ORLPSR ; SLC/RAF-unsigned orders search ;10/19/00 14:02 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**243**;Dec 17, 1997;Build 242 ; ;This routine will loop thru the "AS" xref in file 100 and ;allow the user to sort orders by date range, with a status of unsigned, ;released/unsigned or unsigned/unreleased. It will also allow sorting by ;service/section, provider, patient, location, entered by person, ;or division ; EN ; N CNT,DASH,DATE,DCNT,DFN,DIR,DIRUT,DIV,DTOUT,DUOUT,EDATE,EDT N HDR,HDR1,IEN,LCNT,LOC,LONER,LONUM,PAGE,PAT,PNM,PROV,QUIT,RPDT N SD1,SD2,SDATE,SDT,SER,SINGLE,SORT,SSN,STOP,STATUS,SUB,SUMONLY,TOT,TOT0,TOT1 N TYPE,VA,VADM,VAERR,WHO,WHEN,Y S U="^" K ^TMP("ORUNS",$J),^TMP("ORSTATS",$J) W @IOF,!!?30,"Lapsed Orders Search",!?15,"This report is formatted for a 132 column output.",! TYPE S TYPE=2 SORT ;sets DIR call to ask for the sorting criteria S DIR(0)="SX^1:Service/Section;2:Provider;3:Patient;4:Location;5:Entered By;6:Division" S DIR("A")="Enter the sort criteria" S DIR("?")="To sort orders by Service/Section enter a 1, by Provider enter a 2, by Patient enter a 3, by Location enter a 4, by Entering Person enter a 5 and by Division enter a 6, Enter an ^ to exit the option" D ^DIR S:+Y>0 SORT=+Y K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) G EXIT SINGLE ;sets DIR call to ask the user if they want to sort for a single ;service, provider, patient, location, division or entered by S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A")="Would you like a specific "_$S(SORT=1:"Service/Section",SORT=2:"Provider",SORT=3:"Patient",SORT=4:"Location",SORT=5:"Entering person",1:"Division") S DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("?")="You can limit your sort to one or more Service/Section, Provider, Patient, Location, Entered by, or Division, by entering a YES here" D ^DIR S:+Y>0 SINGLE=+Y K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) G EXIT LONER ;sets DIR call to allow the user to select the specific sort entity ;only asked if the user entered a YES in the previous prompt I $D(SINGLE) D I $D(QUIT)!('$D(LONER)) G EXIT .F D I Y=-1!($D(QUIT)) Q ..S DIR(0)=$S(SORT=1:"PAO^49:AEQM",SORT=2:"PAO^200:AEQM,",SORT=3:"PAO^2:AEQM",SORT=4:"PAO^44:AEQM",SORT=5:"PAO^200:AEQM",SORT=6:"PAO^40.8:AEQM") ..S DIR("A")="Select "_$S(SORT=1:"Service/Section: ",SORT=2:"Provider: ",SORT=3:"Patient: ",SORT=4:"Location: ",SORT=5:"Entering Person: ",1:"Division: ") ..S DIR("?")="When finished entering all the selections you want, press return or enter to go on. Enter an ^ to exit the option." ..D ^DIR S:+Y>0 LONER($P(Y,U,2))=+Y K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S QUIT=1 SDATE ;sets DIR call to ask the user for a starting date S DIR(0)="DA^::ETX" S DIR("A")="Enter a starting date: " S DIR("?")