DVBA2829 ;ALB/KCL - PATCH DVBA*2.7*129 INSTALL UTILITIES ; 1/25/08 ;;2.7;AMIE;**129**;Apr 10, 1995;Build 31 ; ; Pre/Post install routine for patch DVBA*2.7*129. ; ; Make sure to call each exam name being exported in the patch. ; This routine will find existing matching entries and ensure ; they are disabled. Call as a pre-init or else it will disable ; the exams just loaded. ; PRE ;Main entry point for Pre-init items. N DVBVERSS,DVBVERSN S DVBVERSS="129F" ;what the version will be in the incoming file S DVBVERSN="129" ;what the final version should be named W !!!,"**** PRE-INSTALL PROCESSING ****",!! D DISABLE("TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY") Q ; POST ;Main entry point for Post-init items. N DVBVERSS,DVBVERSN S DVBVERSS="129F" ;what the version will be in the incoming file S DVBVERSN="129" ;what the final version should be named W !!!,"**** POST-INSTALL PROCESSING ****",!! D POSTP("TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY") D RBXREF Q ; POSTP(NM) ;Rename XXXXXXX~imported version to XXXXXXX~new version. N DVBABCNT,DVBABIEN,DVBABST,DVBACH,DVBABCN2,DVBABIE2,DVBABS2 S DVBABCNT=0,DVBABIEN=0 F S DVBABIEN=$O(^DVB(396.18,DVBABIEN)) Q:'DVBABIEN D .S DVBABST=$P($G(^DVB(396.18,DVBABIEN,0)),"^",1) .I $P(DVBABST,"~",1)=NM I $P(DVBABST,"~",2)=DVBVERSS D ..;Check and be sure the new version isn't in the file yet ..S DVBABCN2=0,DVBABIE2=0,DVBACH=0 ..F S DVBABIE2=$O(^DVB(396.18,DVBABIE2)) Q:'DVBABIE2 D ...S DVBABS2=$P($G(^DVB(396.18,DVBABIE2,0)),"^",1) ...I $P(DVBABS2,"~",1)=NM I $P(DVBABS2,"~",2)=DVBVERSN S DVBACH=1 ..;If new version is found, delete the import version and don't import ..I DVBACH=1 D ...W "FOUND EXISTING "_NM_". NO MODIFICATIONS MADE.",! ...K ^DVB(396.18,DVBABIEN) ..;If existing version isn't found, go ahead and rename imported entry to new version name ..I DVBACH=0 D ...S $P(^DVB(396.18,DVBABIEN,0),"^",1)=NM_"~"_DVBVERSN ...W "ACTIVATED: "_$P($G(^DVB(396.18,DVBABIEN,0)),"^",1),! K DVBABCNT,DVBABIEN,DVBABST,DVBACH Q ; RBXREF ;Rebuild cross-references. ; ;XRef: B W !!,"CLEANING UP FILES AND REBUILDING 2 CROSS-REFERENCES.",!,"THIS MAY TAKE A FEW MINUTES.",! W !!,"REBUILDING 'B' XREF, CAPRI TEMPLATE DEFINITIONS FILE",! N DA,DIK,REGIEN,ROOT S ROOT=$$ROOT^DILFD(396.18,,1) K @ROOT@("B") S REGIEN=0 F S REGIEN=$O(@ROOT@(REGIEN)) Q:'REGIEN D . S DIK=$$ROOT^DILFD(396.18,","_REGIEN_","),DIK(1)=".01^B" . S DA(1)=REGIEN D ENALL^DIK ; ;XRef: AV W !!,"REBUILDING 'AV' XREF, CAPRI TEMPLATE DEFINITIONS FILE",! N DA,DIK,REGIEN,ROOT S ROOT=$$ROOT^DILFD(396.18,,1) K @ROOT@("AV") S REGIEN=0 F S REGIEN=$O(@ROOT@(REGIEN)) Q:'REGIEN D . S DIK=$$ROOT^DILFD(396.18,","_REGIEN_","),DIK(1)=".01^AV" . S DA(1)=REGIEN D ENALL^DIK K DA,DIK,REGIEN,ROOT Q ; DISABLE(NM) ;Disable matching templates in CAPRI TEMPLATE DEFINITIONS (#396.18) file. ;First look for matches and turn off SELECTABLE BY USER? field. This will ;keep the entry from showing in the list. Next, look at DE-ACTIVATION DATE field. ;If there's no date, set it to today. ; N DVBABCNT,DVBABIEN,DVBABST,DVBACH S DVBABCNT=0,DVBABIEN=0 ;look for template matches F S DVBABIEN=$O(^DVB(396.18,DVBABIEN)) Q:'DVBABIEN D .S DVBABST=$P($G(^DVB(396.18,DVBABIEN,0)),"^",1) .I $P(DVBABST,"~",1)=NM I $P(DVBABST,"~",2)'=DVBVERSN D ..S DVBACH=0 ..;Selectable by user field ..I $P(^DVB(396.18,DVBABIEN,6),"^",1)'="0" S $P(^DVB(396.18,DVBABIEN,6),"^",1)="0",DVBACH=1 ..;Deactivation date field ..I $P(^DVB(396.18,DVBABIEN,2),"^",2)="" S $P(^DVB(396.18,DVBABIEN,2),"^",2)=DT,DVBACH=1 ..;output modified templates ..I DVBACH=1 W "MODIFIED: "_DVBABST,! ; K DVBABCNT,DVBABIEN,DVBABST,DVBACH Q