IBY155PR ;ALB/TMP - IB*2*155 PRE-INSTALL ;11-APR-02 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**155**;21-MAR-94 ; ; D BMES^XPDUTL(" Pre-Installation Updates") D BMES^XPDUTL(" Delete output formatter data that will be updated during install") N Z,DA,DIK F Z=3,26,27,127 K ^IBA(364.5,Z,3) S DA=353,DIK="^IBA(364.7," D ^DIK ; remove entry 353 because the .03 field changed S DA=964,DIK="^IBA(364.6," D ^DIK ; remove entry 964 because the .1 field changed ; D BMES^XPDUTL(" Delete fields in file 361.1 that will be updated during install") ; Remove selective Data Dictionay Elements related to this build ; ; Remove the Multiple 361.13 (File 361.1, Field 2.1 - Original Modifiers) N DIU S DIU=361.13,DIU(0)="S" D EN^DIU2 K DIU ; ; Remove field .16 of File 361.1 - REVIEW STATUS N DIK,DA S DIK="^DD(361.1,",DA=.16,DA(1)=361.1 D ^DIK ; Remove Field .2 of File 361.1 - FINAL REVIEW ACTION S DA=.2 D ^DIK ; Remove Field 2.1 of File 361.1 - ORIGINAL MODIFIERS S DA=2.1 D ^DIK ; ; Remove Field 9 of File 399 - AUTHORIZE BILL GENERATION? S DIK="^DD(399,",DA=9,DA(1)=399 D ^DIK ; Remove Field 25 of File 399 - REQUEST AN MRA? S DA=25 D ^DIK ; D BMES^XPDUTL(" Delete list templates which will be updated during install") D LSTDEL("IBCEM MRA DETAIL") ; D BMES^XPDUTL(" Pre-install complete") Q ; INCLUDE(Y) ; Code to execute to decide if the data element definition ; should be sent with this patch ... it must exist in the list at ; line ENT5+2 below N IBOUT,Z,Z0 I Y>9999 S IBOUT=0 G INCQ1 I $P($T(ENT5+2),";;",2)[(U_+Y_U) S IBOUT=1 G INCQ1 INCQ1 Q +$G(IBOUT) ; ENT5 ; Changed entries from 364.5 that should be in the build ; ;;^3^26^27^55^127^177^248^249^251^225^257^ Q ; LSTDEL(LSTNM) ; Delete list templates from file 409.61 before installation I $G(LSTNM)="" G LSTDELX S DA=$O(^SD(409.61,"B",LSTNM,"")) I 'DA G LSTDELX S DIK="^SD(409.61," D ^DIK LSTDELX ; Q ; BFT ; Add new Bill Form Type for MRA reports; ; Called by the post-install routine IBY155PO; ; File 353, new internal entry number 6; ; Default the printer defined for the Bill Addendum entry ; NEW DA,DIC,DO,X,Y,DD,DLAYGO,DINUM,DG,DICR,DIW,BAPRT I $P($G(^IBE(353,6,0)),U,1)="MRA" G BFTX ; already on file I $D(^IBE(353,6)) D . ; some other entry is defined at ien=6, so get rid of it . S DA=6,DIK="^IBE(353," D ^DIK . Q ; S DIC="^IBE(353,",DIC(0)="F" S X="MRA" S DINUM=6 S DIC("DR")="2.02////P" ; format type S BAPRT=$P($G(^IBE(353,4,0)),U,2) ; bill addendum default printer I BAPRT'="" S DIC("DR")=DIC("DR")_";.02////"_BAPRT D FILE^DICN BFTX ; Q ;