PSS1P126 ;SMT - PSS*1*126 POST INSTALL ; 8/21/07 10:48am ;;1.0; PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT;**126**; 4/26/07;Build 11 ; ;This routine will send mail to anyone holding the "PSNMGR" key ; as well as the installing user, a list of drugs whos DEA code ; is subject to change as the result of PSS*1*126 and PSO*7*206 ; DEA code changes. ; EN N XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMTEXT,DIFROM,XMY,X,CNT,OP,SPC,Y,VAR S X=0,CNT=8 F S X=$O(^PSDRUG(X)) Q:'X I $G(^PSDRUG(X,0))]"",($P(^PSDRUG(X,0),"^",3)["3A")!($P(^PSDRUG(X,0),"^",3)["4A")!($P(^PSDRUG(X,0),"^",3)["5A") D S CNT=CNT+1 .S SPC(0)=X,SPC(10)=$P(^PSDRUG(X,0),"^") .S (Y,VAR)="" F S Y=$O(SPC(Y)) Q:Y="" F Q:$L($G(VAR))>Y S:$L($G(VAR))