ORY24309 ;SLC/RJS,CLA - OCX PACKAGE RULE TRANSPORT ROUTINE (Delete after Install of OR*3*243) ;NOV 2,2006 at 12:05 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**243**;Dec 17,1997;Build 242 ;; ;;ORDER CHECK EXPERT version 1.01 released OCT 29,1998 ; S ; ; D DOT^ORY243ES ; ; K REMOTE,LOCAL,OPCODE,REF F LINE=1:1:500 S TEXT=$P($T(DATA+LINE),";",2,999) Q:TEXT I $L(TEXT) D Q:QUIT .S ^TMP("OCXRULE",$J,$O(^TMP("OCXRULE",$J,"A"),-1)+1)=TEXT ; ; ; Q ; DATA ; ; ;;R^"860.2:","860.21:9",1,"E" ;;D^CLOZAPINE WBC >= 3.5 ;;R^"860.2:","860.22:1",.01,"E" ;;D^1 ;;R^"860.2:","860.22:1",1,"E" ;;D^CLOZAPINE AND (NO WBC W/IN 7 DAYS OR NO ANC W/IN 7 DAYS) ;;R^"860.2:","860.22:1",2,"E" ;;D^CLOZAPINE APPROPRIATENESS ;;R^"860.2:","860.22:1",6,"E" ;;D^Clozapine orders require a CBC/Diff within past 7 days. Please order CBC/Diff with WBC and ANC immediately. Most recent results - |CLOZ LAB RSLTS| ;;R^"860.2:","860.22:2",.01,"E" ;;D^2 ;;R^"860.2:","860.22:2",1,"E" ;;D^CLOZAPINE AND (WBC < 3.0 OR ANC < 1.5) ;;R^"860.2:","860.22:2",2,"E" ;;D^CLOZAPINE APPROPRIATENESS ;;R^"860.2:","860.22:2",6,"E" ;;D^WBC < 3.0 and/or ANC < 1.5 - pharmacy cannot fill clozapine order. Most recent results - |CLOZ LAB RSLTS| ;;R^"860.2:","860.22:3",.01,"E" ;;D^3 ;;R^"860.2:","860.22:3",1,"E" ;;D^CLOZAPINE AND 3.0 <= WBC < 3.5 AND ANC >= 1.5 ;;R^"860.2:","860.22:3",2,"E" ;;D^CLOZAPINE APPROPRIATENESS ;;R^"860.2:","860.22:3",6,"E" ;;D^WBC between 3.0 and 3.5 with ANC >= 1.5 - please repeat CBC/Diff including WBC and ANC immediately and twice weekly. Most recent results - |CLOZ LAB RSLTS| ;;R^"860.2:","860.22:4",.01,"E" ;;D^4 ;;R^"860.2:","860.22:4",1,"E" ;;D^CLOZAPINE AND 1.5 <= ANC < 2.0 ;;R^"860.2:","860.22:4",2,"E" ;;D^CLOZAPINE APPROPRIATENESS ;;R^"860.2:","860.22:4",6,"E" ;;D^ANC between 1.5 and 2.0 - please repeat CBC/Diff including WBC and ANC immediately and twice weekly. Most recent results - |CLOZ LAB RSLTS| ;;EOR^ ;;EOF^OCXS(860.2)^1 ;1; ;