source: WorldVistAEHR/tag/Release_6_08/r/LAB_SERVICE-LR-LS/LRBLPTR1.m@ 1806

Last change on this file since 1806 was 613, checked in by George Lilly, 15 years ago

initial load of WorldVistAEHR

File size: 2.6 KB
2 ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**247**;Sep 27, 1994
3 ;Per VHA Directive 97-033 this routine should not be modified. Medical Device # BK970021
4 S LRS=$O(^LAB(61,"B","BLOOD",0)) I 'LRS W $C(7),!,"BLOOD must be an entry in TOPOGRAPHY file (#61)",! Q
5 S X="BLOOD BANK" D ^LRUTL Q:Y=-1 S B=0 F A=0:0 S A=$O(^LRO(69.2,LRAA,61,LRS,2,A)) Q:'A S Y=^(A,0),W=$P(Y,"^",2),Y=+Y D S
6 S LRT(0)=B I 'B W $C(7),!!,"Must have tests to print entered in the",!,"'Tests for inclusion in transfusion report option' in",!,"Blood bank supervisor menu",! Q
7 K ^TMP($J) I IOST?1"C".E W !!,"Please hold while I sort transfusions with hematology results..."
8 S LRP=0 F LRA=0:0 S LRP=$O(^TMP("LRBL",$J,LRP)) Q:LRP="" F LRDFN=0:0 S LRDFN=$O(^TMP("LRBL",$J,LRP,LRDFN)) Q:'LRDFN S X=^(LRDFN),LRLDT=9999998-$P(X,"^",2),LRSDT=9999999-$P(X,"^") D A
10A S ^TMP($J,LRDFN)="" F A=LRLDT:0 S A=$O(^LR(LRDFN,1.6,A)) Q:'A!(A>LRSDT) S X=^(A,0),^TMP($J,LRDFN,A,0)=+X,^(.1)=$P(X,"^",2,99)
11 F A=LRLDT:0 S A=$O(^LR(LRDFN,"CH",A)) Q:'A!(A>LRSDT) S X=^(A,0) F B=1:1:LRT(0) S Z=$S($D(^LR(LRDFN,"CH",A,LRV(B))):$P(^(LRV(B)),"^"),1:"") I Z]"",$P(X,"^",5)=LRS(B) S ^TMP($J,LRDFN,A,0)=+X,^(B)=Z
12 Q
13WRT S N=0 F A=0:0 S N=$O(^TMP("LRBL",$J,N)) Q:N=""!(LR("Q")) F LRDFN=0:0 S LRDFN=$O(^TMP("LRBL",$J,N,LRDFN)) Q:'LRDFN!(LR("Q")) D W
14 Q
15W D G S LRQ=0 D H Q:LR("Q")
16 F A=0:0 S A=$O(^TMP($J,LRDFN,A)) Q:'A!(LR("Q")) S T=+^(A,0) D T,P
18P D:$Y>(IOSL-6) H Q:LR("Q") W !,T S Q=$S($D(^TMP($J,LRDFN,A,.1)):^(.1),1:"") W:Q ?12,$E($P(^LAB(66,+Q,0),"^"),1,28),$S($P(Q,"^",6):"("_$P(Q,"^",6)_")",1:"")
19 Q:'$O(^TMP($J,LRDFN,A,.1))
20 S X(1)=0 F B=1:1:LRT(0) S X(1)=X(1)+1 S:$X>(IOM-9) X(1)=1 W:$X>(IOM-9) !?32 W ?32+(8*X(1)) I $D(^TMP($J,LRDFN,A,B)) W $J(^(B),5)
21 Q
22S S X=^LAB(60,Y,0),X(1)=$S($D(^(.1)):$P(^(.1),"^"),1:"??"),Z=$S($D(^(1,W,0)):$P(^(0),"^",7),1:"")
23 S B=B+1,LRT(B)=$P($P(X,"^",5),";",2,3)_"^"_W_"^"_$P(X,"^")_"^"_Z_"^"_$P(^LAB(61,W,0),"^")_"^"_Y_"^"_X(1),LRV(B)=+LRT(B),LRS(B)=W Q
24T S T=T_"000",T=$E(T,4,5)_"/"_$E(T,6,7)_$S(T[".":" "_$E(T,9,10)_":"_$E(T,11,12),1:"") Q
25 ;
26H I $D(LR("F")),IOST?1"C".E D M^LRU Q:LR("Q")
27 D F^LRU W !,W(2),?31,W(10),?45,"DOB: ",W(4),!,"Location:",?12,W(5),!,"Mo/Da TIME",?12,"Blood component"
28 S X(1)=0 F X=1:1:LRT(0) S X(1)=X(1)+1 S:$X>(IOM-8) X(1)=1 W:$X>(IOM-8) !?32 W ?32+(8*X(1)),$P(LRT(X),"^",7)
29 W !,LR("%") Q
30G S X=^LR(LRDFN,0),(LRDPF,LRPF)=$P(X,"^",2),Y=$P(X,"^",3),X=^DIC(LRPF,0,"GL"),X=@(X_Y_",0)"),W(2)=$P(X,"^"),DFN=$S(LRPF=2:Y,1:""),Y=$P(X,"^",3),SSN=$P(X,"^",9),W(5)=$S($D(^(.1)):^(.1),1:"") D SSN^LRU,D^LRU S W(4)=Y,W(10)=SSN Q
31 ;
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