ORLSTVIZ ; SLC/WAT - Editing Team List Visibility ;9/14/06 14:00 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**243**;Dec 17, 1997;Build 242 ; ;PROMPT THE USER FOR A LIST OR LISTS FOR WHICH TO SET VISIBILITY ;SHOW THE POSSIBLE OPTIONS FOR VISIBILITY: ; '0' = NOBODY ; '1' = ALLUSERS ;DIC,DIR,DIE - FileMan call ; DA - input variable to ^DIE - internal entry number of the file entry to be edited ; DR - input variable to ^DIE - as used here it's the field number in file stuffed with user-chosen VISBILITY value ; DTOUT - output from ^DIC-only defined when DIC times out ; DUOUT - output from ^DIC-only defined when user enters carat ; DIRUT - output from ^DIR-defined when user enters carat, presses Return/Enter, or times out ; Y - Returned from FM call-returns "-1" is lookup was unsuccessful ; Y(0) - Returned from ^DIC-hold external value of chosen VISIBILITY by user ; IEN - IEN of list from 100.21 ; VIS - VISIBILITY value from 100.21 ; CNT - counter/array index position ; LIST - NAME value from 100.21 ; VIS - VISIBILITY value from 100.21 N DIC,DIR,DIE,DA,DR,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,Y,LIST,VIS,CNT,IEN,VAL K ^TMP("ORLST",$J) S DIC="^OR(100.21,",DIC(0)="AEQZ",CNT=0 W !,"You may set the VISIBILITY for one or more lists." W !,"Please enter your selection(s) below." LKUP F D ^DIC Q:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT))!(Y=-1) I Y>0 S ^TMP("ORLST",$J,CNT)=$P(Y,U,1) S ^TMP("ORLST",$J,CNT,CNT+1)=$P(Y,U,2) S ^TMP("ORLST",$J,CNT,CNT+1,CNT+2)=$$GET1^DIQ(100.21,^TMP("ORLST",$J,0),11) S CNT=CNT+1 Q:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) Q:'$D(^TMP("ORLST",$J,0)) ;*********For each selected list(s), display current NAME and VISIBILITY******* W !!,"You have chosen to update the following list(s):" S (IEN,LIST,VIS)="" F S IEN=$O(^TMP("ORLST",$J,IEN)) Q:IEN="" D . S LIST=$O(^TMP("ORLST",$J,IEN,LIST)) Q:LIST="" W !?5,^TMP("ORLST",$J,IEN,LIST) D . .S VIS=$O(^TMP("ORLST",$J,IEN,LIST,VIS)) Q:VIS="" W ?37,"Current value: "_^TMP("ORLST",$J,IEN,LIST,VIS) W !!,"" ; READER S DIR(0)="100.21,11",DIR("B")="ALLUSERS" D ^DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) ; S VAL=Y(0) ;capture user-selected VISIBILTY value EDIT S IEN="",DIE=DIC,DR="11///^S X=VAL" ; 11 is VISIBILITY field in 100.21 F S IEN=$O(^TMP("ORLST",$J,IEN)) Q:IEN="" D .S DA=^TMP("ORLST",$J,IEN) .D ^DIE K ^TMP("ORLST",$J) W @IOF W !!,"Update Complete" Q