AUPNLKZ ; IHS/CMI/LAB - SET AND RESET DUZ(2) ;1/29/07 09:06 ;;1.0;PCE PATIENT CARE ENCOUNTER;**167**;Aug 12, 1996;Build 22 ; ; This routine is called to save DUZ(2) and set it to ; zero, then restore DUZ(2) to its original value. The ; calls must be made to the two entry points and it makes ; no sense to call RESET unless SET was previously called. ; ; If SET is called and DUZ(2) does not exists this ; routine will abort. ; Q ; Invalid entry point ; SET ;EP - SAVE DUZ(2) AND SET TO ZERO S:'($D(AUPNDUZ)#2) AUPNDUZ=0 S AUPNDUZ=AUPNDUZ+1 S AUPNDUZ(AUPNDUZ)=DUZ(2) S DUZ(2)=0 Q ; RESET ;EP - RESTORE DUZ(2) Q:'($D(AUPNDUZ)#2) S DUZ(2)=AUPNDUZ(AUPNDUZ) K AUPNDUZ(AUPNDUZ) S AUPNDUZ=AUPNDUZ-1 K:'AUPNDUZ AUPNDUZ Q