IB20P336 ;OAK/ELZ - IB*2*336 POST INIT TO REPORT CLAIMS TRACKING PROBLEMS ;15-DEC-2005 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**336**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; With the release of CIDC (IB*2*260), PSO added a new node for storage of SC/EI determinations. However it turns ; out this new node is not always there. If the node is there the data contained in that node is correct for SC/EI ; determination. But if the node was not there IB needed to revert back to its original process for marking CT ; entries. That reversion was not included in IB*2*260, but is included in this IB*2*336 patch. This post init ; routine will look through CT entries for Pharmacy that were created after IB*2*260 was installed and evaluate ; those CT entries. Since some sites spend time manually reviewing these entries the entries cannot be auto- ; matically marked and bills cannot be automatically cancelled. So this post init routine will provide an e-mail ; report of CT entries that should be reviewed by the site. Also as a note the PSO IBQ node is not a reliable ; node to look at for patients >49% SC, in fact should not ever be populated for these patients. So if anyone ; does a comparison they are likely to find invalid data. PSO stopped populating IBQ for >49% SC with the ; release of PSO*7*219. ; ; POST ; post init entry point ; N IBIDT,IBX,IBSTOP,IBDATA,IBDPT,IBL,IBPNM,IBZ,XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMY,XMZ ; D BMES^XPDUTL("Starting Post Install to evaluate CT entries...") ; K ^TMP("IB20P336",$J) ; ; dbia #2197 S IBIDT=$P($G(^XPD(9.7,+$O(^XPD(9.7,"B","IB*2.0*260",0)),1)),"^") I 'IBIDT D BMES^XPDUTL("Cannot find first install of IB*2*260!!! LOG A REMEDY TICKET") Q ; ; start at end of CT file and work backwards to beginning S IBSTOP=0,IBX=":" F S IBX=$O(^IBT(356,IBX),-1) Q:'IBX!(IBSTOP) D . S IBZ=$G(^IBT(356,IBX,0)) . Q:'$P(IBZ,"^",8) . ; . ; can i end? . S IBDT=+$G(^IBT(356,IBX,1)) I IBDT,IBDT49 S IBRMARK="NEEDS SC DETERMINATION" . ;in case of POW and Unempl. vet we cannot decide if the 3rd party should be exempt . S IBAUTRET=$$AUTOINFO^DGMTCOU1(DFN),IBPOWUNV=$S($P(IBAUTRET,U,8):1,$P(IBAUTRET,U,9):1,1:0) . I $P(VAEL(3),"^",2)<50 S IBRMARK=$S(IBPOWUNV:"NEEDS SC DETERMINATION",1:"SC TREATMENT") . I $$RXST^IBARXEU(DFN,$P(IBRXDATA,U,13))>0 S IBRMARK="NEEDS SC DETERMINATION" ; ;IF +VAEL(3)=0 if the veteran doesn't have SC status, but ;the veteran still may have CV status active I $G(IBRMARK)="",+VAEL(3)=0,'$G(^PSRX(IBRXN,"IB")) D . I $$CVEDT^IBACV(DFN,IBDT) S IBRMARK="NEEDS SC DETERMINATION" ;SC-because IB staff usually is using this reason to search for cases that need to be reviewed. COMBAT VETERAN reason will be used after review if this was the case ; ; Q $G(IBRMARK) ; ; TXT(X,Y) ; make text Y characters long adding 2 spaces Q $$LJ^XLFSTR($E(X,1,Y),Y+2) ;