VWREGIT2 ;Portland/WorldVista//Jim Bell, et al... - Post-Install for VWREG ;;2.0;WORLD VISTA;**HOME **;;Build 4 ;***************************************************************** ;* Licensed under GNU 2.0 or greater - see license.txt file * ;* Program/application is for the management of input templates * ;* owned by the user (DUZ). * ;* REMINDER: All template fields pertain only to the Patient File* ;* (#2)! * ;***************************************************************** ; ;Continued from VWREGIT ; ;GNU License: See WVLIC.txt ;Modified FOIA VISTA, ;Copyright 2013 WorldVistA. Licensed under the terms of the GNU Q PRE ;Did this installation happen already? Avoid a re-do? I $O(^XMB(3.8,"B","VW REG ERROR REPORT",0))&($D(^XTV(8989.51,"B","VW GUI REG TEMPLATE DIRECTORY",0))) W !?5,"Installation has already occurred" W !,"Do you want to continue? NO//" R X:60 S:'$L(X) X="NO" S X=$$UP^XLFSTR(X) I "NON"[X W !,"OK" D ^XUSCLEAN Q ; PI ;Post Installation install ;Checking for a home directory & file ;I $O(^XMB(3.8,"B","VW REG ERROR REPORT",0)) W !?5,"Installation has already occurred" Q D PRE S AR=1,AR(1)="[TEMPLATES]" S N=0 F S N=$O(^DIE(N)) Q:'+N S X=$P(^(N,0),"^") D . I X["VW " S AR($I(AR))=X_"("_N_")" . I X["[World" S AR($I(AR))=X_"("_N_")" S AR($I(AR))="[ID]" S P4=1,P5="",HD=$ZDIRECTORY_"regparam/",FILE="regit.txt" S X=$$GTF^%ZISH($NA(AR(1)),1,HD,"regit.txt") ZSY "chmod 777 "_$ZDIRECTORY_"regparam/"_FILE ;No sensitive info here Q:$G(TEST) ;Straightening out regit.txt ; ;; NOTE: The parameter definition is installed but there is no installation for ;;the actual parameter and value. Do it here. ;parameter value attempt ;Set a home directory for editing; SYSTEM (DIC(4,) and DOMAIN (DIC(4.2,) only:"/home/vista/regparam/" S PARD=$O(^XTV(8989.51,"B","VW GUI REG TEMPLATE DIRECTORY",0)) I PARD D . L +^XTV(8989.5,0):1 D L -^XTV(8989.5,0) .. S NEW=$O(^XTV(8989.5," "),-1)+1 .. S $P(^XTV(8989.5,0),"^",3)=NEW .. S $P(^XTV(8989.5,0),"^",4)=$P(^(0),"^",4)+1 .. S $P(^XTV(8989.5,NEW,0),"^")="1;DIC(4," .. S $P(^XTV(8989.5,NEW,0),"^",2)=PARD .. S $P(^XTV(8989.5,NEW,0),"^",3)=1 .. S ^XTV(8989.5,NEW,1)=HD .. S DA=NEW,DIK="^XTV(8989.5," D IX^DIK .. S NEW2=$O(^XTV(8989.5," "),-1)+1 .. S $P(^XTV(8989.5,0),"^",3)=NEW2 .. S $P(^XTV(8989.5,0),"^",4)=$P(^(0),"^",4)+1 .. S $P(^XTV(8989.5,NEW2,0),"^")="9;DIC(4.2," .. S $P(^XTV(8989.5,NEW2,0),"^",2)=PARD .. S $P(^XTV(8989.5,NEW2,0),"^",3)=1 .. S ^XTV(8989.5,NEW2,1)=HD .. S DA=NEW2,DIK="^XTV(8989.5," D IX^DIK ; ;Mailgroup VW REG ERROR REPORT - add programmer's email S DA(1)=$O(^XMB(3.8,"B","VW REG ERROR REPORT",0)) Q:'DA(1) S DIC="^XMB(3.8,"_DA(1)_",6," S X="jbellco65@gmail.com" S DIC(0)="LZ" D FILE^DICN Q ;