VEPERI6 ;DAOU/WCJ - Interface Utilities ;2-MAY-2005 ;;1.0;VOEB;;Jun 12, 2005 ;;;VISTA OFFICE/EHR; ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ;**Program Description** ; Interface Utilities ; Log Error Q ; Save errors to error file. ; ERRFLAG - 0 just log ; 1 log and stop processing ; ERRTYP - grouping for reporting prpose ; ERRMSG - free text error ; HL7PTR - Points to the original message in file 772 ; HLP - Parsed HL7 message ; FATALERR(ERRFLAG,ERRTYP,ERRMSG,HL7PTR,HLP) ; ; N NAME,FI,HL7DT S NAME=$$GETDATA^VEPERI3("PID",1000,6) S FI=$$GETDATA^VEPERI3("PID",1000,3) S HL7DT=$$GETDATA^VEPERI3("MSH",1000,6) S:'$D(HL7PTR) HL7PTR="" ; N ERRDT,DIC,X,DIE,Y,DA,DR ; S ERRDT=""""_$$NOW^XLFDT_"""" S DIC="^VEPER(19904.2,",DIC(0)="L",X=ERRDT D ^DIC S DIE=DIC,DA=+Y K DR S DR=".02///^S X=NAME;.03////"_HL7PTR_";.04////"_FI_";.05////"_ERRTYP_";.06////"_HL7DT_";1.01////"_ERRMSG D ^DIE Q ERRFLAG_U_ERRTYP_U_ERRMSG