="Enter the date or date/time that you want the search to start with. Example: If your site has a 48 hr grace period for signing orders, enter T-2" D ^DIR S:+Y>0 (SDATE,SD1)=(9999999-Y),SDT=$$FMTE^XLFDT(Y) K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) G EXIT EDATE ;sets DIR call to ask the user for an ending date (optional) S DIR(0)="DA^::ETX" S DIR("A")="Enter an ending date: " S DIR("?")="Enter the date or date/time that you want the search to end with. This field can be used to ignore pre-CPRS unsigned orders by entering the date of your CPRS installation." D ^DIR S (EDATE,SD2)=(9999999-Y),EDT=$$FMTE^XLFDT(Y) K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) G EXIT SWITCH ;takes the date input from the user and does a switcheroo so the program ;can work as intended I EDATE'>SDATE S EDATE=SD1,SDATE=SD2 SUMONLY ;ask if summary only or full detail S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Print summary only ",DIR("B")="NO",DIR("?")="Enter yes for summary report (statistics), no for detailed report." D ^DIR S SUMONLY=$S(Y=1:1,Y=0:0,1:"^") K DIR I SUMONLY="^" Q TASK ; S %ZIS="Q" D ^%ZIS I POP Q I $D(IO("Q")) D K IO("Q") Q .S ZTIO=ION,ZTDESC="File 100 order status search" .S ZTRTN="LOOP^ORLPSRA",ZTSAVE("SORT")="",ZTSAVE("TYPE")="" .S ZTSAVE("SDATE")="",ZTSAVE("EDATE")="",ZTSAVE("SINGLE")="" .S ZTSAVE("LONER*")="",ZTSAVE("SDT")="",ZTSAVE("EDT")="",ZTSAVE("SUMONLY")="" .D ^%ZTLOAD I $D(ZTSK) W !,?32,"REQUEST QUEUED" U IO D LOOP^ORLPSRA Q STATS ;SERVICE/SECTION statistics S:SUMONLY PAGE=0 S SUMONLY=0 ;Set SUMONLY back to zero so header will print. I '$D(^TMP("ORSTATS",$J)) D HDR Q:STOP W !,"There are no statistics for the selected sort range." Q I SORT=1&($D(^TMP("ORSTATS",$J))) D .S HDR="!!?25,""Order Statistics for Service/Section sort""" .S HDR1="!,""Service/Section"",?25,""Provider"",?50,""# of Orders""" .S TOT=0 D HDR .S SER="" F S SER=$O(^TMP("ORSTATS",$J,SER)) S TOT0=0 Q:SER=""!STOP D ..S PROV="" F S PROV=$O(^TMP("ORSTATS",$J,SER,PROV)) Q:PROV=""!STOP D ...W SER,?25,PROV,?50,^(PROV),! S TOT1=^(PROV),TOT0=TOT0+TOT1 ...S TOT=TOT+TOT1 D:$Y>(IOSL-4) HDR Q:STOP ..W:'STOP ?46,"SUBTOTAL: ",TOT0,! .W:'STOP ?46,"------------",!?46,"TOTAL: ",TOT PV ;PROVIDER statistics I SORT=2&($D(^TMP("ORSTATS",$J))) D .S HDR="!!?25,""Order Statistics for Provider sort""" .S HDR1="!,""Provider"",?25,""Patient"",?50,""# of Orders""" .S TOT=0 D HDR .S PROV="" F S PROV=$O(^TMP("ORSTATS",$J,PROV)) S TOT0=0 Q:PROV=""!STOP D ..S PNM="" F S PNM=$O(^TMP("ORSTATS",$J,PROV,PNM)) Q:PNM=""!STOP D ...W PROV,?25,PNM,?50,^(PNM),! S TOT1=^(PNM) ...S TOT=TOT+TOT1,TOT0=TOT0+TOT1 D:$Y>(IOSL-4) HDR Q:STOP ..W:'STOP ?46,"SUBTOTAL: ",TOT0,! .W:'STOP ?46,"------------",!?46,"TOTAL: ",TOT PT ;PATIENT statistics I SORT=3&($D(^TMP("ORSTATS",$J))) D .S HDR="!!?25,""Order Statistics for Patient sort""" .S HDR1="!,""Patient"",?25,""Provider"",?50,""# of