XUSNPIE3 ;FO-OAKLAND/JLI - NATIONAL PROVIDER IDENTIFIER DATA CAPTURE ;4/8/08 18:18 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**480**; July 10, 1995;Build 38 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified ; Q ; EDITNPI(IEN) ; main entry of NPI value ; IEN is the internal entry number in file 200 for the provider ; N DATEVAL,DESCRIP,DONE,NPIVAL1,NPIVAL2,PROVNAME,I,XX,X,Y,CURRNPI,XUSFLAG N ODATEVAL,OIEN,OLDNPI,XUSNONED,DIR,ADDNPI,DELETNPI,NOOLDNPI,XUSQI,NPIUSEDX,XUSRSLT S ADDNPI=1,DELETNPI=2,NOOLDNPI=0 S PROVNAME=$$GET1^DIQ(200,IEN_",",.01) ;I $$ACTIVE^XUSER(IEN) W !,"This user isn't currently active" Q I $$GETTAXON^XUSNPIED(IEN,.DESCRIP)=-1 W !,"This user doesn't have a Taxonomy Code indicating a need for an NPI." S XUSNONED=1 ; but don't quit on that I $$NPISTATS^XUSNPIED(IEN)="D" S XUSNONED=1 I $$NPISTATS^XUSNPIED(IEN)="E" W !,"This provider has been indicated as being EXEMPT from needing an NPI value.",!," Use Exempt option to remove it first" Q ; OLDNPI indicates what user wants to do with the current NPI ; OLDNPI=0 - User has no current NPI, or user asks to delete current NPI and it's valid ; OLDNPI=1 - User asked to Replace current NPI ; OLDNPI=2 - User asked to delete current NPI, and it was entered in error. ; OLDNPI="NOEDITNPI" - User doesn't want to change current NPI in any way. S OLDNPI=NOOLDNPI ; Initialize flag indicating that current NPI is in use S NPIUSEDX=0 ; If user already has an NPI, ask them what they want to do with it. I $$NPISTATS^XUSNPIED(IEN)="D" D Q:OLDNPI=NOOLDNPI ; Quit if no NPI, or delete Valid NPI . N I,X,DIR . S CURRNPI=$$GET1^DIQ(200,IEN_",",41.99) I CURRNPI="" Q . S OIEN=$$SRCHNPI^XUSNPI("^VA(200,",IEN,CURRNPI) . I OIEN>0 S ODATEVAL=$P(OIEN,U,2),OIEN=$O(^VA(200,IEN,"NPISTATUS","C",CURRNPI,"A"),-1) . I '$D(ODATEVAL) S OLDNPI=2 ; can't find entry in multiple, delete entry at top . W !,"This provider already has an NPI value (",CURRNPI,") entered." . ; Check whether current NPI is already being used. If so, issue a warning. . S NPIUSEDX=$$CHKNPIU(CURRNPI,IEN,2,.XUSRSLT) . S DIR(0)="SO^D:Delete;R:Replace" . S DIR("A")="Do you want to (D)elete or (R)eplace this NPI value?" . S DIR("?")="Enter D or R, ^ to quit or to continue without editing NPI" . S DIR("?",1)="If this NPI was entered for the incorrect individual, or is no longer valid" . S DIR("?",2)="for this individual, enter DELETE. Otherwise, the NPI can be Replaced." . S DIR("?",3)="" . D ^DIR K DIR . Q:$D(DTOUT) . ; If user enters null, set OLDNPI to "NOEDITNPI" to indicate no change to NPI . S:Y="" OLDNPI="NOEDITNPI" . I Y'="D",Y'="R" Q . I Y="R" S OLDNPI=ADDNPI Q . ; Process request to DELETE NPI. . S DIR(0)="S^V:VALID;E:ERROR",DIR("A",1)="Was the original NPI (V)alid for this provider",DIR("A")="or was it entered in (E)rror?",DIR("?")