IMRP020 ;HCIOFO/SG - PATCH 20 INSTALLATION ; 2/14/03 9:40am ;;2.1;IMMUNOLOGY CASE REGISTRY;**20**;Feb 09, 1998 ; ;***** ENVIRONMENT CHECK ENTRY POINT ENVCHK ; Q:'$G(XPDENV) N I,IMRBUF,RC,SDT,TMP,ZTSK ;--- Check status of the nightly extract D OPTSTAT^XUTMOPT("IMR REGISTRY DATA",.IMRBUF) S (RC,SDT)=0 F I=1:1:$G(IMRBUF) K ZTSK D I $G(ZTSK(1))=2 S RC=1 Q . S ZTSK=$P(IMRBUF(I),"^") Q:'ZTSK . D STAT^%ZTLOAD . S TMP=$P(IMRBUF(I),"^",2) . I TMP>0 S:'SDT!(TMP0 D . S TMP=$$FMTE^XLFDT(SDT) . S TMP="on "_$P(TMP,"@")_" at "_$P(TMP,"@",2) . W !,"The nightly extract is scheduled to run "_TMP_"." . W !,"If you are going to schedule the installation, please, choose" . W !,"an appropriate time so that the post-install will either" . W !,"finish well before the nightly extract or start after its" . W !,"completion.",! E D . W !,"The nighlty extract (the [IMR REGISTRY DATA] option is not" . W !,"scheduled. Do not forget to schedule it after completion of" . W !,"the installation.",! Q