Orders""" .S TOT=0 D HDR .S PNM="" F S PNM=$O(^TMP("ORSTATS",$J,PNM)) S TOT0=0 Q:PNM=""!STOP D ..S PROV="" F S PROV=$O(^TMP("ORSTATS",$J,PNM,PROV)) Q:PROV=""!STOP D ...W PNM,?25,PROV,?50,^(PROV),! S TOT1=^(PROV),TOT0=TOT0+TOT1 ...S TOT=TOT+TOT1 D:$Y>(IOSL-4) HDR Q:STOP ..W:'STOP ?46,"SUBTOTAL: ",TOT0,! .W:'STOP ?46,"------------",!?46,"TOTAL: ",TOT L ;LOCATION statistics I SORT=4&($D(^TMP("ORSTATS",$J))) D .S HDR="!!?25,""Order Statistics for Location sort""" .S HDR1="!,""Location"",?25,""Provider"",?50,""# of Orders""" .S TOT=0 D HDR .S LOC="" F S LOC=$O(^TMP("ORSTATS",$J,LOC)) S TOT0=0 Q:LOC=""!STOP D ..S PROV="" F S PROV=$O(^TMP("ORSTATS",$J,LOC,PROV)) Q:PROV=""!STOP D ...W $E(LOC,1,24),?25,PROV,?50,^(PROV),! S TOT1=^(PROV),TOT0=TOT0+TOT1 ...S TOT=TOT+TOT1 D:$Y>(IOSL-4) HDR Q:STOP ..W:'STOP ?46,"SUBTOTAL: ",TOT0,! .W:'STOP ?46,"------------",!?46,"TOTAL: ",TOT EB ;ENTERED BY statistics I SORT=5&($D(^TMP("ORSTATS",$J))) D .S HDR="!!?25,""Order Statistics for Entering Person sort""" .S HDR1="!,""Entering person"",?25,""Patient"",?50,""# of Orders""" .S TOT=0 D HDR .S WHO="" F S WHO=$O(^TMP("ORSTATS",$J,WHO)) S TOT0=0 Q:WHO=""!STOP D ..S PNM="" F S PNM=$O(^TMP("ORSTATS",$J,WHO,PNM)) Q:PNM=""!STOP D ...W WHO,?25,PNM,?50,^(PNM),! S TOT1=^(PNM),TOT0=TOT0+TOT1 ...S TOT=TOT+TOT1 D:$Y>(IOS-4) HDR Q:STOP ..W:'STOP ?46,"SUBTOTAL: ",TOT0,! .W:'STOP ?46,"------------",!?46,"TOTAL: ",TOT D ;DIVISION statistics I SORT=6&($D(^TMP("ORSTATS",$J))) D .S HDR="!!?25,""Order Statistics for Division sort""" .S DIV="" F S DIV=$O(^TMP("ORSTATS",$J,DIV)) Q:DIV=""!STOP S DCNT=0 D ..S LOC="" F S LOC=$O(^TMP("ORSTATS",$J,DIV,LOC)) Q:LOC=""!STOP S LCNT=0 D ...S HDR1="!!,""Division: "",DIV,!?5,""Location: "",LOC,!?20,""Provider"",?51,""Orders""" D HDR Q:STOP ...S PROV="" F S PROV=$O(^TMP("ORSTATS",$J,DIV,LOC,PROV)) Q:PROV=""!STOP D ....W ?20,PROV,?51,^(PROV),! S LCNT=LCNT+^(PROV) D:$Y>(IOSL-4) HDR Q:STOP ...I 'STOP W !?41,"Subtotal",?51,LCNT S DCNT=DCNT+LCNT ..I 'STOP W !?5,"Total orders for Division: ",DIV_" = "_DCNT EXIT K ^TMP("ORUNS",$J),^TMP("ORSTATS",$J) D ^%ZISC Q LOC(LOC) ;resolves the location pointer N X S X=$P(^SC(+LOC,0),U) Q X USER(USER) ;resolves user pointers N X S X=$E($P(^VA(200,+USER,0),U),1,24) Q X STAT(STA) ;resolves pointer to the order status file N X S X=$E($P(^ORD(100.01,+STA,0),U),1,14) Q X SER(SER) ;resolves pointer to the service/section file N X S X=$P(^DIC(49,+SER,0),U) Q X DIV(LOC) ;determines the division based on the entry in file 44 N X S X=$P(^SC(+LOC,0),U,15) I X="" Q "UNKNOWN" S X=$P(^DG(40.8,X,0),U) Q X HDR ;Print header I $G(SUMONLY) Q I $E(IOST)="C"&(PAGE) S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR S:Y'=1 STOP=1 K DIR Q:STOP I PAGE!('PAGE&($E(IOST)="C")) W @IOF I $D(RPDT) W @RPDT I $D(HDR) W @HDR I $D(HDR1) W @HDR1 W !,$$REPEAT^XLFSTR("-",IOM),! S PAGE=1 Q