="Enter either V or E or ^ to quit with out editing" . S DIR("?",1)="If the NPI value was entered for the incorrect individual, respond E,",DIR("?",2)="otherwise enter V" . D ^DIR K DIR . Q:"EV"'[Y . ; Process DELETE NPI that was Valid for this provider . I Y="V" D S OLDNPI=NOOLDNPI Q . . S Y=$$ADDNPI^XUSNPI("Individual_ID",IEN,CURRNPI,$$NOW^XLFDT(),0) . . W !,$S(Y>-1:"Entry has been marked inactive.",1:$P(Y,U,2)),! . . Q:+Y=-1 . . N XUFDA . . S XUFDA(200,IEN_",",41.98)="@",XUFDA(200,IEN_",",41.99)="@" . . D FILE^DIE("","XUFDA") S Y=$$CHEKNPI^XUSNPIED(IEN) . . I NPIUSEDX D WARNING("D",PROVNAME,.XUSRSLT) . . Q . S OLDNPI=DELETNPI . Q ; If user doesn't want to edit current NPI, quit. Q:OLDNPI="NOEDITNPI" ; If user is not a provider, and has no NPI, let them know. I $$CHEKNPI^XUSNPIED(IEN)=0,OLDNPI=0 W !,"Need for an NPI value isn't indicated - but you can enter an NPI",$C(7) I IEN'=DUZ D . W !,"Provider: ",PROVNAME," ","XXX-XX-"_$E($$GET1^DIQ(200,IEN_",",9),6,9)," DOB: " . S XX=$P($G(^VA(200,IEN,1)),U,3) S:XX'="" XX=$$DATE10^XUSNPIED(XX) W XX Q ; Initialize DONE to 0. It will be set to 1 if a new NPI is entered. S DONE=0 ; Allow user to add a new or replacement NPI. I OLDNPI'=DELETNPI F R !,"Enter NPI (10 digits): ",NPIVAL1:DTIME Q:'$T Q:NPIVAL1="" Q:NPIVAL1=U D Q:DONE . I NPIVAL1'?10N D Q . . W !,$C(7),"Enter a 10 digit National Provider Identifier which is obtained ",!,"from 'https://nppes.cms.hhs.gov/NPPES/Welcome.do'" . . Q:$$PROD^XUPROD() W ! K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you want to generate a test NPI value" D ^DIR Q:'Y . . R !,"Enter a nine (9) digit number as the base: ",Y:DTIME Q:Y'?9N . . W !,"The complete NPI value is: ",Y_$$CKDIGIT^XUSNPI(Y),! . . Q . S NPIUSED=$$CHKNPIU(NPIVAL1,IEN,3) . ; Quit if error . Q:NPIUSED=1 . ; If warning, see whether they want to continue . I NPIUSED=2 D Q:Y'="Y" . . K DIR,Y,X . . S DIR(0)="SA^Y:yes;N:no",DIR("B")="N" . . S DIR("A")="Do you still want to add this NPI to Provider "_PROVNAME_"? " . . S DIR("?")="If you answer YES, make sure both the non-VA and VA Provider are the same person." . . S DIR("?",1)="A provider can serve as both a VA and a non-VA provider." . . S DIR("?",2)="That is the only case where the same NPI can be assigned to a person" . . S DIR("?",3)="in both the VA and the non-VA provider files." . . S DIR("?",4)=" " . . D ^DIR W ! . . K DIR,X Q . R !,"Please re-enter NPI : ",NPIVAL2:DTIME Q:'$T I NPIVAL1'=NPIVAL2 W !,"Values do not match!" Q . S DONE=1 . Q ; User asked to DELETE where NPI was entered in error. I OLDNPI=DELETNPI D . I $D(ODATEVAL) D S Y=$$CHEKNPI^XUSNPIED(IEN) Q . . N DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Confirm that you want to **DELETE** this incorrectly entered NPI",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR Q:'Y . . D DELETNPI^XUSNPIE2(IEN,OIEN,ODATEVAL) . . D