BSDXUT2 ; VEN/SMH - Unit Tests for Scheduling GUI - cont. ; 7/5/12 11:39am ;;1.7T1;BSDX;;Aug 31, 2011;Build 18 ; EN ; Run all unit tests in this routine D UT25 QUIT ; UT25 ; Unit Tests for BSDX25 ; Make appointment, checkin, then uncheckin N $ET S $ET="W ""An Error Occured. Breaking."",! BREAK" N RESNAM S RESNAM="UTCLINIC" N HLRESIENS ; holds output of UTCR^BSDXUT - HL IEN^Resource IEN D . N $ET S $ET="D ^%ZTER B" . S HLRESIENS=$$UTCR^BSDXUT(RESNAM) . I HLRESIENS<0 S $EC=",U1," ; not supposed to happen - hard crash if so ; N HLIEN,RESIEN S HLIEN=$P(HLRESIENS,U) S RESIEN=$P(HLRESIENS,U,2) ; ; Get start and end times N TIMES S TIMES=$$TIMES^BSDXUT ; appt time^end time N APPTTIME S APPTTIME=$P(TIMES,U) N ENDTIME S ENDTIME=$P(TIMES,U,2) ; ; Test 1: Make normal appointment and cancel it. See if every thing works N ZZZ,DFN S DFN=5 N ZZZ D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,APPTTIME,ENDTIME,DFN,RESNAM,30,"Sam's Note",1) N APPTID S APPTID=+^BSDXTMP($J,1) N HL S HL=$$GET1^DIQ(9002018.4,APPTID,".07:.04","I") D CHECKIN^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPTID,$$NOW^XLFDT()) IF '$P(^BSDXAPPT(APPTID,0),U,3) WRITE "ERROR IN CHECKIN 1",! IF '+$G(^SC(HL,"S",APPTTIME,1,1,"C")) WRITE "ERROR IN CHECKIN 2",! D RMCI^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPTID) IF $P(^BSDXAPPT(APPTID,0),U,3) WRITE "ERROR IN UNCHECKIN 1",! IF $G(^SC(HL,"S",APPTTIME,1,1,"C")) WRITE "ERROR IN UNCHECKIN 2",! D RMCI^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPTID) ; again, test sanity in repeat IF $P(^BSDXAPPT(APPTID,0),U,3) WRITE "ERROR IN UNCHECKIN 1",! IF $G(^SC(HL,"S",APPTTIME,1,1,"C")) WRITE "ERROR IN UNCHECKIN 2",! ; now test various error conditions ; Test Error 1 D RMCI^BSDX25(.ZZZ,) IF +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-1 WRITE "ERROR IN ETest 1",! ; Test Error 2 D RMCI^BSDX25(.ZZZ,234987234398) IF +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-2 WRITE "ERROR IN Etest 2",! ; Tests for 3 to 5 difficult to produce ; Error tests follow: Mumps error test; ; Error in RMCI N BSDXDIE S BSDXDIE=1 D RMCI^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPTID) IF +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-100 WRITE "ERROR IN Etest 3",! K BSDXDIE ; M Error in CHECKIN N BSDXDIE S BSDXDIE=1 D CHECKIN^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPTID,$$NOW^XLFDT()) IF +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-100 WRITE "ERROR IN Etest 8",! K BSDXDIE ; M Error in $$CHECKIN^BSDXAPI N BSDXDIE2 S BSDXDIE2=1 D CHECKIN^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPTID,$$NOW^XLFDT()) IF +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-100 WRITE "ERROR IN Etest 9",! K BSDXDIE2 ; M Error in $$RMCI^BSDXAPI1 N BSDXDIE2 S BSDXDIE2=1 D RMCI^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPTID) IF +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-100 WRITE "ERROR IN Etest 