ZVEMSF6 ;DJB,VSHL**DIK,DIPZ,DIR,DIS [12/4/95 7:07pm] ;;12;VPE;;COPYRIGHT David Bolduc @1993 ; DIK ;;; ;;; D I K Entry Deletion and File Reindexing ;;; ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: ^DIK ;;; Delete an entry. Doesn't update pointers to deleted entries. ;;; It does execute all cross references and triggers. ;;; ;;; 2. INPUT VARIABLES ;;; DIK......Global root. ;;; DA.......Entry number you wish to delete. ;;; DA(1)....Needed when deleting at a lower level. ;;; ;;; Examples: S DIK="^EMP(",DA=7 D ^DIK ;;; S DA(1)=1,DA=2,DIK="^EMP("_DA(1)_",""SX""," D ^DIK ;;; S DIK="^EMP(" F DA=2,9,11 D ^DIK ;;; ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: ENALL^DIK ;;; Reindexes all entries in a file or subfile. ;;; Executes only the SET logic. ;;; ;;; 2. INPUT VARIABLES ;;; DIK......Global root. ;;; DIK(1)...Field number or Field number and specific cross reference ;;; separated by up-arrow. ;;; S DIK(1)=.01 -or- S DIK(1)=".01^B^C" ;;; DA(1)....Needed when reindexing at a lower level. ;;; ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: EN^DIK ;;; Reindexes a single field in a file or subfile, for one entry. ;;; Executes KILL and SET logic. ;;; Needs DIK,DA,DA(1),DIK(1). ;;; ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: EN1^DIK ;;; Reindexes a single field in a file or subfile, for one entry. ;;; Executes only the SET logic. ;;; Needs DIK,DA,DA(1),DIK(1). ;;; ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: IXALL^DIK ;;; Reindexes all cross references for all entries. ;;; Executes only the SET logic. ;;; Needs DIK. ;;; ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: IX^DIK ;;; Reindexes all cross references for only one entry. ;;; Executes KILL and SET logic. ;;; Needs DIK,DA,DA(1). ;;; ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: IX1^DIK ;;; Reindexes all cross references for only one entry. ;;; Executes only the SET logic. ;;; Needs DIK,DA,DA(1). ;;;*** DIPZ ;;; ;;; D I P Z Print Template Compilation ;;; ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: ^DIPZ ;;; A DIPZ-compiled routine may be called by any program that passes to ;;; it DT,DUZ,IOSL,U, and D0 (entry number). Variable DXS must be killed ;;; before and after the call. ;;; ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: EN^DIPZ ;;; Recompile an input template without user intervention. ;;; ;;; 2. INPUT VARIABLES ;;; X.......Routine name. ;;; Y.......The internal entry number of template. ;;; DMAX....Maximum size of compiled routines. ;;;*** DIR ;;; ;;; D I R Reader ;;; ;;; Refer to the VA Fileman Programmer's Manual. ;;;*** DIS ;;; ;;; D I S Search File Entries ;;; ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: EN^DIS ;;; Calls the Search File Entries option of VA Fileman. Needs DT and DUZ. ;;; ;;; 2. INPUT VARIABLES ;;; DIC.....Global root or file number. ;;;***