID S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U) ; Now edit the note - basic test N %H S %H=$H N NOTE S NOTE="New Note "_%H D EDITAPT^BSDX26(.ZZZ,APPID,NOTE) I ^BSDXAPPT(APPID,1,1,0)'=NOTE W "ERROR 2",! ; ; Test 7: Simulated failure in BSDXAPI N RESNAM S RESNAM="UTCLINIC" N HLRESIENS ; holds output of UTCR^BSDXUT - HL IEN^Resource IEN D . N $ET S $ET="D ^%ZTER B" . S HLRESIENS=$$UTCR^BSDXUT(RESNAM) . I HLRESIENS<0 S $EC=",U1," ; not supposed to happen - hard crash if so ; N HLIEN,RESIEN S HLIEN=$P(HLRESIENS,U) S RESIEN=$P(HLRESIENS,U,2) ; ; Get start and end times N TIMES S TIMES=$$TIMES^BSDXUT ; appt time^end time N APPTTIME S APPTTIME=$P(TIMES,U) N ENDTIME S ENDTIME=$P(TIMES,U,2) ; ; Make appt N ZZZ,DFN S DFN=3 N ORIGNOTE S ORIGNOTE="Sam's Note" D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,APPTTIME,ENDTIME,DFN,RESNAM,30,ORIGNOTE,1) N APPID S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U) ; ; Create the error condition N BSDXSIMERR1 S BSDXSIMERR1=1 ; ; Try to edit the note. Should still be "Sam's Note" N %H S %H=$H N NOTE S NOTE="New Note "_%H D EDITAPT^BSDX26(.ZZZ,APPID,NOTE) I +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-4 W "Simulated error not triggered",! I ^BSDXAPPT(APPID,1,1,0)'=ORIGNOTE W "ERROR 3",! I $P(^SC(HLIEN,"S",APPTTIME,1,1,0),U,4)'=ORIGNOTE W "ERROR 4",! QUIT ; UT31 ; Unit Tests for BSDX31 ; Set-up - Create Clinics N RESNAM S RESNAM="UTCLINIC" N HLRESIENS ; holds output of UTCR^BSDXUT - HL IEN^Resource IEN D . N $ET S $ET="D ^%ZTER B" . S HLRESIENS=$$UTCR^BSDXUT(RESNAM) . I HLRESIENS<0 S $EC=",U1," ; not supposed to happen - hard crash if so ; N HLIEN,RESIEN S HLIEN=$P(HLRESIENS,U) S RESIEN=$P(HLRESIENS,U,2) ; ; Get start and end times N TIMES S TIMES=$$TIMES^BSDXUT ; appt time^end time N APPTTIME S APPTTIME=$P(TIMES,U) N ENDTIME S ENDTIME=$P(TIMES,U,2) ; ; Make appt N ZZZ,DFN S DFN=3 D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,APPTTIME,ENDTIME,DFN,RESNAM,30,"Sam's Note",1) N APPID S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U) ; Test 1: Sanity Check D NOSHOW^BSDX31(.ZZZ,APPID,1) I $P(^BSDXAPPT(APPID,0),U,10)'=1 W "ERROR T1",! I $P(^DPT(DFN,"S",APPTTIME,0),U,2)'="N" W "ERROR T1",! ; Test 2: Undo NOSHOW D NOSHOW^BSDX31(.ZZZ,APPID,0) I $P(^BSDXAPPT(APPID,0),U,10)'="" W "ERROR T2",! I $P(^DPT(DFN,"S",APPTTIME,0),U,2)'="" W "ERROR T2",! ; Test 3: -1 D NOSHOW^BSDX31(.ZZZ,"",0) I $P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U)'=-1 W "ERROR T3",! ; Test 4: -2 D NOSHOW^BSDX31(.ZZZ,2938748233,0) I $P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U)'=-2 W "ERROR T4",! ; Test 5: -3 D NOSHOW^BSDX31(.ZZZ,APPID,3) I $P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U)'=-3 W "ERROR T5",! ; Test 6: Mumps error (-100) N BSDXDIE S BSDXDIE=1 D NOSHOW^BSDX31(.ZZZ,APPID,1) I $P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U)'=-100 W "ERROR T6",! K BSDXDIE ; ; Test 9 ; Error Simulations ; Get start and end times N TIMES S TIMES=$$TIMES^BSDXUT ; appt time^end time N APPTTIME S APPTTIME=$P(TIMES,U) N ENDTIME S ENDTIME=$P(TIMES,U,2) ; ; This tests if we fail without filing anything N ZZZ,DFN S DFN=3 D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,APPTTIME,ENDTIME,DFN,RESNAM,30,"Sam's Note",1) N APPID S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U) N BSDXSIMERR1 S BSDXSIMERR1=1 D NOSHOW^BSDX31(.ZZZ,APPID,1) I $P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U)'=-4 W "ERROR T9.1",! I $P(^BSDXAPPT(APPID,0),U,10)'="" W "ERROR T9.2",! I $P(^DPT(DFN,"S",APPTTIME,0),U,2)'="" W "ERROR T9.3",! K BSDXSIMERR1 ; ; This tests if we fail inside BSDXAPI and have to rollback ^BSDXAPPT N BSDXSIMERR2 S BSDXSIMERR2=1 D NOSHOW^BSDX31(.ZZZ,APPID,1) I $P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U)'=-5 W "ERROR T9.4",! I $P(^BSDXAPPT(APPID,0),U,10)'="" W "ERROR T9.5",! I $P(^DPT(DFN,"S",APPTTIME,0),U,2)'="" W "ERROR T9.6",! K BSDXSIMERR2 ; ; This test a mumps error in BSDXAPI N BSDXSIMERR3 S BSDXSIMERR3=1 D NOSHOW^BSDX31(.ZZZ,APPID,1) I +$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U)'=-100 W "ERROR T9.7",! I $P(^BSDXAPPT(APPID,0),U,10)'="" W "ERROR T9.8",! K BSDXSIMERR3 ; ; Test 7: Restartable transaction ; Retired ; ; Test 8: UTs for an unlinked resource (not linked to PIMS) N RESNAM S RESNAM="UTCLINICUL" ; Unlinked Clinic N RESIEN D . N $ET S $ET="D ^%ZTER B" . S RESIEN=$$UTCRRES^BSDXUT(RESNAM) . I RESIEN<0 S $EC=",U1," ; not supposed to happen - hard crash if so ; ; Get start and end times N TIMES S TIMES=$$TIMES^BSDXUT ; appt time^end time N APPTTIME S APPTTIME=$P(TIMES,U) N ENDTIME S ENDTIME=$P(TIMES,U,2) ; ; Make appt N ZZZ,DFN S DFN=3 D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,APPTTIME,ENDTIME,DFN,RESNAM,30,"Sam's Note",1) N APPID S APPID=+$P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),U) ; Test 1: Sanity Check D NOSHOW^BSDX31(.ZZZ,APPID,1) I $P(^BSDXAPPT(APPID,0),U,10)'=1 W "ERROR T8.1",! ; Test 2: Undo NOSHOW D NOSHOW^BSDX31(.ZZZ,APPID,0) I $P(^BSDXAPPT(APPID,0),U,10)'="" W "ERROR T8.2",! ; Test 3: Put it back on... D NOSHOW^BSDX31(.ZZZ,APPID,1) I $P(^BSDXAPPT(APPID,0),U,10)'=1 W "ERROR T8.3",! ; ; QUIT