13",! K BSDXDIE2 ; ; Get start and end times N TIMES S TIMES=$$TIMES^BSDXUT ; appt time^end time N APPTTIME S APPTTIME=$P(TIMES,U) N ENDTIME S ENDTIME=$P(TIMES,U,2) ; N ZZZ,DFN S DFN=5 N ZZZ D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,APPTTIME,ENDTIME,DFN,RESNAM,30,"Sam's Note",1) N APPTID S APPTID=+^BSDXTMP($J,1) N HL S HL=$$GET1^DIQ(9002018.4,APPTID,".07:.04","I") ; ; Simulated Error in $$BSDXCHK^BSDX25 N BSDXSIMERR1 S BSDXSIMERR1=1 D CHECKIN^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPTID,$$NOW^XLFDT()) IF +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-3 WRITE "ERROR in Etest 10",! IF $P(^BSDXAPPT(APPTID,0),U,3) WRITE "ERROR IN CHECKIN 111",! IF +$G(^SC(HL,"S",APPTTIME,1,1,"C")) WRITE "ERROR IN CHECKIN 112",! K BSDXSIMERR1 ; ; Simulated Error in $$CHECKICK^BSDXAPI N BSDXSIMERR2 S BSDXSIMERR2=1 D CHECKIN^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPTID,$$NOW^XLFDT()) IF +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-10 WRITE "ERROR in Etest 11",! IF $P(^BSDXAPPT(APPTID,0),U,3) WRITE "ERROR IN CHECKIN 113",! IF +$G(^SC(HL,"S",APPTTIME,1,1,"C")) WRITE "ERROR IN CHECKIN 114",! K BSDXSIMERR2 ; ; Simulated Error in $$CHECKIN^BSDXAPI N BSDXSIMERR3 S BSDXSIMERR3=1 D CHECKIN^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPTID,$$NOW^XLFDT()) IF +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-10 WRITE "ERROR in Etest 11",! IF $P(^BSDXAPPT(APPTID,0),U,3) WRITE "ERROR IN CHECKIN 115",! IF +$G(^SC(HL,"S",APPTTIME,1,1,"C")) WRITE "ERROR IN CHECKIN 116",! K BSDXSIMERR3 ; ; Check-in for real for the subsequent tests D CHECKIN^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPTID,$$NOW^XLFDT()) ; Check-in first! IF '$P(^BSDXAPPT(APPTID,0),U,3) WRITE "ERROR IN CHECKIN 1110",! IF '+$G(^SC(HL,"S",APPTTIME,1,1,"C")) WRITE "ERROR IN RMCI 1120",! ; ; Simulated Error in $$BSDXCHK^BSDX25; This time for remove check-in N BSDXSIMERR1 S BSDXSIMERR1=1 D RMCI^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPTID) IF +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-6 WRITE "ERROR in Etest 14",! IF '$P(^BSDXAPPT(APPTID,0),U,3) WRITE "ERROR IN RMCI 111",! IF '+$G(^SC(HL,"S",APPTTIME,1,1,"C")) WRITE "ERROR IN RMCI 112",! K BSDXSIMERR1 ; ; Simulated Error in $$RMCICK^BSDXAPI1 N BSDXSIMERR2 S BSDXSIMERR2=1 D RMCI^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPTID) IF +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-5 WRITE "ERROR in Etest 15",! IF '$P(^BSDXAPPT(APPTID,0),U,3) WRITE "ERROR IN RMCI 113",! IF '+$G(^SC(HL,"S",APPTTIME,1,1,"C")) WRITE "ERROR IN RMCI 114",! K BSDXSIMERR2 ; ; Simulated Error in $$RMCI^BSDXAPI1 N BSDXSIMERR3 S BSDXSIMERR3=1 D RMCI^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPTID) IF +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-5 WRITE "ERROR in Etest 16",! IF '$P(^BSDXAPPT(APPTID,0),U,3) WRITE "ERROR IN RMCI 115",! IF '+$G(^SC(HL,"S",APPTTIME,1,1,"C")) WRITE "ERROR IN RMCI 116",! K BSDXSIMERR3 ; ; Unlinked Clinic Tests N RESNAM S RESNAM="UTCLINICUL" ; Unlinked Clinic N RESIEN D . N $ET S $ET="D ^%ZTER B" . S RESIEN=$$UTCRRES^BSDXUT(RESNAM) . I RESIEN<0 S $EC=",U1," ; not supposed to happen - hard crash if so ; ; Get start and end times N TIMES S TIMES=$$TIMES^BSDXUT ; appt time^end time N APPTTIME S APPTTIME=$P(TIMES,U) N ENDTIME S ENDTIME=$P(TIMES,U,2) ; N ZZZ,DFN S DFN=4 N ZZZ D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,APPTTIME,ENDTIME,DFN,RESNAM,30,"Sam's Note",1) N APPTID S APPTID=+^BSDXTMP($J,1) N HL S HL=$$GET1^DIQ(9002018.4,APPTID,".07:.04","I") I HL'="" W "Error. Hospital Location Exists",! ; D CHECKIN^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPTID,$$NOW^XLFDT()) IF '$P(^BSDXAPPT(APPTID,0),U,3) WRITE "ERROR IN CHECKIN 3",! ;test D RMCI^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPTID) IF $P(^BSDXAPPT(APPTID,0),U,3) WRITE "ERROR IN UNCHECKIN 3",! D RMCI^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPTID) ; again, test sanity in repeat IF $P(^BSDXAPPT(APPTID,0),U,3) WRITE "ERROR IN UNCHECKIN 3",! ; now test various error conditions ; Test Error 1 D RMCI^BSDX25(.ZZZ,) IF +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-1 WRITE "ERROR IN ETest 5",! ; Test Error 2 D RMCI^BSDX25(.ZZZ,234987234398) IF +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-2 WRITE "ERROR IN Etest 6",! ; Tests for 3 to 5 difficult to produce ; Error tests follow: Mumps error test; Transaction restartability N BSDXDIE S BSDXDIE=1 D RMCI^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPTID) IF +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-100 WRITE "ERROR IN Etest 7",! K BSDXDIE ; ; Tests for running PIMS by itself. N APPTTIME S APPTTIME=$$TIMEHL^BSDXUT(HLIEN) ; appt time N DFN S DFN=2 N % S %=$$MAKE1^BSDXAPI(DFN,HLIEN,3,APPTTIME,15,"Sam Test Appt"_DFN) I % W "Error in $$MAKE1^BSDXAPI for TIME "_APPTTIME_" for DFN "_DFN,!,%,! I '$D(^BSDXAPPT("APAT",DFN,APPTTIME)) W "No BSDX Appointment Created",! ;TODO: Index doesn't include resource. N APPTID S APPTID=$O(^(APPTTIME,"")) I 'APPTID W "Can't get appointment",! IF $P(^BSDXAPPT(APPTID,0),U,3) WRITE "ERROR IN CHECKIN 3",! N % S %=$$CHECKIN1^BSDXAPI(DFN,HLIEN,APPTTIME) ; Checkin via PIMS I % W "Error in Checking in via BSDXAPI",! IF '+$G(^SC(HLIEN,"S",APPTTIME,1,1,"C")) WRITE "ERROR IN CHECKIN 10",! IF '$P(^BSDXAPPT(APPTID,0),U,3) WRITE "ERROR IN CHECKIN 11",! N % S %=$$RMCI^BSDXAPI1(DFN,HLIEN,APPTTIME) I % W "Error removing Check-in via PIMS",! I +$G(^SC(HLIEN,"S",APPTTIME,1,1,"C")) WRITE "ERROR IN UNCHECKIN 12",! IF $P(^BSDXAPPT(APPTID,0),U,3) WRITE "ERROR IN CHECKIN 13",! N % S %=$$CHECKIN1^BSDXAPI(DFN,HLIEN,APPTTIME) ; Checkin via PIMS again I % W "Error in Checking in via BSDXAPI",! IF '+$G(^SC(HLIEN,"S",APPTTIME,1,1,"C")) WRITE "ERROR IN CHECKIN 14",! IF '$P(^BSDXAPPT(APPTID,0),U,3) WRITE "ERROR IN CHECKIN 15",! QUIT