CHKOLD1^XUSNPIE2(IEN) ; check for earlier value, and activate if present . . W !,"Entry was DELETED..." . . I NPIUSEDX D WARNING("D",PROVNAME,.XUSRSLT) . . Q . D DELETNPI^XUSNPIE2(IEN) ; clean up where no entry in multiple . W !,"Entry was DELETED..." . Q ; DONE will be set to 1 if a new or replacement NPI was entered by the user. I 'DONE Q ;N DIR S DIR("A")="Enter the date the provider was issued this number from CMS: ",DIR(0)="D^:"_$$NOW^XLFDT() D ^DIR Q:Y'>0 S DATEVAL=+Y S DATEVAL=$$NOW^XLFDT() ; mark previous NPI value as inactive I OLDNPI=ADDNPI S DONE=$$ADDNPI^XUSNPI("Individual_ID",IEN,CURRNPI,DATEVAL,0) ; set status to INACTIVE S DONE=$$ADDNPI^XUSNPI("Individual_ID",IEN,NPIVAL1,DATEVAL) I +DONE=-1 D Q . W !,"Problem writing that value into the database! -- It was **NOT** recorded." . W !,$P(DONE,U,2) Q W !!,"For provider ",PROVNAME," "_$S('$D(XUSNONED):"(who requires an NPI), ",1:"")_"the NPI ",NPIVAL1,!,"was saved to VistA successfully." ; If old NPI was in use by a non-VA provider, issue additional warning. I NPIUSEDX D WARNING("C",PROVNAME,.XUSRSLT,NPIVAL1) D EDRLNPI^XUSNPIED(IEN) Q ; CHKNPIU(XUSNPI,XUSIEN,XUSFLAG,XUSRSLT) ; Return error or warning if current or new NPI is in use N XUSQI,NPIUSED,I S XUSQI=$$QI^XUSNPI(XUSNPI) K XUSRSLT S NPIUSED=$$NPIUSED^XUSNPI1(XUSNPI,"Individual_ID",XUSQI,XUSIEN,.XUSRSLT,XUSFLAG) ; Display error or warning I NPIUSED>0 D . W !! . F I=0:0 S I=$O(XUSRSLT(I)) Q:'I D . . W XUSRSLT(I),! . . K XUSRSLT(I) Q . Q Q NPIUSED ; WARNING(XUSTYPE,PROVNAME,XUSRSLT,XUSNNPI) ; If old NPI was in use by a non-VA provider, issue warning after REPLACE/DELETE ; XUSTYPE = Flag indicating whether NPI was Deleted or Changed ; PROVNAME = Name of provider whose NPI was changed/deleted ; XUSRSLT = text of warning message ; XUSNNPI = New NPI (if NPI was changed) N I,X ; If NPI was replaced, XUSNNPI contains the new NPI S XUSNNPI=+$G(XUSNNPI) ; Display the warning message W !! F I=0:0 S I=$O(XUSRSLT("X",I)) Q:'I W XUSRSLT("X",I),! ; Insert values into the mail message text F I=0:0 S I=$O(XUSRSLT("XMSG",I)) Q:'I S X=XUSRSLT("XMSG",I,0) I X[U D . I $G(XUSTYPE)="D" S X=$P(X,U)_"deleted"_$P(X,U,2)_$G(PROVNAME)_$P(X,U,3) . E S X=$P(X,U)_"changed to "_XUSNNPI_$P(X,U,2)_$G(PROVNAME)_$P(X,U,3) . S XUSRSLT("XMSG",I,0)=X . Q ; Send the mail message D SNDMSG(DUZ,XUSTYPE,.XUSRSLT) Q ; SNDMSG(XMDUZ,XUSTYPE,XUSRSLT) ;Sends msg when NPI is changed/deleted. ; XUSTYPE = flag indicating NPI was Deleted or Changed ; XUSRSLT = array containing the message text and the recipients N XMTEXT,XMSUB,XMMG,I,X S X=$S($G(XUSTYPE)="D":"deleted",1:"changed") S XMSUB="An NPI Number shared by a VA and Non-VA provider was "_X S XMTEXT="XUSRSLT(""XMSG""," F I=0:0 S I=$O(XUSRSLT("XRCPT",I)) Q:'I S XMY(XUSRSLT("XRCPT",I))="" D ^XMD I $D(XMMG) W !,XMMG,! Q ; ;